

Roots of Lie algebras with non-degenerate Killing forms #

The file contains definitions and results about roots of Lie algebras with non-degenerate Killing forms.

Main definitions #

If the Killing form of a Lie algebra is non-singular, it remains non-singular when restricted to a Cartan subalgebra.

theorem LieAlgebra.killingForm_apply_eq_zero_of_mem_rootSpace_of_add_ne_zero (K : Type u_2) (L : Type u_3) [LieRing L] [Field K] [LieAlgebra K L] [FiniteDimensional K L] (H : LieSubalgebra K L) [H.IsCartanSubalgebra] [LieModule.IsTriangularizable K (↥H) L] {α β : HK} {x y : L} (hx : x rootSpace H α) (hy : y rootSpace H β) (hαβ : α + β 0) :
((killingForm K L) x) y = 0

For any α and β, the corresponding root spaces are orthogonal with respect to the Killing form, provided α + β ≠ 0.

theorem LieAlgebra.mem_ker_killingForm_of_mem_rootSpace_of_forall_rootSpace_neg (K : Type u_2) (L : Type u_3) [LieRing L] [Field K] [LieAlgebra K L] [FiniteDimensional K L] (H : LieSubalgebra K L) [H.IsCartanSubalgebra] [LieModule.IsTriangularizable K (↥H) L] {α : HK} {x : L} (hx : x rootSpace H α) (hx' : yrootSpace H (-α), ((killingForm K L) x) y = 0) :

Elements of the α root space which are Killing-orthogonal to the root space are Killing-orthogonal to all of L.

theorem LieAlgebra.IsKilling.eq_zero_of_isNilpotent_ad_of_mem_isCartanSubalgebra (K : Type u_2) (L : Type u_3) [LieRing L] [Field K] [LieAlgebra K L] [FiniteDimensional K L] (H : LieSubalgebra K L) [H.IsCartanSubalgebra] [IsKilling K L] {x : L} (hx : x H) (hx' : IsNilpotent ((ad K L) x)) :
x = 0

If a Lie algebra L has non-degenerate Killing form, the only element of a Cartan subalgebra whose adjoint action on L is nilpotent, is the zero element.

Over a perfect field a much stronger result is true, see LieAlgebra.IsKilling.isSemisimple_ad_of_mem_isCartanSubalgebra.

noncomputable def LieAlgebra.IsKilling.cartanEquivDual {K : Type u_2} {L : Type u_3} [LieRing L] [Field K] [LieAlgebra K L] [FiniteDimensional K L] (H : LieSubalgebra K L) [H.IsCartanSubalgebra] [IsKilling K L] :
H ≃ₗ[K] Module.Dual K H

The restriction of the Killing form to a Cartan subalgebra, as a linear equivalence to the dual.

Instances For
    theorem LieAlgebra.IsKilling.cartanEquivDual_apply_apply {K : Type u_2} {L : Type u_3} [LieRing L] [Field K] [LieAlgebra K L] [FiniteDimensional K L] (H : LieSubalgebra K L) [H.IsCartanSubalgebra] [IsKilling K L] (a✝ m : H) :
    ((cartanEquivDual H) a✝) m = (LinearMap.trace K L) ((LieModule.toEnd K (↥H) L) a✝ * (LieModule.toEnd K (↥H) L) m)
    noncomputable def LieAlgebra.IsKilling.coroot {K : Type u_2} {L : Type u_3} [LieRing L] [Field K] [LieAlgebra K L] [FiniteDimensional K L] {H : LieSubalgebra K L} [H.IsCartanSubalgebra] [IsKilling K L] (α : LieModule.Weight K (↥H) L) :

    The coroot corresponding to a root.

