Lasker ring #
Main declarations #
: A ringR
satisfiesIsLasker R
when anyI : Ideal R
can be decomposed into finitely many primary ideals.IsLasker.minimal
: AnyI : Ideal R
in a ringR
satisfyingIsLasker R
can be decomposed into primary ideals, such that the decomposition is minimal: each primary ideal is necessary, and each primary ideal has an independent radical.Ideal.isLasker
: Every Noetherian commutative ring is a Lasker ring.
Implementation details #
There is a generalization for submodules that needs to be implemented. Also, one needs to prove that the radicals of minimal decompositions are independent of the precise decomposition.
{R : Type u_1}
[CommSemiring R]
[DecidableEq (Ideal R)]
{I : Ideal R}
{s : Finset (Ideal R)}
(hs : s.inf id = I)
(hs' : ∀ ⦃J : Ideal R⦄, J ∈ s → J.IsPrimary)
{R : Type u_1}
[CommSemiring R]
[DecidableEq (Ideal R)]
(h : IsLasker R)
(I : Ideal R)
{R : Type u_1}
[CommRing R]
[IsNoetherianRing R]
{I : Ideal R}
(h : InfIrred I)
The Lasker--Noether theorem: every ideal in a Noetherian ring admits a decomposition into primary ideals.