

Dirichlet's Theorem on primes in arithmetic progression #

The goal of this file is to prove Dirichlet's Theorem: If q is a positive natural number and a : ZMod q is invertible, then there are infinitely many prime numbers p such that (p : ZMod q) = a.

The main steps of the proof are as follows.

  1. Define ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt.residueClass a for a : ZMod q, which is a function ℕ → ℝ taking the value zero when (n : ℤMod q) ≠ a and Λ n else (where Λ is the von Mangoldt function ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt; we have Λ (p^k) = log p for prime powers and Λ n = 0 otherwise.)
  2. Show that this function can be written as a linear combination of functions of the form χ * Λ (pointwise product) with Dirichlet characters χ mod q. See ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt.residueClass_eq.
  3. This implies that the L-series of ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt.residueClass a agrees (on re s > 1) with the corresponding linear combination of negative logarithmic derivatives of Dirichlet L-functions. See ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt.LSeries_residueClass_eq.
  4. Define an auxiliary function ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt.LFunctionResidueClassAux a that is this linear combination of negative logarithmic derivatives of L-functions minus (q.totient)⁻¹/(s-1), which cancels the pole at s = 1. See ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt.eqOn_LFunctionResidueClassAux for the statement that the auxiliary function agrees with the L-series of ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt.residueClass up to the term (q.totient)⁻¹/(s-1).
  5. Show that the auxiliary function is continuous on re s ≥ 1; see ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt.continuousOn_LFunctionResidueClassAux. This relies heavily on the non-vanishing of Dirichlet L-functions on the closed half-plane re s ≥ 1 (DirichletCharacter.LFunction_ne_zero_of_one_le_re), which in turn can only be stated since we know that the L-series of a Dirichlet character extends to an entire function (unless the character is trivial; then there is a simple pole at s = 1); see DirichletCharacter.LFunction_eq_LSeries (contributed by David Loeffler).
  6. Show that the sum of Λ n / n over any residue class, but excluding the primes, converges. See ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt.summable_residueClass_non_primes_div.
  7. Combining these ingredients, we can deduce that the sum of Λ n / n over the primes in a residue class must diverge. See ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt.not_summable_residueClass_prime_div.
  8. This finally easily implies that there must be infinitely many primes in the residue class.

Definitions #

Main Result #

We give two versions of Dirichlet's Theorem:

Tags #

prime number, arithmetic progression, residue class, Dirichlet's Theorem

Auxiliary statements #

An infinite product or sum over a function supported in prime powers can be written as an iterated product or sum over primes and natural numbers.

theorem tprod_eq_tprod_primes_of_mulSupport_subset_prime_powers {α : Type u_1} [CommGroup α] [UniformSpace α] [UniformGroup α] [CompleteSpace α] [T0Space α] {f : α} (hfm : Multipliable f) (hf : Function.mulSupport f {n : | IsPrimePow n}) :
∏' (n : ), f n = ∏' (p : Nat.Primes) (k : ), f (p ^ (k + 1))
theorem tsum_eq_tsum_primes_of_support_subset_prime_powers {α : Type u_1} [AddCommGroup α] [UniformSpace α] [UniformAddGroup α] [CompleteSpace α] [T0Space α] {f : α} (hfm : Summable f) (hf : f {n : | IsPrimePow n}) :
∑' (n : ), f n = ∑' (p : Nat.Primes) (k : ), f (p ^ (k + 1))
theorem tprod_eq_tprod_primes_mul_tprod_primes_of_mulSupport_subset_prime_powers {α : Type u_1} [CommGroup α] [UniformSpace α] [UniformGroup α] [CompleteSpace α] [T0Space α] {f : α} (hfm : Multipliable f) (hf : Function.mulSupport f {n : | IsPrimePow n}) :
∏' (n : ), f n = (∏' (p : Nat.Primes), f p) * ∏' (p : Nat.Primes) (k : ), f (p ^ (k + 2))
theorem tsum_eq_tsum_primes_add_tsum_primes_of_support_subset_prime_powers {α : Type u_1} [AddCommGroup α] [UniformSpace α] [UniformAddGroup α] [CompleteSpace α] [T0Space α] {f : α} (hfm : Summable f) (hf : f {n : | IsPrimePow n}) :
∑' (n : ), f n = ∑' (p : Nat.Primes), f p + ∑' (p : Nat.Primes) (k : ), f (p ^ (k + 2))

The L-series of the von Mangoldt function restricted to a residue class #

@[reducible, inline]
noncomputable abbrev ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt.residueClass {q : } (a : ZMod q) :

The von Mangoldt function restricted to the residue class a mod q.

