Roots of unity #
We define roots of unity in the context of an arbitrary commutative monoid, as a subgroup of the group of units.
Main definitions #
rootsOfUnity n M
, forn : ℕ
is the subgroup of the units of a commutative monoidM
consisting of elementsx
that satisfyx ^ n = 1
Main results #
: the roots of unity in an integral domain form a cyclic group.
Implementation details #
It is desirable that rootsOfUnity
is a subgroup,
and it will mainly be applied to rings (e.g. the ring of integers in a number field) and fields.
We therefore implement it as a subgroup of the units of a commutative monoid.
We have chosen to define rootsOfUnity n
for n : ℕ
and add a [NeZero n]
assumption when we need n
to be non-zero (which is the case for most interesting statements).
Note that rootsOfUnity 0 M
is the top subgroup of Mˣ
(as the condition ζ^0 = 1
satisfied for all units).
A variant of mem_rootsOfUnity
using ζ : M
Make an element of rootsOfUnity
from a member of the base ring, and a proof that it has
a positive power equal to one.
- rootsOfUnity.mkOfPowEq ζ h = ⟨Units.ofPowEqOne ζ n h ⋯, ⋯⟩
Instances For
The canonical isomorphism from the n
th roots of unity in Mˣ
to the n
th roots of unity in M
- rootsOfUnityUnitsMulEquiv M n = { toFun := fun (ζ : ↥(rootsOfUnity n Mˣ)) => ⟨↑↑ζ, ⋯⟩, invFun := fun (ζ : ↥(rootsOfUnity n M)) => ⟨toUnits ↑ζ, ⋯⟩, left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Restrict a ring homomorphism to the nth roots of unity.
- restrictRootsOfUnity σ n = { toFun := fun (ξ : ↥(rootsOfUnity n R)) => ⟨( ↑σ) ↑ξ, ⋯⟩, map_one' := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Restrict a monoid isomorphism to the nth roots of unity.
- σ.restrictRootsOfUnity n = { toFun := ⇑(restrictRootsOfUnity σ n), invFun := ⇑(restrictRootsOfUnity σ.symm n), left_inv := ⋯, right_inv := ⋯, map_mul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Equivalence between the k
-th roots of unity in R
and the k
-th roots of 1
This is implemented as equivalence of subtypes,
because rootsOfUnity
is a subgroup of the group of units,
whereas nthRoots
is a multiset.
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Instances For
- rootsOfUnity.fintype R k = Fintype.ofEquiv { x : R // x ∈ Polynomial.nthRoots k 1 } (rootsOfUnityEquivNthRoots R k).symm
The isomorphism from the group of group homomorphisms from a finite cyclic group G
of order
into another group G'
to the group of n
th roots of unity in G'
determined by a generator
of G
. It sends φ : G →* G'
to φ g
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Instances For
The group of group homomorphisms from a finite cyclic group G
of order n
into another
group G'
is (noncanonically) isomorphic to the group of n
th roots of unity in G'