The category equivalence between R
-coalgebras and comonoid objects in R-Mod
Given a commutative ring R
, this file defines the equivalence of categories between
-coalgebras and comonoid objects in the category of R
We then use this to set up boilerplate for the Coalgebra
instance on a tensor product of
coalgebras defined in Mathlib.RingTheory.Coalgebra.TensorProduct
Implementation notes #
We make the definition CoalgebraCat.instMonoidalCategoryAux
in this file, which is the
monoidal structure on CoalgebraCat
induced by the equivalence with Comon(R-Mod)
. We
use this to show the comultiplication and counit on a tensor product of coalgebras satisfy
the coalgebra axioms, but our actual MonoidalCategory
instance on CoalgebraCat
constructed in Mathlib.Algebra.Category.CoalgebraCat.Monoidal
to have better
definitional equalities.
An R
-coalgebra is a comonoid object in the category of R
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Instances For
The natural functor from R
-coalgebras to comonoid objects in the category of R
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Instances For
A comonoid object in the category of R
-modules has a natural comultiplication
and counit.
- CoalgebraCat.ofComonObjCoalgebraStruct X = { comul := ModuleCat.Hom.hom X.comul, counit := ModuleCat.Hom.hom X.counit }
A comonoid object in the category of R
-modules has a natural R
- CoalgebraCat.ofComonObj X = { toModuleCat := ModuleCat.of R ↑X.X, instCoalgebra := let __src := CoalgebraCat.ofComonObjCoalgebraStruct X; ⋯ ⋯ ⋯ }
Instances For
The natural functor from comonoid objects in the category of R
-modules to R
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Instances For
The natural category equivalence between R
-coalgebras and comonoid objects in the
category of R
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Instances For
The monoidal category structure on the category of R
-coalgebras induced by the
equivalence with Comon(R-Mod)
. This is just an auxiliary definition; the MonoidalCategory
instance we make in Mathlib.Algebra.Category.CoalgebraCat.Monoidal
has better
definitional equalities.