Canonical embedding of a number field #
The canonical embedding of a number field K
of degree n
is the ring homomorphism
K →+* ℂ^n
that sends x ∈ K
to (φ_₁(x),...,φ_n(x))
where the φ_i
's are the complex
embeddings of K
. Note that we do not choose an ordering of the embeddings, but instead map K
into the type (K →+* ℂ) → ℂ
of ℂ
-vectors indexed by the complex embeddings.
Main definitions and results #
: the ring homomorphismK →+* ((K →+* ℂ) → ℂ)
defined by sendingx : K
to the vector(φ x)
indexed byφ : K →+* ℂ
: the intersection of the image of the ring of integers by the canonical embedding and any ball centered at0
of finite radius is finite.NumberField.mixedEmbedding
: the ring homomorphism fromK
to the mixed spaceK →+* ({ w // IsReal w } → ℝ) × ({ w // IsComplex w } → ℂ)
that sendsx ∈ K
to(φ_w x)_w
is the embedding associated to the infinite placew
. In particular, ifw
is real thenφ_w : K →+* ℝ
and, ifw
is complex,φ_w
is an arbitrary choice between the two complex embeddings defining the placew
Tags #
number field, infinite places
The canonical embedding of a number field K
of degree n
into ℂ^n
- NumberField.canonicalEmbedding K = Pi.ringHom fun (φ : K →+* ℂ) => φ
Instances For
The image of canonicalEmbedding
lives in the ℝ
-submodule of the x ∈ ((K →+* ℂ) → ℂ)
that conj x_φ = x_(conj φ)
for all ∀ φ : K →+* ℂ
The image of 𝓞 K
as a subring of ℂ^n
Instances For
-basis of ℂ^n
that is also a ℤ
-basis of the integerLattice
Instances For
The mixed space ℝ^r₁ × ℂ^r₂
with (r₁, r₂)
the signature of K
Instances For
The mixed embedding of a number field K
into the mixed space of K
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Instances For
Alias of NumberField.mixedEmbedding.mixedEmbedding_apply_isReal
Alias of NumberField.mixedEmbedding.mixedEmbedding_apply_isComplex
The set of points in the mixedSpace that are equal to 0
at a fixed (real) place has
volume zero.
The linear map that makes canonicalEmbedding
and mixedEmbedding
commute, see
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Instances For
This is a technical result to ensure that the image of the ℂ
-basis of ℂ^n
defined in
is a ℝ
-basis of the mixed space ℝ^r₁ × ℂ^r₂
see mixedEmbedding.latticeBasis
The norm at the infinite place w
of an element of the mixed space
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Instances For
Alias of NumberField.mixedEmbedding.normAtPlace_apply_of_isReal
Alias of NumberField.mixedEmbedding.normAtPlace_apply_of_isComplex
Alias of NumberField.mixedEmbedding.forall_normAtPlace_eq_zero_iff
The norm of x
is ∏ w, (normAtPlace x) ^ mult w
. It is defined such that the norm of
mixedEmbedding K a
for a : K
is equal to the absolute value of the norm of a
over ℚ
see norm_eq_norm
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Instances For
The ℝ
-basis of the mixed space of K
formed by the vector equal to 1
at w
and 0
elsewhere for IsReal w
and by the couple of vectors equal to 1
(resp. I
) at w
and 0
elsewhere for IsComplex w
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Instances For
Alias of NumberField.mixedEmbedding.stdBasis_apply_isComplex_fst
Alias of NumberField.mixedEmbedding.stdBasis_apply_isComplex_snd
The Equiv
between index K
and K →+* ℂ
defined by sending a real infinite place w
the unique corresponding embedding w.embedding
, and the pair ⟨w, 0⟩
(resp. ⟨w, 1⟩
) for a
complex infinite place w
to w.embedding
(resp. conjugate w.embedding
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Instances For
Alias of NumberField.mixedEmbedding.indexEquiv_apply_isReal
Alias of NumberField.mixedEmbedding.indexEquiv_apply_isComplex_fst
Alias of NumberField.mixedEmbedding.indexEquiv_apply_isComplex_snd
The matrix that gives the representation on stdBasis
of the image by commMap
of an
element x
of (K →+* ℂ) → ℂ
fixed by the map x_φ ↦ conj x_(conjugate φ)
see stdBasis_repr_eq_matrixToStdBasis_mul
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Instances For
Let x : (K →+* ℂ) → ℂ
such that x_φ = conj x_(conj φ)
for all φ : K →+* ℂ
, then the
representation of commMap K x
on stdBasis
is given (up to reindexing) by the product of
by x
The image of the ring of integers of K
in the mixed space.
