

Upper and lower sets topologies #

This file introduces the upper set topology on a preorder as the topology where the open sets are the upper sets and the lower set topology on a preorder as the topology where the open sets are the lower sets.

In general the upper set topology does not coincide with the upper topology and the lower set topology does not coincide with the lower topology.

Main statements #

We provide the upper set topology in three ways (and similarly for the lower set topology):

Motivation #

An Alexandrov topology is a topology where the intersection of any collection of open sets is open. The upper set topology is an Alexandrov topology and, given any Alexandrov topological space, we can equip it with a preorder (namely the specialization preorder) whose upper set topology coincides with the original topology. See Topology.Specialization.

Tags #

upper set topology, lower set topology, preorder, Alexandrov

Topology whose open sets are upper sets.

Note: In general the upper set topology does not coincide with the upper topology.

Instances For

    Topology whose open sets are lower sets.

    Note: In general the lower set topology does not coincide with the lower topology.

    Instances For
      def Topology.WithUpperSet (α : Type u_4) :
      Type u_4

      Type synonym for a preorder equipped with the upper set topology.

      Instances For

        toUpperSet is the identity function to the WithUpperSet of a type.

        Instances For

          ofUpperSet is the identity function from the WithUpperSet of a type.

          Instances For
            @[deprecated Topology.WithUpperSet.toUpperSet_symm (since := "2024-10-10")]

            Alias of Topology.WithUpperSet.toUpperSet_symm.

            @[deprecated Topology.WithUpperSet.ofUpperSet_symm (since := "2024-10-10")]

            Alias of Topology.WithUpperSet.ofUpperSet_symm.

            def Topology.WithUpperSet.rec {α : Type u_1} {β : WithUpperSet αSort u_4} (h : (a : α) → β (toUpperSet a)) (a : WithUpperSet α) :
            β a

            A recursor for WithUpperSet. Use as induction x.

            Instances For
              def Topology.WithLowerSet (α : Type u_4) :
              Type u_4

              Type synonym for a preorder equipped with the lower set topology.

              Instances For

                toLowerSet is the identity function to the WithLowerSet of a type.

                Instances For

                  ofLowerSet is the identity function from the WithLowerSet of a type.

                  Instances For
                    @[deprecated Topology.WithLowerSet.toLowerSet_symm (since := "2024-10-10")]

                    Alias of Topology.WithLowerSet.toLowerSet_symm.

                    @[deprecated Topology.WithLowerSet.ofLowerSet_symm (since := "2024-10-10")]

                    Alias of Topology.WithLowerSet.ofLowerSet_symm.

                    def Topology.WithLowerSet.rec {α : Type u_1} {β : WithLowerSet αSort u_4} (h : (a : α) → β (toLowerSet a)) (a : WithLowerSet α) :
                    β a

                    A recursor for WithLowerSet. Use as induction x.

                    Instances For

                      The Upper Set topology is homeomorphic to the Lower Set topology on the dual order

                      Instances For
                        class Topology.IsUpperSet (α : Type u_4) [t : TopologicalSpace α] [Preorder α] :

                        Prop-valued mixin for an ordered topological space to be The upper set topology is the topology where the open sets are the upper sets. In general the upper set topology does not coincide with the upper topology.

                        • topology_eq_upperSetTopology : t = upperSet α
                          class Topology.IsLowerSet (α : Type u_4) [t : TopologicalSpace α] [Preorder α] :

                          The lower set topology is the topology where the open sets are the lower sets. In general the lower set topology does not coincide with the lower topology.

                          • topology_eq_lowerSetTopology : t = lowerSet α

                            If α is equipped with the upper set topology, then it is homeomorphic to WithUpperSet α.

                            Instances For

                              The closure of a singleton {a} in the upper set topology is the right-closed left-infinite interval (-∞,a].

                              theorem Topology.IsUpperSet.upperSet_le_upper {α : Type u_1} [Preorder α] {t₁ t₂ : TopologicalSpace α} [Topology.IsUpperSet α] [IsUpper α] :
                              t₁ t₂

                              If α is equipped with the lower set topology, then it is homeomorphic to WithLowerSet α.

                              Instances For

                                The closure of a singleton {a} in the lower set topology is the right-closed left-infinite interval (-∞,a].

                                theorem Topology.IsLowerSet.lowerSet_le_lower {α : Type u_1} [Preorder α] {t₁ t₂ : TopologicalSpace α} [Topology.IsLowerSet α] [IsLower α] :
                                t₁ t₂
                                def {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [Preorder α] [Preorder β] (f : α →o β) :

                                A monotone map between preorders spaces induces a continuous map between themselves considered with the upper set topology.

                                Instances For
                                  theorem Topology.WithUpperSet.map_comp {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {γ : Type u_3} [Preorder α] [Preorder β] [Preorder γ] (g : β →o γ) (f : α →o β) :
                                  map (g.comp f) = (map g).comp (map f)
                                  def {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} [Preorder α] [Preorder β] (f : α →o β) :

                                  A monotone map between preorders spaces induces a continuous map between themselves considered with the lower set topology.

                                  Instances For
                                    theorem Topology.WithLowerSet.map_comp {α : Type u_1} {β : Type u_2} {γ : Type u_3} [Preorder α] [Preorder β] [Preorder γ] (g : β →o γ) (f : α →o β) :
                                    map (g.comp f) = (map g).comp (map f)