Finiteness conditions in commutative algebra #
In this file we define several notions of finiteness that are common in commutative algebra.
Main declarations #
all of these express that some object is finitely generated as module over some base ring.Algebra.FiniteType
all of these express that some object is finitely generated as algebra over some base ring.Algebra.FinitePresentation
all of these express that some object is finitely presented as algebra over some base ring.
An algebra over a commutative semiring is Algebra.FinitePresentation
if it is the quotient of
a polynomial ring in n
variables by a finitely generated ideal.
- out : ∃ (n : ℕ) (f : MvPolynomial (Fin n) R →ₐ[R] A), Function.Surjective ⇑f ∧ (RingHom.ker f.toRingHom).FG
A finitely presented algebra is of finite type.
An algebra over a Noetherian ring is finitely generated if and only if it is finitely presented.
The ring of polynomials in finitely many variables is finitely presented.
is finitely presented as R
is finitely presented as R
The quotient of a finitely presented algebra by a finitely generated ideal is finitely presented.
If f : A →ₐ[R] B
is surjective with finitely generated kernel and A
is finitely presented,
then so is B
An algebra is finitely presented if and only if it is a quotient of a polynomial ring whose variables are indexed by a fintype by a finitely generated ideal.
If A
is a finitely presented R
-algebra, then MvPolynomial (Fin n) A
is finitely presented
as R
If A
is an R
-algebra and S
is an A
-algebra, both finitely presented, then S
finitely presented as R
This is used to prove the strictly stronger ker_fg_of_surjective
. Use it instead.
If f : A →ₐ[R] B
is a surjection between finitely-presented R
-algebras, then the kernel of
is finitely generated.
A ring morphism A →+* B
is of RingHom.FinitePresentation
if B
is finitely presented as
Instances For
Induction principle for finitely presented ring homomorphisms.
For a property to hold for all finitely presented ring homs, it suffices for it to hold for
Polynomial.C : R → R[X]
, surjective ring homs with finitely generated kernels, and to be closed
under composition.
Note that to state this conveniently for ring homs between rings of different universes, we carry
around two predicates P
and Q
, which should be "the same" apart from universes:
, for ring homs(R : Type u) → (S : Type u)
, for ring homs(R : Type u) → (S : Type v)
An algebra morphism A →ₐ[R] B
is of AlgHom.FinitePresentation
if it is of finite
presentation as ring morphism. In other words, if B
is finitely presented as A