Instances For
-basis of the mixed space that is also a ℤ
-basis of the image of 𝓞 K
Instances For
The image of the fractional ideal I
in the mixed space.
Instances For
The generalized index of the lattice generated by I
in the lattice generated by
is equal to the norm of the ideal I
. The result is stated in terms of base change
determinant and is the translation of NumberField.det_basisOfFractionalIdeal_eq_absNorm
the mixed space. This is useful, in particular, to prove that the family obtained from
the ℤ
-basis of I
is actually an ℝ
-basis of the mixed space, see
-basis of the mixed space of K
that is also a ℤ
-basis of the image of the fractional
ideal I
- NumberField.mixedEmbedding.fractionalIdealLatticeBasis K I = (let_fun this := ⋯; ⋯ ⋯).reindex (Fintype.equivOfCardEq ⋯)
Instances For
The mixed space ℝ^r₁ × ℂ^r₂
, with (r₁, r₂)
the signature of K
, as an Euclidean space.
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Instances For
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The continuous linear equivalence between the euclidean mixed space and the mixed space.
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Instances For
An orthonormal basis of the euclidean mixed space.
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Instances For
The image of ring of integers 𝓞 K
in the euclidean mixed space.
Instances For
Let s
be a set of real places, define the continuous linear equiv of the mixed space that
swaps sign at places in s
and leaves the rest unchanged.
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Instances For
Alias of NumberField.mixedEmbedding.negAt_apply_isReal_and_mem
Alias of NumberField.mixedEmbedding.negAt_apply_isReal_and_not_mem
Alias of NumberField.mixedEmbedding.negAt_apply_norm_isReal
Alias of NumberField.mixedEmbedding.negAt_apply_norm_isReal
preserves the volume .
preserves normAtPlace
For x : mixedSpace K
, the set signSet x
is the set of real places w
s.t. x w ≤ 0
Instances For
Alias of NumberField.mixedEmbedding.negAt_signSet_apply_isReal
Alias of NumberField.mixedEmbedding.negAt_signSet_apply_isComplex
The plusPart
of a subset A
of the mixedSpace
is the set of points in A
that are
positive at all real places.
- NumberField.mixedEmbedding.plusPart A = A ∩ {x : NumberField.mixedEmbedding.mixedSpace K | ∀ (w : { w : NumberField.InfinitePlace K // w.IsReal }), 0 < x.1 w}
Instances For
Assume that A
is symmetric at real places then, the union of the images of plusPart
by negAt
and of the set of elements of A
that are zero at at least one real place
is equal to A
The image of the plusPart
of A
by negAt
have all the same volume as plusPart A
If a subset A
of the mixedSpace
is symmetric at real places, then its volume is
2^ nrRealPlaces K
times the volume of its plusPart
The realSpace
associated to a number field K
is the real vector space indexed by the
infinite places of K
Instances For
The set of points in the realSpace
that are equal to 0
at a fixed place has volume zero.
The continuous linear map from realSpace K
to mixedSpace K
which is the identity at real
places and the natural map ℝ → ℂ
at complex places.
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Instances For
The map from the mixedSpace K
to realSpace K
that sends the values at complex places
to their norm.
- NumberField.mixedEmbedding.normAtComplexPlaces x w = if hw : w.IsReal then x.1 ⟨w, hw⟩ else (NumberField.mixedEmbedding.normAtPlace w) x
Instances For
The map from the mixedSpace K
to realSpace K
that sends each component to its norm.