Neighborhoods to the left and to the right on an OrderTopology
We've seen some properties of left and right neighborhood of a point in an OrderClosedTopology
In an OrderTopology
, such neighborhoods can be characterized as the sets containing suitable
intervals to the right or to the left of a
. We give now these characterizations.
The following statements are equivalent:
is a neighborhood ofa
within(a, +∞)
is a neighborhood ofa
within(a, b]
is a neighborhood ofa
within(a, b)
includes(a, u)
for someu ∈ (a, b]
includes(a, u)
for someu > a
Alias of TFAE_mem_nhdsGT
The following statements are equivalent:
is a neighborhood ofa
within(a, +∞)
is a neighborhood ofa
within(a, b]
is a neighborhood ofa
within(a, b)
includes(a, u)
for someu ∈ (a, b]
includes(a, u)
for someu > a
Alias of mem_nhdsGT_iff_exists_mem_Ioc_Ioo_subset
A set is a neighborhood of a
within (a, +∞)
if and only if it contains an interval (a, u)
with a < u < u'
, provided a
is not a top element.
Alias of mem_nhdsGT_iff_exists_Ioo_subset'
A set is a neighborhood of a
within (a, +∞)
if and only if it contains an interval (a, u)
with a < u < u'
, provided a
is not a top element.
Alias of nhdsGT_basis_of_exists_gt
Alias of nhdsGT_basis
Alias of nhdsGT_eq_bot_iff
A set is a neighborhood of a
within (a, +∞)
if and only if it contains an interval (a, u)
with a < u
Alias of mem_nhdsGT_iff_exists_Ioo_subset
A set is a neighborhood of a
within (a, +∞)
if and only if it contains an interval (a, u)
with a < u
The set of points which are isolated on the right is countable when the space is second-countable.
The set of points which are isolated on the left is countable when the space is second-countable.
A set is a neighborhood of a
within (a, +∞)
if and only if it contains an interval (a, u]
with a < u
Alias of mem_nhdsGT_iff_exists_Ioc_subset
A set is a neighborhood of a
within (a, +∞)
if and only if it contains an interval (a, u]
with a < u
The following statements are equivalent:
is a neighborhood ofb
within(-∞, b)
is a neighborhood ofb
within[a, b)
is a neighborhood ofb
within(a, b)
includes(l, b)
for somel ∈ [a, b)
includes(l, b)
for somel < b
Alias of TFAE_mem_nhdsLT
The following statements are equivalent:
is a neighborhood ofb
within(-∞, b)
is a neighborhood ofb
within[a, b)
is a neighborhood ofb
within(a, b)
includes(l, b)
for somel ∈ [a, b)
includes(l, b)
for somel < b
Alias of mem_nhdsLT_iff_exists_mem_Ico_Ioo_subset
A set is a neighborhood of a
within (-∞, a)
if and only if it contains an interval (l, a)
with l < a
, provided a
is not a bottom element.
Alias of mem_nhdsLT_iff_exists_Ioo_subset'
A set is a neighborhood of a
within (-∞, a)
if and only if it contains an interval (l, a)
with l < a
, provided a
is not a bottom element.
A set is a neighborhood of a
within (-∞, a)
if and only if it contains an interval (l, a)
with l < a
Alias of mem_nhdsLT_iff_exists_Ioo_subset
A set is a neighborhood of a
within (-∞, a)
if and only if it contains an interval (l, a)
with l < a
A set is a neighborhood of a
within (-∞, a)
if and only if it contains an interval [l, a)
with l < a
Alias of mem_nhdsLT_iff_exists_Ico_subset
A set is a neighborhood of a
within (-∞, a)
if and only if it contains an interval [l, a)
with l < a
Alias of nhdsLT_basis_of_exists_lt
Alias of nhdsLT_basis
Alias of nhdsLT_eq_bot_iff
The following statements are equivalent:
is a neighborhood ofa
within[a, +∞)
is a neighborhood ofa
within[a, b]
is a neighborhood ofa
within[a, b)
includes[a, u)
for someu ∈ (a, b]
includes[a, u)
for someu > a
Alias of TFAE_mem_nhdsGE
The following statements are equivalent:
is a neighborhood ofa
within[a, +∞)
is a neighborhood ofa
within[a, b]
is a neighborhood ofa
within[a, b)
includes[a, u)
for someu ∈ (a, b]
includes[a, u)
for someu > a
Alias of mem_nhdsGE_iff_exists_mem_Ioc_Ico_subset
A set is a neighborhood of a
within [a, +∞)
if and only if it contains an interval [a, u)
with a < u < u'
, provided a
is not a top element.
Alias of mem_nhdsGE_iff_exists_Ico_subset'
A set is a neighborhood of a
within [a, +∞)
if and only if it contains an interval [a, u)
with a < u < u'
, provided a
is not a top element.
