

Monomial orders #

Monomial orders #

A monomial order is well ordering relation on a type of the form σ →₀ ℕ which is compatible with addition and for which 0 is the smallest element. Since several monomial orders may have to be used simultaneously, one cannot get them as instances.

In this formalization, they are presented as a structure MonomialOrder which encapsulates MonomialOrder.toSyn, an additive and monotone isomorphism to a linearly ordered cancellative additive commutative monoid. The entry asserts that MonomialOrder.syn is well founded.

The terminology comes from commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, especially Gröbner bases, where c : σ →₀ ℕ are exponents of monomials.

Given a monomial order m : MonomialOrder σ, we provide the notation c ≼[m] d and c ≺[m] d to compare c d : σ →₀ ℕ with respect to m. It is activated using open scoped MonomialOrder.

Examples #

Commutative algebra defines many monomial orders, with different usefulness ranges. In this file, we provide the basic example of lexicographic ordering. For the graded lexicographic ordering, see Mathlib/Data/Finsupp/DegLex.lean

The type synonym is Lex (σ →₀ ℕ) and the two lemmas MonomialOrder.lex_le_iff and MonomialOrder.lex_lt_iff rewrite the ordering as comparisons in the type Lex (σ →₀ ℕ).

References #

Note #

In algebraic geometry, when the finitely many variables are indexed by integers, it is customary to order them using the opposite order : MvPolynomial.X 0 > MvPolynomial.X 1 > …

structure MonomialOrder (σ : Type u_1) :
Type (max u_1 (u_2 + 1))

Monomial orders : equivalence of σ →₀ ℕ with a well ordered type

Instances For
    theorem MonomialOrder.le_add_right {σ : Type u_1} (m : MonomialOrder σ) (a b : σ →₀ ) :
    m.toSyn a m.toSyn a + m.toSyn b
    instance MonomialOrder.orderBot {σ : Type u_1} (m : MonomialOrder σ) :
    theorem MonomialOrder.bot_eq_zero {σ : Type u_1} (m : MonomialOrder σ) :
    = 0
    theorem MonomialOrder.eq_zero_iff {σ : Type u_1} (m : MonomialOrder σ) {a : m.syn} :
    a = 0 a 0

    Given a monomial order, notation for the corresponding strict order relation on σ →₀ ℕ

    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
    Instances For

      Given a monomial order, notation for the corresponding order relation on σ →₀ ℕ

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For
        noncomputable def MonomialOrder.lex {σ : Type u_1} [LinearOrder σ] [WellFoundedGT σ] :

        The lexicographic order on σ →₀ ℕ, as a MonomialOrder

        Instances For