Making a sequence disjoint #
This file defines the way to make a sequence of sets - or, more generally, a map from a partially
ordered type ι
into a (generalized) Boolean algebra α
- into a pairwise disjoint sequence with
the same partial sups.
For a sequence f : ℕ → α
, this new sequence will be f 0
, f 1 \ f 0
, f 2 \ (f 0 ⊔ f 1) ⋯
It is actually unique, as disjointed_unique
Main declarations #
disjointed f
: The map sendingi
tof i \ (⨆ j < i, f j)
. We require the index type to be aLocallyFiniteOrderBot
to ensure that the supremum is well defined.partialSups_disjointed
:disjointed f
has the same partial sups asf
: The elements ofdisjointed f
are pairwise disjoint.disjointed_unique
:disjointed f
is the only pairwise disjoint sequence having the same partial sups asf
(for finiteι
) oriSup_disjointed
(for completeα
):disjointed f
has the same supremum asf
. Limiting case ofpartialSups_disjointed
: for any finite familyf : ι → α
, there exists a pairwise disjoint familyg : ι → α
which is bounded above byf
and has the same supremum. This is an analogue ofdisjointed
for arbitrary finite index types (but without any uniqueness).
We also provide set notation variants of some lemmas.
The function mapping i
to f i \ (⨆ j < i, f j)
. When ι
is a partial order, this is the
unique function g
having the same partialSups
as f
and such that g i
and g j
disjoint whenever i < j
- disjointed f i = f i \ (Finset.Iio i).sup f
Instances For
An induction principle for disjointed
. To prove something about disjointed f i
, it's
enough to prove it for f i
and being able to extend through diffs.
disjointed f
is the unique map d : ι → α
such that d
has the same partial sups as f
and d i
and d j
are disjoint whenever i < j
Linear orders #
disjointed f
is the unique sequence that is pairwise disjoint and has the same partial sups
as f
Note this lemma does not require ¬IsMax i
, unlike disjointed_succ
Functions on an arbitrary fintype #
For any finite family of elements f : ι → α
, we can find a pairwise-disjoint family g
bounded above by f
and having the same supremum. This is non-canonical, depending on an arbitrary
choice of ordering of ι
Complete Boolean algebras #
Lemmas specific to set-valued functions #
Functions on ℕ
(See also Mathlib.Algebra.Order.Disjointed
for results with more algebra pre-requsisites.)