Weak dual topology #
We continue in the setting of Mathlib.Topology.Algebra.Module.WeakBilin
which defines the weak topology given two vector spaces E
and F
over a commutative semiring
and a bilinear form B : E →ₗ[𝕜] F →ₗ[𝕜] 𝕜
. The weak topology on E
is the coarsest topology
such that for all y : F
every map fun x => B x y
is continuous.
In this file, we consider two special cases.
In the case that F = E →L[𝕜] 𝕜
and B
being the canonical pairing, we obtain the weak-* topology,
WeakDual 𝕜 E := (E →L[𝕜] 𝕜)
. Interchanging the arguments in the bilinear form yields the
weak topology WeakSpace 𝕜 E := E
Main definitions #
The main definitions are the types WeakDual 𝕜 E
and WeakSpace 𝕜 E
with the respective topology instances on it.
WeakDual 𝕜 E
is a type synonym forDual 𝕜 E
(when the latter is defined): both are equal to the typeE →L[𝕜] 𝕜
of continuous linear maps from a moduleE
to the ring𝕜
.- The instance
is the weak-* topology onWeakDual 𝕜 E
, i.e., the coarsest topology making the evaluation maps at allz : E
continuous. WeakSpace 𝕜 E
is a type synonym forE
(when the latter is defined).- The instance
is the weak topology onE
, i.e., the coarsest topology such that allv : dual 𝕜 E
remain continuous.
Notations #
No new notation is introduced.
References #
- [H. H. Schaefer, Topological Vector Spaces][schaefer1966]
Tags #
weak-star, weak dual, duality
The canonical pairing of a vector space and its topological dual.
Instances For
The weak star topology is the topology coarsest topology on E →L[𝕜] 𝕜
such that all
functionals fun v => v x
are continuous.
- WeakDual 𝕜 E = WeakBilin (topDualPairing 𝕜 E)
Instances For
If a monoid M
distributively continuously acts on 𝕜
and this action commutes with
multiplication on 𝕜
, then it acts on WeakDual 𝕜 E
If a monoid M
distributively continuously acts on 𝕜
and this action commutes with
multiplication on 𝕜
, then it acts distributively on WeakDual 𝕜 E
If 𝕜
is a topological module over a semiring R
and scalar multiplication commutes with the
multiplication on 𝕜
, then WeakDual 𝕜 E
is a module over R
If a monoid M
distributively continuously acts on 𝕜
and this action commutes with
multiplication on 𝕜
, then it continuously acts on WeakDual 𝕜 E
The weak topology is the topology coarsest topology on E
such that all functionals
fun x => v x
are continuous.
- WeakSpace 𝕜 E = WeakBilin (topDualPairing 𝕜 E).flip
Instances For
A continuous linear map from E
to F
is still continuous when E
and F
are equipped with
their weak topologies.
- WeakSpace.map f = { toLinearMap := ↑f, cont := ⋯ }
Instances For
There is a canonical map E → WeakSpace 𝕜 E
(the "identity"
mapping). It is a linear equivalence.
- toWeakSpace 𝕜 E = LinearEquiv.refl 𝕜 E
Instances For
For a topological vector space E
, "identity mapping" E → WeakSpace 𝕜 E
is continuous.
This definition implements it as a continuous linear map.
- toWeakSpaceCLM 𝕜 E = { toLinearMap := ↑(toWeakSpace 𝕜 E), cont := ⋯ }
Instances For
The canonical map from WeakSpace 𝕜 E
to E
is an open map.
A set in E
which is open in the weak topology is open.