

Properties of faithfully flat algebras #

An A-algebra B is faithfully flat if B is faithfully flat as an A-module. In this file we give equivalent characterizations of faithful flatness in the algebra case.

Main results #

Let B be a faithfully flat A-algebra:

Conversely, let B be a flat A-algebra:

If A →+* B is flat and surjective on prime spectra, B is a faithfully flat A-algebra.

If A is local and B is a local and flat A-algebra, then B is faithfully flat.

If B is a faithfully flat A-module and M is any A-module, the canonical map M →ₗ[A] B ⊗[A] M is injective.

theorem Ideal.comap_map_eq_self_of_faithfullyFlat {A : Type u_1} {B : Type u_2} [CommRing A] [CommRing B] [Algebra A B] [Module.FaithfullyFlat A B] (I : Ideal A) :
comap (algebraMap A B) (map (algebraMap A B) I) = I

If B is a faithfully flat A-algebra, the preimage of the pushforward of any ideal I is again I.

If B is a faithfully-flat A-algebra, every ideal in A is the preimage of some ideal in B.

theorem Ideal.exists_isPrime_liesOver_of_faithfullyFlat {A : Type u_1} {B : Type u_2} [CommRing A] [CommRing B] [Algebra A B] [Module.FaithfullyFlat A B] (p : Ideal A) [p.IsPrime] :
∃ (P : Ideal B), P.IsPrime P.LiesOver p

If B is faithfully flat over A, every prime of A comes from a prime of B.

If B is a faithfully flat A-algebra, the induced map on the prime spectrum is surjective.