Points in sight #
This file defines the relation of visibility with respect to a set, and lower bounds how many elements of a set a point sees in terms of the dimension of that set.
The art gallery problem can be stated using the visibility predicate: A set A
(the art gallery) is
guarded by a finite set G
(the guards) iff ∀ a ∈ A, ∃ g ∈ G, IsVisible ℝ sᶜ a g
Two points are visible to each other through a set if no point of that set lies strictly between them.
By convention, a point x
sees itself through any set s
, even when x ∈ s
Instances For
Alias of the forward direction of isVisible_comm
If a point x
sees a convex combination of points of a set s
through convexHull ℝ s ∌ x
then it sees all terms of that combination.
Note that the converse does not hold.
One cannot see any point in the interior of a set.
One cannot see any point of an open set.
All points of the convex hull of a set s
visible from a point x ∉ convexHull ℝ s
lie in the
convex hull of such points that actually lie in s
Note that the converse does not hold.
If s
is a closed set, then any point x
sees some point of s
in any direction where there
is something to see.
A set whose convex hull is closed lies in the cone based at a point x
generated by its points
visible from x
through its convex hull.
If s
is a closed set of dimension d
and x
is a point outside of its convex hull,
then x
sees at least d
points of the convex hull of s
that actually lie in s