

Discrete Valuations #

A valuation v : A → ℤₘ₀ on a ring A is said to be a (normalized) discrete valuation if ofAdd (-1 : ℤ) belongs to the image of v. Note that valuations in Mathlib are multiplicative; if a : A → ℤ ∪ {infty} is the additive valuation associated to v, this is equivalent to asking that 1 : ℤ belongs to the image of a.

Main Definitions #


A valuation v on a ring A is (normalized) discrete if it is ℤₘ₀-valued and ofAdd (-1 : ℤ) belongs to the image. Note that the latter is equivalent to asking that 1 : ℤ belongs to the image of the corresponding additive valuation.


    A discrete valuation on a field K is surjective.

    A ℤₘ₀-valued valuation on a field K is discrete if and only if it is surjective.