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For
      theorem LieAlgebra.IsKilling.traceForm_coroot {K : Type u_2} {L : Type u_3} [LieRing L] [Field K] [LieAlgebra K L] [FiniteDimensional K L] {H : LieSubalgebra K L} [H.IsCartanSubalgebra] [IsKilling K L] (α : LieModule.Weight K (↥H) L) (x : H) :
      ((LieModule.traceForm K (↥H) L) (coroot α)) x = 2 (α ((cartanEquivDual H).symm (LieModule.Weight.toLinear K (↥H) L α)))⁻¹ α x
      theorem LieAlgebra.IsKilling.lie_eq_killingForm_smul_of_mem_rootSpace_of_mem_rootSpace_neg_aux {K : Type u_2} {L : Type u_3} [LieRing L] [Field K] [LieAlgebra K L] [FiniteDimensional K L] {H : LieSubalgebra K L} [H.IsCartanSubalgebra] [IsKilling K L] [LieModule.IsTriangularizable K (↥H) L] {α : LieModule.Weight K (↥H) L} {e f : L} (heα : e rootSpace H α) (hfα : f rootSpace H (-α)) (aux : ∀ (h : H), h, e = α h e) :
      e, f = ((killingForm K L) e) f ((cartanEquivDual H).symm (LieModule.Weight.toLinear K (↥H) L α))

      This is Proposition 4.18 from [Car05] except that we use LieModule.exists_forall_lie_eq_smul instead of Lie's theorem (and so avoid assuming K has characteristic zero).


      Given a splitting Cartan subalgebra H of a finite-dimensional Lie algebra with non-singular Killing form, the corresponding roots span the dual space of H.

      theorem LieAlgebra.IsKilling.lie_eq_smul_of_mem_rootSpace {K : Type u_2} {L : Type u_3} [LieRing L] [Field K] [LieAlgebra K L] [FiniteDimensional K L] {H : LieSubalgebra K L} [H.IsCartanSubalgebra] [IsKilling K L] [LieModule.IsTriangularizable K (↥H) L] [PerfectField K] {α : HK} {x : L} (hx : x rootSpace H α) (h : H) :
      h, x = α h x
      theorem LieAlgebra.IsKilling.lie_eq_killingForm_smul_of_mem_rootSpace_of_mem_rootSpace_neg {K : Type u_2} {L : Type u_3} [LieRing L] [Field K] [LieAlgebra K L] [FiniteDimensional K L] {H : LieSubalgebra K L} [H.IsCartanSubalgebra] [IsKilling K L] [LieModule.IsTriangularizable K (↥H) L] [PerfectField K] {α : LieModule.Weight K (↥H) L} {e f : L} (heα : e rootSpace H α) (hfα : f rootSpace H (-α)) :
      e, f = ((killingForm K L) e) f ((cartanEquivDual H).symm (LieModule.Weight.toLinear K (↥H) L α))
      theorem LieAlgebra.IsKilling.eq_zero_of_apply_eq_zero_of_mem_corootSpace {K : Type u_2} {L : Type u_3} [LieRing L] [Field K] [LieAlgebra K L] [FiniteDimensional K L] {H : LieSubalgebra K L} [H.IsCartanSubalgebra] [IsKilling K L] [LieModule.IsTriangularizable K (↥H) L] [CharZero K] (x : H) (α : HK) (hαx : α x = 0) (hx : x corootSpace α) :
      x = 0

      The contrapositive of this result is very useful, taking x to be the element of H corresponding to a root α under the identification between H and H^* provided by the Killing form.

