Encodable types #
This file defines encodable (constructively countable) types as a typeclass.
This is used to provide explicit encode/decode functions from and to ℕ
, with the information that
those functions are inverses of each other.
The difference with Denumerable
is that finite types are encodable. For infinite types,
and Denumerable
Main declarations #
Encodable α
: States that there exists an explicit encoding functionencode : α → ℕ
with a partial inversedecode : ℕ → Option α
: Version ofdecode
that is equal tonone
outside of the range ofencode
. Useful as we do not require this in the definition ofdecode
.ULower α
: Any encodable type has an equivalent type living in the lowest universe, namely a subtype ofℕ
.ULower α
finds it.
Implementation notes #
The point of asking for an explicit partial inverse decode : ℕ → Option α
to encode : α → ℕ
to make the range of encode
decidable even when the finiteness of α
is not.
Constructively countable type. Made from an explicit injection encode : α → ℕ
and a partial
inverse decode : ℕ → Option α
. Note that finite types are countable. See Denumerable
if you
wish to enforce infiniteness.
- encode : α → ℕ
Encoding from Type α to ℕ
Decoding from ℕ to Option α
Invariant relationship between encoding and decoding
An encodable type has decidable equality. Not set as an instance because this is usually not the best way to infer decidability.
- Encodable.decidableEqOfEncodable α x✝¹ x✝ = decidable_of_iff (Encodable.encode x✝¹ = Encodable.encode x✝) ⋯
Instances For
If α
is encodable and there is an injection f : β → α
, then β
is encodable as well.
- Encodable.ofLeftInjection f finv linv = { encode := fun (b : β) => Encodable.encode (f b), decode := fun (n : ℕ) => (Encodable.decode n).bind finv, encodek := ⋯ }
Instances For
If α
is encodable and f : β → α
is invertible, then β
is encodable as well.
- Encodable.ofLeftInverse f finv linv = Encodable.ofLeftInjection f (some ∘ finv) ⋯
Instances For
Encodability is preserved by equivalence.
- Encodable.ofEquiv α e = Encodable.ofLeftInverse ⇑e ⇑e.symm ⋯
Instances For
- Nat.encodable = { encode := id, decode := some, encodek := Nat.encodable.proof_1 }
- IsEmpty.toEncodable = { encode := fun (a : α) => isEmptyElim a, decode := fun (x : ℕ) => none, encodek := ⋯ }
- PUnit.encodable = { encode := fun (x : PUnit.{?u.7 + 1}) => 0, decode := fun (n : ℕ) => Nat.casesOn n (some PUnit.unit) fun (x : ℕ) => none, encodek := PUnit.encodable.proof_1 }
Failsafe variant of decode
. decode₂ α n
returns the preimage of n
under encode
if it
exists, and returns none
if it doesn't. This requirement could be imposed directly on decode
is not to help make the definition easier to use.
- Encodable.decode₂ α n = (Encodable.decode n).bind (Option.guard fun (a : α) => Encodable.encode a = n)
Instances For
The encoding function has decidable range.
- Encodable.decidableRangeEncode α x = decidable_of_iff ((Encodable.decode₂ α x).isSome = true) ⋯
Instances For
A type with unique element is encodable. This is not an instance to avoid diamonds.
- Unique.encodable = { encode := fun (x : α) => 0, decode := fun (x : ℕ) => some default, encodek := ⋯ }
Instances For
Explicit encoding function for the sum of two encodable types.
- Encodable.encodeSum (Sum.inl a) = 2 * Encodable.encode a
- Encodable.encodeSum (Sum.inr b) = 2 * Encodable.encode b + 1
Instances For
Explicit decoding function for the sum of two encodable types.
- Encodable.decodeSum n = match n.boddDiv2 with | (false, m) => Option.map Sum.inl (Encodable.decode m) | (fst, m) => Option.map Sum.inr (Encodable.decode m)
Instances For
If α
and β
are encodable, then so is their sum.
- Sum.encodable = { encode := Encodable.encodeSum, decode := Encodable.decodeSum, encodek := ⋯ }
Explicit encoding function for Sigma γ
- Encodable.encodeSigma ⟨a, b⟩ = Nat.pair (Encodable.encode a) (Encodable.encode b)
Instances For
Explicit decoding function for Sigma γ
- Encodable.decodeSigma n = match Nat.unpair n with | (n₁, n₂) => (Encodable.decode n₁).bind fun (a : α) => Option.map (Sigma.mk a) (Encodable.decode n₂)
Instances For
- Sigma.encodable = { encode := Encodable.encodeSigma, decode := Encodable.decodeSigma, encodek := ⋯ }
If α
and β
are encodable, then so is their product.
- Encodable.Prod.encodable = Encodable.ofEquiv ((_ : α) × β) (Equiv.sigmaEquivProd α β).symm
Explicit encoding function for a decidable subtype of an encodable type
- Encodable.encodeSubtype ⟨v, property⟩ = Encodable.encode v
Instances For
Explicit decoding function for a decidable subtype of an encodable type
- Encodable.decodeSubtype v = (Encodable.decode v).bind fun (a : α) => if h : P a then some ⟨a, h⟩ else none
Instances For
A decidable subtype of an encodable type is encodable.
- Subtype.encodable = { encode := Encodable.encodeSubtype, decode := Encodable.decodeSubtype, encodek := ⋯ }
- Fin.encodable n = Encodable.ofEquiv { i : ℕ // i < n } Fin.equivSubtype
The lift of an encodable type is encodable
The lift of an encodable type is encodable.
If β
is encodable and there is an injection f : α → β
, then α
is encodable as well.
- Encodable.ofInj f hf = Encodable.ofLeftInjection f (Function.partialInv f) ⋯
Instances For
- ULower.instInhabited = { default := ULower.down default }
Constructive choice function for a decidable subtype of an encodable type.
- Encodable.chooseX h = match Encodable.decode (Nat.find ⋯), ⋯ with | some a, h => ⟨a, h⟩
Instances For
Constructive choice function for a decidable predicate over an encodable type.
- Encodable.choose h = ↑(Encodable.chooseX h)
Instances For
A constructive version of Classical.axiom_of_choice
for Encodable
A constructive version of Classical.skolem
for Encodable
The encode
function, viewed as an embedding.
- Encodable.encode' α = { toFun := Encodable.encode, inj' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Given a Directed r
function f : α → β
defined on an encodable inhabited type,
construct a noncomputable sequence such that r (f (x n)) (f (x (n + 1)))
and r (f a) (f (x (encode a + 1))
- Directed.sequence f hf 0 = default
- Directed.sequence f hf n.succ = match Encodable.decode n with | none => Classical.choose ⋯ | some a => Classical.choose ⋯
Instances For
Representative of an equivalence class. This is a computable version of Quot.out
for a setoid
on an encodable type.
- q.rep = Encodable.choose ⋯
Instances For
The quotient of an encodable space by a decidable equivalence relation is encodable.
- encodableQuotient = { encode := fun (q : Quotient s) => Encodable.encode q.rep, decode := fun (n : ℕ) => Quotient.mk'' <$> Encodable.decode n, encodek := ⋯ }