Instances For

    The set we are interested in (prime numbers in the residue class a) is the same as the support of ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt.residueClass restricted to primes (and divided by n; this is how this result is used later).

    The function n ↦ Λ n / n, restricted to non-primes in a residue class, is summable. This is used to convert results on ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt.residueClass to results on primes in an arithmetic progression.

    theorem ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt.residueClass_apply {q : } {a : ZMod q} [NeZero q] (ha : IsUnit a) (n : ) :
    (residueClass a n) = (↑q.totient)⁻¹ * χ : DirichletCharacter q, χ a⁻¹ * χ n * (vonMangoldt n)

    We can express ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt.residueClass as a linear combination of twists of the von Mangoldt function by Dirichlet characters.

    theorem ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt.residueClass_eq {q : } {a : ZMod q} [NeZero q] (ha : IsUnit a) :
    (fun (n : ) => (residueClass a n)) = (↑q.totient)⁻¹ χ : DirichletCharacter q, χ a⁻¹ fun (n : ) => χ n * (vonMangoldt n)

    We can express ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt.residueClass as a linear combination of twists of the von Mangoldt function by Dirichlet characters.

    theorem ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt.LSeries_residueClass_eq {q : } {a : ZMod q} [NeZero q] (ha : IsUnit a) {s : } (hs : 1 < :

    The L-series of the von Mangoldt function restricted to the residue class a mod q with a invertible in ZMod q is a linear combination of logarithmic derivatives of L-functions of the Dirichlet characters mod q (on re s > 1).

    @[reducible, inline]
    noncomputable abbrev ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt.LFunctionResidueClassAux {q : } (a : ZMod q) [NeZero q] (s : ) :

    The auxiliary function used, e.g., with the Wiener-Ikehara Theorem to prove Dirichlet's Theorem. On re s > 1, it agrees with the L-series of the von Mangoldt function restricted to the residue class a : ZMod q minus the principal part (q.totient)⁻¹/(s-1) of the pole at s = 1; see ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt.eqOn_LFunctionResidueClassAux.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For

      The auxiliary function is continuous away from the zeros of the L-functions of the Dirichlet characters mod q (including at s = 1).

      The L-series of the von Mangoldt function restricted to the prime residue class a mod q is continuous on re s ≥ 1 except for a simple pole at s = 1 with residue (q.totient)⁻¹. The statement as given here in terms of ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt.LFunctionResidueClassAux is equivalent.

      theorem ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt.eqOn_LFunctionResidueClassAux {q : } {a : ZMod q} [NeZero q] (ha : IsUnit a) :
      Set.EqOn (LFunctionResidueClassAux a) (fun (s : ) => LSeries (fun (n : ) => (residueClass a n)) s - (↑q.totient)⁻¹ / (s - 1)) {s : | 1 <}

      The auxiliary function agrees on re s > 1 with the L-series of the von Mangoldt function restricted to the residue class a : ZMod q minus the principal part (q.totient)⁻¹/(s-1) of its pole at s = 1.

      The auxiliary function takes real values for real arguments x > 1.

      theorem ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt.LSeries_residueClass_lower_bound {q : } [NeZero q] {a : ZMod q} (ha : IsUnit a) :
      ∃ (C : ), ∀ {x : }, x Set.Ioc 1 2(↑q.totient)⁻¹ / (x - 1) - C ∑' (n : ), residueClass a n / n ^ x

      As x approaches 1 from the right along the real axis, the L-series of ArithmeticFunction.vonMangoldt.residueClass is bounded below by (q.totient)⁻¹/(x-1) - C.

      The function n ↦ Λ n / n restricted to primes in an invertible residue class is not summable. This then implies that there must be infinitely many such primes.

      Dirichlet's Theorem #

      theorem Nat.setOf_prime_and_eq_mod_infinite {q : } [NeZero q] {a : ZMod q} (ha : IsUnit a) :
      {p : | Prime p p = a}.Infinite

      Dirichlet's Theorem on primes in arithmetic progression: if q is a positive integer and a : ZMod q is a unit, then there are infinitely many prime numbers p such that (p : ZMod q) = a.

      theorem Nat.forall_exists_prime_gt_and_eq_mod {q : } [NeZero q] {a : ZMod q} (ha : IsUnit a) (n : ) :
      p > n, Prime p p = a

      Dirichlet's Theorem on primes in arithmetic progression: if q is a positive integer and a : ZMod q is a unit, then there are infinitely many prime numbers p such that (p : ZMod q) = a.