House of an algebraic number #
This file defines the house of an algebraic number α
, which is
the largest of the modulus of its conjugates.
References #
- [D. Marcus, Number Fields][marcus1977number]
- Hua, L.-K., Introduction to number theory
Tagshouse #
number field, algebraic number, house
The house of an algebraic number as the norm of its image by the canonical embedding.
Instances For
The house is the largest of the modulus of the conjugates of an algebraic number.
{K : Type u_1}
[Field K]
[NumberField K]
{ι : Type u_2}
(s : Finset ι)
(α : ι → K)
(K : Type u_1)
[Field K]
[NumberField K]
[DecidableEq (K →+* ℂ)]
(α : RingOfIntegers K)
(i : K →+* ℂ)
Complex.abs ↑((((integralBasis K).reindex (equivReindex K).symm).repr ↑α) i) ≤✝ K * house ((algebraMap (RingOfIntegers K) K) α)
(K : Type u_1)
[Field K]
[NumberField K]
{α : Type u_2}
{β : Type u_3}
(a : Matrix α β (RingOfIntegers K))
(ha : a ≠ 0)
{p q : ℕ}
(h0p : 0 < p)
(hpq : p < q)
[Fintype β]
(cardβ : Fintype.card β = q)
{A : ℝ}
(habs : ∀ (k : α) (l : β), house ((algebraMap (RingOfIntegers K) K) (a k l)) ≤ A)
[DecidableEq (K →+* ℂ)]
[Fintype α]
(cardα : Fintype.card α = p)
There exists a "small" non-zero algebraic integral solution of an non-trivial underdetermined system of linear equations with algebraic integer coefficients.