Hensel's lemma on ℤ_p #
This file proves Hensel's lemma on ℤ_p, roughly following Keith Conrad's writeup: http://www.math.uconn.edu/~kconrad/blurbs/gradnumthy/hensel.pdf
Hensel's lemma gives a simple condition for the existence of a root of a polynomial.
The proof and motivation are described in the paper R. Y. Lewis, A formal proof of Hensel's lemma over the p-adic integers.
References #
- http://www.math.uconn.edu/~kconrad/blurbs/gradnumthy/hensel.pdf
- R. Y. Lewis, A formal proof of Hensel's lemma over the p-adic integers
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hensel%27s_lemma
Tags #
p-adic, p adic, padic, p-adic integer
{p : ℕ}
[Fact (Nat.Prime p)]
{ncs : CauSeq ℤ_[p] norm}
{F : Polynomial ℤ_[p]}
(hnorm : Filter.Tendsto (fun (i : ℕ) => ‖Polynomial.eval (↑ncs i) F‖) Filter.atTop (nhds 0))
{p : ℕ}
[Fact (Nat.Prime p)]
{F : Polynomial ℤ_[p]}
{a : ℤ_[p]}
(hnorm : ‖Polynomial.eval a F‖ < ‖Polynomial.eval a (Polynomial.derivative F)‖ ^ 2)
∃ (z : ℤ_[p]),
Polynomial.eval z F = 0 ∧ ‖z - a‖ < ‖Polynomial.eval a (Polynomial.derivative F)‖ ∧ ‖Polynomial.eval z (Polynomial.derivative F)‖ = ‖Polynomial.eval a (Polynomial.derivative F)‖ ∧ ∀ (z' : ℤ_[p]), Polynomial.eval z' F = 0 → ‖z' - a‖ < ‖Polynomial.eval a (Polynomial.derivative F)‖ → z' = z