

The Schwartz-Zippel lemma #

This file contains a proof of the Schwartz-Zippel lemma.

This lemma tells us that the probability that a nonzero multivariable polynomial over an integral domain evaluates to zero at a random point is bounded by the degree of the polynomial over the size of the field, or more generally, that a nonzero multivariable polynomial over any integral domain has a low probability of being zero when evaluated at points drawn at random from some finite subset of the field. This lemma is useful as a probabilistic polynomial identity test.

Main results #


References #

theorem MvPolynomial.schwartz_zippel_sup_sum {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] [DecidableEq R] {n : } {p : MvPolynomial (Fin n) R} (hp : p 0) (S : Fin nFinset R) :
{xFintype.piFinset fun (i : Fin n) => S i | (eval x) p = 0}.card / i : Fin n, (S i).card fun (s : Fin n →₀ ) => i : Fin n, (s i) / (S i).card

The Schwartz-Zippel lemma

For a nonzero multivariable polynomial p over an integral domain, the probability that p evaluates to zero at points drawn at random from a product of finite subsets S i of the integral domain is bounded by the supremum of ∑ i, degᵢ s / #(S i) ranging over monomials s of p.

theorem MvPolynomial.schwartz_zippel_sum_degreeOf {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] [DecidableEq R] {n : } {p : MvPolynomial (Fin n) R} (hp : p 0) (S : Fin nFinset R) :
{xFintype.piFinset fun (i : Fin n) => S i | (eval x) p = 0}.card / i : Fin n, (S i).card i : Fin n, (degreeOf i p) / (S i).card

The Schwartz-Zippel lemma

For a nonzero multivariable polynomial p over an integral domain, the probability that p evaluates to zero at points drawn at random from a product of finite subsets S i of the integral domain is bounded by the sum of degᵢ p / #(S i).

theorem MvPolynomial.schwartz_zippel_totalDegree {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] [IsDomain R] [DecidableEq R] {n : } {p : MvPolynomial (Fin n) R} (hp : p 0) (S : Finset R) :
{fFintype.piFinset fun (x : Fin n) => S | (eval f) p = 0}.card / S.card ^ n p.totalDegree / S.card

The Schwartz-Zippel lemma

For a nonzero multivariable polynomial p over an integral domain, the probability that p evaluates to zero at points drawn at random from some finite subset S of the integral domain is bounded by the degree of p over #S. This version presents this lemma in terms of Finset.