

Singular homology #

In this file, we define the singular chain complex and singular homology of a topological space. We also calculate the homology of a totally disconnected space as an example.

The singular chain complex associated to a simplicial set, with coefficients in X : C. One can recover the ordinary singular chain complex when C := Ab and X := ℤ.

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Instances For

    The n-th singular homology functor with coefficients in C.

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    Instances For

      If X is totally disconnected, its singular chain complex is given by R[X] ←0- R[X] ←𝟙- R[X] ←0- R[X] ⋯, where R[X] is the coproduct of copies of R indexed by elements of X.

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      Instances For

        The zeroth singular homology of a totally disconnected space is the free R-module generated by elements of X.

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        Instances For