The left lifting property is stable under transfinite composition #
In this file, we show that if W : MorphismProperty C
, then J
, i.e.
the class of morphisms which have the left lifting property with
respect to W
is stable under transfinite composition.
The main technical lemma is
It corresponds to the particular case W
contains only one morphism p : X ⟶ Y
it shows that a transfinite composition of morphisms that have the left
lifting property with respect to p
also has the left lifting property
with respect to p
About the proof, given a colimit cocone c
for a well-order-continuous
functor F : J ⥤ C
from a well-ordered type J
, we introduce a projective
system sqFunctor c p f g : Jᵒᵖ ⥤ Type _
which associates to any j : J
the structure SqStruct c p f g j
which consists of those morphisms f'
which makes the diagram below commute. The data of such compatible f'
all j
shall give the expected lifting ⟶ X
for the outer square.
F.obj ⊥ --> X
| Λ |
| f'╱ |
v ╱ |
F.obj j | p
| |
| |
v g v ---> Y
This is constructed by transfinite induction on j
- When
j = ⊥
, this isf
; - In order to pass from
toOrder.succ j
, we use the assumption thatF.obj j ⟶ F.obj (Order.succ j)
has the left lifting property with respect top
; - When
is a limit element, we use the "continuity" ofF
Given a cocone c
for a functor F : J ⥤ C
from a well-ordered type,
and maps p : X ⟶ Y
, f : F.obj ⊥ ⟶ X
, g : ⟶ Y
, this structure
contains the data of a map F.obj j ⟶ X
such that (homOfLE bot_le) ≫ f' = f
and f' ≫ p = c.ι.app j ≫ g
. (This implies that the outer square below
commutes, see SqStruct.w
F.obj ⊥ --> X
| Λ |
| f'╱ |
v ╱ |
F.obj j | p
| |
| |
v g v ---> Y
a morphism
F.obj j ⟶ X
Instances For
Given sq' : SqStruct c p f g j
, this is the commutative square
F.obj j --------------------> X
| |
| |p
v g v
F.obj (succ j) ---> ---> Y
(Using the lifting property for this square is the key ingredient
in the proof that the left lifting property with respect to p
is stable under transfinite composition.)
Auxiliary definition for sqFunctor
- sq'.map α = { f' := CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp ( α) sq'.f', w₁ := ⋯, w₂ := ⋯ }
Instances For
The projective system j ↦ SqStruct c p f g j.unop
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Auxiliary definition for transfiniteComposition.wellOrderInductionData
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
Auxiliary definition for transfiniteComposition.wellOrderInductionData
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The projective system sqFunctor c p f g
has a WellOrderInductionData
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.