

The Height of an Ideal #

In this file, we define the height of a prime ideal and the height of an ideal.

Main definitions #

noncomputable def Ideal.primeHeight {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] (I : Ideal R) [hI : I.IsPrime] :

The height of a prime ideal is defined as the supremum of the lengths of strictly decreasing chains of prime ideals below it.

Instances For
    noncomputable def Ideal.height {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] (I : Ideal R) :

    The height of an ideal is defined as the infimum of the heights of its minimal prime ideals.

    Instances For
      theorem Ideal.height_eq_primeHeight {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] (I : Ideal R) [I.IsPrime] :

      For a prime ideal, its height equals its prime height.

      class Ideal.FiniteHeight {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] (I : Ideal R) :

      An ideal has finite height if it is either the unit ideal or its height is finite. We include the unit ideal in order to have the instance IsNoetherianRing R → FiniteHeight I.

        theorem Ideal.height_ne_top {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] {I : Ideal R} (hI : I ) [I.FiniteHeight] :
        theorem Ideal.height_lt_top {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] {I : Ideal R} (hI : I ) [I.FiniteHeight] :
        theorem Ideal.primeHeight_mono {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] {I J : Ideal R} [I.IsPrime] [J.IsPrime] (h : I J) :
        theorem Ideal.primeHeight_add_one_le_of_lt {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] {I J : Ideal R} [I.IsPrime] [J.IsPrime] (h : I < J) :
        theorem Ideal.height_top {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] :
        theorem Ideal.primeHeight_strict_mono {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] {I J : Ideal R} [I.IsPrime] [J.IsPrime] (h : I < J) [J.FiniteHeight] :
        theorem Ideal.height_mono {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] {I J : Ideal R} (h : I J) :
        theorem Ideal.height_strict_mono_of_is_prime {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] {I J : Ideal R} [I.IsPrime] (h : I < J) [I.FiniteHeight] :
        theorem Ideal.finiteHeight_of_le {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] {I J : Ideal R} (e : I J) (hJ : J ) [J.FiniteHeight] :

        If J has finite height and I ≤ J, then I has finite height

        theorem Ideal.mem_minimalPrimes_of_height_eq {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] {I J : Ideal R} (e : I J) [J.IsPrime] [J.FiniteHeight] (e' : J.height I.height) :

        If J is a prime ideal containing I, and its height is less than or equal to the height of I, then J is a minimal prime over I

        A prime ideal has height zero if and only if it is minimal


        The prime height of the maximal ideal equals the Krull dimension in a local ring


        The height of the maximal ideal equals the Krull dimension in a local ring.

        For a local ring with finite Krull dimension, a prime ideal has height equal to the Krull dimension if and only if it is the maximal ideal.

        theorem IsLocalization.height_comap {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] (S : Submonoid R) {A : Type u_2} [CommRing A] [Algebra R A] [IsLocalization S A] (J : Ideal A) :
        theorem exists_spanRank_le_and_le_height_of_le_height {R : Type u_1} [CommRing R] [IsNoetherianRing R] (I : Ideal R) (r : ) (hr : r I.height) :
        JI, Submodule.spanRank J r r J.height