

Restatement of freedom of action theorems #

def ConNF.MainInduction.FOA.instFOAData [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] :
  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
    @[reducible, inline]
    abbrev ConNF.MainInduction.FOA.foaAllowable [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] (β : ConNF.TypeIndex) [ConNF.LeLevel β] :

    Allowable β is defeq to foaAllowable β for every β : TypeIndex. However, it's not the case that Allowable is defeq to foaAllowable, because we need to pattern-match on its argument (i.e. check if it's ) before we can establish the defeq.

    Instances For
      • ConNF.MainInduction.FOA.foaAllowableToStructPerm = ConNF.ModelData.allowableToStructPerm
      Instances For
        theorem ConNF.MainInduction.FOA.foaAllowableToStructPerm_eq_coe [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] {β : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LeLevel β] :
        ConNF.MainInduction.FOA.foaAllowableToStructPerm = ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm
        theorem ConNF.MainInduction.FOA.foaAllowableToStructPerm_eq_bot [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] :
        ConNF.MainInduction.FOA.foaAllowableToStructPerm = ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm
        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For
          theorem ConNF.MainInduction.FOA.allowableCons_eq_coe [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] {β : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LeLevel β] {γ : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LeLevel γ] (hγ : γ < β) :
          theorem ConNF.MainInduction.FOA.allowableCons_eq [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] (β : ConNF.TypeIndex) [iβ : ConNF.LeLevel β] (γ : ConNF.TypeIndex) [iγ : ConNF.LeLevel γ] (hγ : γ < β) (ρ : ConNF.MainInduction.FOA.foaAllowable β) :
          ConNF.Tree.comp (Quiver.Path.nil.cons ) (ConNF.MainInduction.FOA.foaAllowableToStructPerm ρ) = ConNF.MainInduction.FOA.foaAllowableToStructPerm ((ConNF.MainInduction.FOA.allowableCons ) ρ)
          theorem ConNF.MainInduction.FOA.smul_fuzz_bot [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] {β : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LeLevel β] {δ : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LtLevel δ] (hδ : δ < β) (ρ : ConNF.MainInduction.FOA.foaAllowable β) (t : ConNF.Tangle ) :
          ConNF.MainInduction.FOA.foaAllowableToStructPerm ρ ((Quiver.Hom.toPath ).cons ) ConNF.fuzz t = ConNF.fuzz ((ConNF.MainInduction.FOA.allowableCons ) ρ t)
          def ConNF.MainInduction.FOA.tangleEquiv' [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} (hγ : γ β) :
          ConNF.Tangle γ ((ConNF.MainInduction.buildCumul β).ih γ ).Tangle
          Instances For
            def ConNF.MainInduction.FOA.allowableEquiv' [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} (hγ : γ β) :
            ConNF.Allowable γ ((ConNF.MainInduction.buildCumul β).ih γ ).Allowable
            Instances For
              theorem ConNF.MainInduction.FOA.smul_fuzz [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] {β : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LeLevel β] {γ : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LtLevel γ] {δ : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LtLevel δ] (hγ : γ < β) (hδ : δ < β) (hγδ : γ δ) (ρ : ConNF.MainInduction.FOA.foaAllowable β) (t : ConNF.Tangle γ) :
              ConNF.MainInduction.FOA.foaAllowableToStructPerm ρ ((Quiver.Hom.toPath ).cons ) ConNF.fuzz hγδ t = ConNF.fuzz hγδ ((ConNF.MainInduction.FOA.allowableCons ) ρ t)
              theorem ConNF.MainInduction.FOA.allowable_of_smulFuzz [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] (β : ConNF.Λ) [iβ : ConNF.LeLevel β] (ρs : (γ : ConNF.Λ) → [inst : ConNF.LtLevel γ] → γ < βConNF.MainInduction.FOA.foaAllowable γ) (π : ConNF.BasePerm) :
              (∀ (γ : ConNF.Λ) [inst : ConNF.LtLevel γ] (δ : ConNF.Λ) [inst_1 : ConNF.LtLevel δ] ( : γ < β) ( : δ < β) (hγδ : γ δ) (t : ConNF.Tangle γ), ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm (ρs δ ) (Quiver.Hom.toPath ) ConNF.fuzz hγδ t = ConNF.fuzz hγδ (ρs γ t))(∀ (δ : ConNF.Λ) [inst : ConNF.LtLevel δ] ( : δ < β) (a : ConNF.Atom), ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm (ρs δ ) (Quiver.Hom.toPath ) ConNF.fuzz a = ConNF.fuzz (π a))∃ (ρ : ConNF.Allowable β), (∀ (γ : ConNF.Λ) [inst : ConNF.LtLevel γ] ( : γ < β), (ConNF.MainInduction.FOA.allowableCons ) ρ = ρs γ ) (ConNF.MainInduction.FOA.allowableCons ) ρ = π
              def ConNF.MainInduction.FOA.foaAssumptions [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] :
              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              Instances For
                theorem ConNF.MainInduction.FOA.exists_allowable_of_specifies [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] {S : ConNF.Support ConNF.α} {T : ConNF.Support ConNF.α} (hS : S.Strong) (hT : T.Strong) {σ : ConNF.Spec ConNF.α} (hσS : σ.Specifies S hS) (hσT : σ.Specifies T hT) :
                ∃ (ρ : ConNF.Allowable ConNF.α), ρ S = T