

Locally surjective maps of presheaves. #

Let X be a topological space, and 𝒢 presheaves on X, T : ℱ ⟶ 𝒢 a map.

In this file we formulate two notions for what it means for T to be locally surjective:

  1. For each open set U, each section t : 𝒢(U) is in the image of T after passing to some open cover of U.

  2. For each x : X, the map of stalks Tₓ : ℱₓ ⟶ 𝒢ₓ is surjective.

We prove that these are equivalent.

def TopCat.Presheaf.IsLocallySurjective {C : Type u} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v, u} C] {FC : CCType u_1} {CC : CType v} [(X Y : C) → FunLike (FC X Y) (CC X) (CC Y)] [CategoryTheory.ConcreteCategory C FC] {X : TopCat} {𝒢 : Presheaf C X} (T : 𝒢) :

A map of presheaves T : ℱ ⟶ 𝒢 is locally surjective if for any open set U, section t over U, and x ∈ U, there exists an open set x ∈ V ⊆ U and a section s over V such that $T_*(s_V) = t|_V$.

See TopCat.Presheaf.isLocallySurjective_iff below.

Instances For
    theorem TopCat.Presheaf.isLocallySurjective_iff {C : Type u} [CategoryTheory.Category.{v, u} C] {FC : CCType u_1} {CC : CType v} [(X Y : C) → FunLike (FC X Y) (CC X) (CC Y)] [CategoryTheory.ConcreteCategory C FC] {X : TopCat} {𝒢 : Presheaf C X} (T : 𝒢) :
    IsLocallySurjective T ∀ (U : TopologicalSpace.Opens X) (t : CategoryTheory.ToType (𝒢.obj (Opposite.op U))), xU, ∃ (V : TopologicalSpace.Opens X) (ι : V U), (∃ (s : CC (.obj (Opposite.op V))), (CategoryTheory.ConcreteCategory.hom ( (Opposite.op V))) s = restrict t ι) x V

    An equivalent condition for a map of presheaves to be locally surjective is for all the induced maps on stalks to be surjective.