      theorem LieAlgebra.IsKilling.root_apply_coroot {K : Type u_2} {L : Type u_3} [LieRing L] [Field K] [LieAlgebra K L] [FiniteDimensional K L] {H : LieSubalgebra K L} [H.IsCartanSubalgebra] [IsKilling K L] [LieModule.IsTriangularizable K (↥H) L] [CharZero K] {α : LieModule.Weight K (↥H) L} ( : α.IsNonZero) :
      α (coroot α) = 2
      theorem LieAlgebra.IsKilling.coroot_eq_iff {K : Type u_2} {L : Type u_3} [LieRing L] [Field K] [LieAlgebra K L] [FiniteDimensional K L] {H : LieSubalgebra K L} [H.IsCartanSubalgebra] [IsKilling K L] [LieModule.IsTriangularizable K (↥H) L] [CharZero K] (α β : LieModule.Weight K (↥H) L) :
      coroot α = coroot β α = β
      theorem LieAlgebra.IsKilling.exists_isSl2Triple_of_weight_isNonZero {K : Type u_2} {L : Type u_3} [LieRing L] [Field K] [LieAlgebra K L] [FiniteDimensional K L] {H : LieSubalgebra K L} [H.IsCartanSubalgebra] [IsKilling K L] [LieModule.IsTriangularizable K (↥H) L] [CharZero K] {α : LieModule.Weight K (↥H) L} ( : α.IsNonZero) :
      ∃ (h : L) (e : L) (f : L), IsSl2Triple h e f e rootSpace H α f rootSpace H (-α)
      theorem IsSl2Triple.h_eq_coroot {K : Type u_2} {L : Type u_3} [LieRing L] [Field K] [LieAlgebra K L] [FiniteDimensional K L] {H : LieSubalgebra K L} [H.IsCartanSubalgebra] [LieAlgebra.IsKilling K L] [LieModule.IsTriangularizable K (↥H) L] [CharZero K] {α : LieModule.Weight K (↥H) L} ( : α.IsNonZero) {h e f : L} (ht : IsSl2Triple h e f) (heα : e LieAlgebra.rootSpace H α) (hfα : f LieAlgebra.rootSpace H (-α)) :
      @[reducible, inline]
      noncomputable abbrev LieSubalgebra.root {K : Type u_2} {L : Type u_3} [LieRing L] [Field K] [LieAlgebra K L] [FiniteDimensional K L] {H : LieSubalgebra K L} [H.IsCartanSubalgebra] :

      The collection of roots as a Finset.

      Instances For
        theorem LieModule.Weight.coe_neg {K : Type u_2} {L : Type u_3} [LieRing L] [Field K] [LieAlgebra K L] [FiniteDimensional K L] [LieAlgebra.IsKilling K L] {H : LieSubalgebra K L} [H.IsCartanSubalgebra] [IsTriangularizable K (↥H) L] {α : Weight K (↥H) L} :
        ⇑(-α) = -α
        theorem LieModule.Weight.IsZero.neg {K : Type u_2} {L : Type u_3} [LieRing L] [Field K] [LieAlgebra K L] [FiniteDimensional K L] [LieAlgebra.IsKilling K L] {H : LieSubalgebra K L} [H.IsCartanSubalgebra] [IsTriangularizable K (↥H) L] {α : Weight K (↥H) L} (h : α.IsZero) :
        theorem LieModule.Weight.isZero_neg {K : Type u_2} {L : Type u_3} [LieRing L] [Field K] [LieAlgebra K L] [FiniteDimensional K L] [LieAlgebra.IsKilling K L] {H : LieSubalgebra K L} [H.IsCartanSubalgebra] [IsTriangularizable K (↥H) L] {α : Weight K (↥H) L} :
        theorem LieModule.Weight.IsNonZero.neg {K : Type u_2} {L : Type u_3} [LieRing L] [Field K] [LieAlgebra K L] [FiniteDimensional K L] [LieAlgebra.IsKilling K L] {H : LieSubalgebra K L} [H.IsCartanSubalgebra] [IsTriangularizable K (↥H) L] {α : Weight K (↥H) L} (h : α.IsNonZero) :
        theorem LieModule.Weight.isNonZero_neg {K : Type u_2} {L : Type u_3} [LieRing L] [Field K] [LieAlgebra K L] [FiniteDimensional K L] [LieAlgebra.IsKilling K L] {H : LieSubalgebra K L} [H.IsCartanSubalgebra] [IsTriangularizable K (↥H) L] {α : Weight K (↥H) L} :
        theorem LieModule.Weight.toLinear_neg {K : Type u_2} {L : Type u_3} [LieRing L] [Field K] [LieAlgebra K L] [FiniteDimensional K L] [LieAlgebra.IsKilling K L] {H : LieSubalgebra K L} [H.IsCartanSubalgebra] [IsTriangularizable K (↥H) L] {α : Weight K (↥H) L} :
        toLinear K (↥H) L (-α) = -toLinear K (↥H) L α
        theorem LieAlgebra.IsKilling.coroot_neg {K : Type u_2} {L : Type u_3} [LieRing L] [Field K] [LieAlgebra K L] [FiniteDimensional K L] [IsKilling K L] {H : LieSubalgebra K L} [H.IsCartanSubalgebra] [LieModule.IsTriangularizable K (↥H) L] [CharZero K] (α : LieModule.Weight K (↥H) L) :
        coroot (-α) = -coroot α