A set is a neighborhood of a
within [a, +∞)
if and only if it contains an interval [a, u)
with a < u
Alias of mem_nhdsGE_iff_exists_Ico_subset
A set is a neighborhood of a
within [a, +∞)
if and only if it contains an interval [a, u)
with a < u
Alias of nhdsGE_basis_Ico
The filter of right neighborhoods has a basis of closed intervals.
Alias of nhdsGE_basis_Icc
The filter of right neighborhoods has a basis of closed intervals.
A set is a neighborhood of a
within [a, +∞)
if and only if it contains an interval [a, u]
with a < u
Alias of mem_nhdsGE_iff_exists_Icc_subset
A set is a neighborhood of a
within [a, +∞)
if and only if it contains an interval [a, u]
with a < u
The following statements are equivalent:
is a neighborhood ofb
within(-∞, b]
is a neighborhood ofb
within[a, b]
is a neighborhood ofb
within(a, b]
includes(l, b]
for somel ∈ [a, b)
includes(l, b]
for somel < b
Alias of TFAE_mem_nhdsLE
The following statements are equivalent:
is a neighborhood ofb
within(-∞, b]
is a neighborhood ofb
within[a, b]
is a neighborhood ofb
within(a, b]
includes(l, b]
for somel ∈ [a, b)
includes(l, b]
for somel < b
Alias of mem_nhdsLE_iff_exists_mem_Ico_Ioc_subset
A set is a neighborhood of a
within (-∞, a]
if and only if it contains an interval (l, a]
with l < a
, provided a
is not a bottom element.
Alias of mem_nhdsLE_iff_exists_Ioc_subset'
A set is a neighborhood of a
within (-∞, a]
if and only if it contains an interval (l, a]
with l < a
, provided a
is not a bottom element.
A set is a neighborhood of a
within (-∞, a]
if and only if it contains an interval (l, a]
with l < a
Alias of mem_nhdsLE_iff_exists_Ioc_subset
A set is a neighborhood of a
within (-∞, a]
if and only if it contains an interval (l, a]
with l < a
A set is a neighborhood of a
within (-∞, a]
if and only if it contains an interval [l, a]
with l < a
Alias of mem_nhdsLE_iff_exists_Icc_subset
A set is a neighborhood of a
within (-∞, a]
if and only if it contains an interval [l, a]
with l < a
The filter of left neighborhoods has a basis of closed intervals.
Alias of nhdsLE_basis_Icc
The filter of left neighborhoods has a basis of closed intervals.
In a linearly ordered commutative group with the order topology,
if f
tends to C
and g
tends to atTop
then f * g
tends to atTop
In a linearly ordered additive commutative group with the order topology,
if f
tends to C
and g
tends to atTop
then f + g
tends to atTop
In a linearly ordered commutative group with the order topology,
if f
tends to C
and g
tends to atBot
then f * g
tends to atBot
In a linearly ordered additive commutative group with the order topology,
if f
tends to C
and g
tends to atBot
then f + g
tends to atBot
In a linearly ordered commutative group with the order topology,
if f
tends to atTop
and g
tends to C
then f * g
tends to atTop
In a linearly ordered additive commutative group with the order topology,
if f
tends to atTop
and g
tends to C
then f + g
tends to atTop
In a linearly ordered commutative group with the order topology,
if f
tends to atBot
and g
tends to C
then f * g
tends to atBot
In a linearly ordered additive commutative group with the order topology,
if f
tends to atBot
and g
tends to C
then f + g
tends to atBot
Alias of nhds_basis_zero_abs_lt
If a > 1
, then open intervals (a / ε, aε)
, 1 < ε ≤ a
form a basis of neighborhoods of a
This upper bound for ε
guarantees that all elements of these intervals are greater than one.
If a
is positive, then the intervals (a - ε, a + ε)
, 0 < ε ≤ a
form a basis of neighborhoods of a
This upper bound for ε
guarantees that all elements of these intervals are positive.
If S
is order-connected and contains two points x < y
then S
is a right neighbourhood of x
Alias of Set.OrdConnected.mem_nhdsGE
If S
is order-connected and contains two points x < y
then S
is a right neighbourhood of x
If S
is order-connected and contains two points x < y
then S
is a punctured right neighbourhood of x
Alias of Set.OrdConnected.mem_nhdsGT
If S
is order-connected and contains two points x < y
then S
is a punctured right neighbourhood of x
If S
is order-connected and contains two points x < y
, then S
is a left neighbourhood
of y
Alias of Set.OrdConnected.mem_nhdsLE
If S
is order-connected and contains two points x < y
, then S
is a left neighbourhood
of y
If S
is order-connected and contains two points x < y
, then S
is a punctured left
neighbourhood of y
Alias of Set.OrdConnected.mem_nhdsLT
If S
is order-connected and contains two points x < y
, then S
is a punctured left
neighbourhood of y