

Covers of schemes over a base #

In this file we define the typeclass Cover.Over. For a cover 𝒰 of an S-scheme X, the datum 𝒰.Over S contains S-scheme structures on the components of 𝒰 and asserts that the component maps are morphisms of S-schemes.

We provide instances of 𝒰.Over S for standard constructions on covers.

@[reducible, inline]

Bundle an S-scheme with P into an object of P.Over ⊤ S.

Instances For
    @[reducible, inline]
    abbrev AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.Hom.asOverProp {P : CategoryTheory.MorphismProperty Scheme} {X Y : Scheme} (f : X.Hom Y) (S : Scheme) [X.Over S] [Y.Over S] [f.IsOver S] {hX : P (X S)} {hY : P (Y S)} :
    X.asOverProp S hX Y.asOverProp S hY

    Bundle an S-morphism of S-scheme with P into a morphism in P.Over ⊤ S.

    Instances For

      A P-cover of a scheme X over S is a cover, where the components are over S and the component maps commute with the structure morphisms.


        The pullback of a cover of S-schemes along a morphism of S-schemes. This is not definitionally equal to AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.Cover.pullbackCover, as here we take the pullback in Over S, whose underlying scheme is only isomorphic but not equal to the pullback in Scheme.

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        Instances For
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          A variant of AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.Cover.pullbackCoverOver with the arguments in the fiber products flipped.

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          Instances For
            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.

            The pullback of a cover of S-schemes with Q along a morphism of S-schemes. This is not definitionally equal to AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.Cover.pullbackCover, as here we take the pullback in Q.Over ⊤ S, whose underlying scheme is only isomorphic but not equal to the pullback in Scheme.

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            Instances For
              instance AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.instOverObjPullbackCoverOverProp {P : CategoryTheory.MorphismProperty Scheme} (S : Scheme) [P.IsStableUnderBaseChange] [IsJointlySurjectivePreserving P] {X W : Scheme} (𝒰 : Cover P X) (f : W X) [W.Over S] [X.Over S] [Cover.Over S 𝒰] [Hom.IsOver f S] {Q : CategoryTheory.MorphismProperty Scheme} [Q.HasOfPostcompProperty Q] [Q.IsStableUnderBaseChange] [Q.IsStableUnderComposition] (hX : Q (X S)) (hW : Q (W S)) (hQ : ∀ (j : 𝒰.J), Q (𝒰.obj j S)) (j : 𝒰.J) :
              ((Cover.pullbackCoverOverProp S 𝒰 f hX hW hQ).obj j).Over S
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              A variant of AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.Cover.pullbackCoverOverProp with the arguments in the fiber products flipped.

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              Instances For
                instance AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.instOverObjPullbackCoverOverProp' {P : CategoryTheory.MorphismProperty Scheme} (S : Scheme) [P.IsStableUnderBaseChange] [IsJointlySurjectivePreserving P] {X W : Scheme} (𝒰 : Cover P X) (f : W X) [W.Over S] [X.Over S] [Cover.Over S 𝒰] [Hom.IsOver f S] {Q : CategoryTheory.MorphismProperty Scheme} [Q.HasOfPostcompProperty Q] [Q.IsStableUnderBaseChange] [Q.IsStableUnderComposition] (hX : Q (X S)) (hW : Q (W S)) (hQ : ∀ (j : 𝒰.J), Q (𝒰.obj j S)) (j : 𝒰.J) :
                ((Cover.pullbackCoverOverProp' S 𝒰 f hX hW hQ).obj j).Over S
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                instance AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.instOverObjBind {P : CategoryTheory.MorphismProperty Scheme} (S : Scheme) [P.IsStableUnderComposition] {X : Scheme} (𝒰 : Cover P X) (𝒱 : (x : 𝒰.J) → Cover P (𝒰.obj x)) [X.Over S] [Cover.Over S 𝒰] [(x : 𝒰.J) → Cover.Over S (𝒱 x)] (j : (𝒰.bind 𝒱).J) :
                ((𝒰.bind 𝒱).obj j).Over S
                instance AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.instOverBind {P : CategoryTheory.MorphismProperty Scheme} (S : Scheme) [P.IsStableUnderComposition] {X : Scheme} (𝒰 : Cover P X) (𝒱 : (x : 𝒰.J) → Cover P (𝒰.obj x)) [X.Over S] [Cover.Over S 𝒰] [(x : 𝒰.J) → Cover.Over S (𝒱 x)] :
                Cover.Over S (𝒰.bind 𝒱)