The singular simplicial set of a topological space and geometric realization of a simplicial set #
The singular simplicial set TopCat.toSSet.obj X
of a topological space X
has as n
-simplices the continuous maps ⦋n⦌.toTop → X
Here, ⦋n⦌.toTop
is the standard topological n
defined as { f : Fin (n+1) → ℝ≥0 // ∑ i, f i = 1 }
with its subspace topology.
The geometric realization functor SSet.toTop.obj
is left adjoint to TopCat.toSSet
It is the left Kan extension of SimplexCategory.toTop
along the Yoneda embedding.
Main definitions #
TopCat.toSSet : TopCat ⥤ SSet
is the functor assigning the singular simplicial set to a topological space.SSet.toTop : SSet ⥤ TopCat
is the functor assigning the geometric realization to a simplicial set.sSetTopAdj : SSet.toTop ⊣ TopCat.toSSet
is the adjunction between these two functors.
- Generalize to an adjunction between
for any universeu
- Show that the singular simplicial set is a Kan complex.
- Show the adjunction
is a Quillen adjunction.
The functor associating the singular simplicial set to a topological space.
Let X
be a topological space.
Then the singular simplicial set of X
has as n
-simplices the continuous maps ⦋n⦌.toTop → X
Here, ⦋n⦌.toTop
is the standard topological n
defined as { f : Fin (n+1) → ℝ≥0 // ∑ i, f i = 1 }
with its subspace topology.
Instances For
The geometric realization functor is
the left Kan extension of SimplexCategory.toTop
along the Yoneda embedding.
It is left adjoint to TopCat.toSSet
, as witnessed by sSetTopAdj
Instances For
Geometric realization is left adjoint to the singular simplicial set construction.
Instances For
The geometric realization of the representable simplicial sets agree with the usual topological simplices.
Instances For
The singular simplicial set of a totally disconnected space is the constant simplicial set.
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