Rank of various constructions #
Main statements #
:rank M/N + rank N ≤ rank M
:rank M × N ≤ rank M + rank N
:rank (span s) ≤ #s
for finites
For free modules, we have
:rank M × N = rank M + rank N
:rank (ι →₀ M) = #ι * rank M
:rank (⨁ Mᵢ) = ∑ rank Mᵢ
:rank (M ⊗ N) = rank M * rank N
Lemmas for ranks of submodules and subalgebras are also provided. We have finrank variants for most lemmas as well.
Alias of LinearIndependent.sumElim_of_quotient
Alias of LinearIndepOn.union_id_of_quotient
The dimension of a quotient is bounded by the dimension of the ambient space.
If M
and M'
are free, then the rank of M × M'
(Module.rank R M).lift + (Module.rank R M').lift
If M
and M'
are free (and lie in the same universe), the rank of M × M'
(Module.rank R M) + (Module.rank R M')
The finrank of M × M'
is (finrank R M) + (finrank R M')
The rank of (ι →₀ R)
is (#ι).lift
If R
and ι
lie in the same universe, the rank of (ι →₀ R)
is # ι
The rank of the direct sum is the sum of the ranks.
If m
and n
are finite, the rank of m × n
matrices over a module M
(#m).lift * (#n).lift * rank R M
If m
and n
are finite and lie in the same universe, the rank of m × n
matrices over a
module M
is (#m * #n).lift * rank R M
If m
and n
are finite, the rank of m × n
matrices is (#m).lift * (#n).lift
If m
and n
are finite and lie in the same universe, the rank of m × n
matrices is
(#n * #m).lift
If m
and n
are finite and lie in the same universe as R
, the rank of m × n
is # m * # n
The finrank of (ι →₀ R)
is Fintype.card ι
The finrank of the direct sum is the sum of the finranks.
If m
and n
are Fintype
, the finrank of m × n
matrices over a module M
(Fintype.card m) * (Fintype.card n) * finrank R M
The rank of a finite product of free modules is the sum of the ranks.
The finrank of (ι → R)
is Fintype.card ι
The finrank of a finite product is the sum of the finranks.
The vector space of functions on a Fintype ι
has finrank equal to the cardinality of ι
The vector space of functions on Fin n
has finrank equal to n
An n
-dimensional R
-vector space is equivalent to Fin n → R
Instances For
The S
-rank of M ⊗[R] M'
is (Module.rank S M).lift * (Module.rank R M').lift
If M
and M'
lie in the same universe, the S
-rank of M ⊗[R] M'
(Module.rank S M) * (Module.rank R M')
The S
-finrank of M ⊗[R] M'
is (finrank S M) * (finrank R M')
The dimension of a submodule is bounded by the dimension of the ambient space.
Pushforwards of finite submodules have a smaller finrank.
Alias of Submodule.finrank_mono
The rank of a set of vectors as a natural number.
- Set.finrank R s = Module.finrank R ↥(Submodule.span R s)