Let X
be a preorder ≤
, and consider the associated Alexandrov topology on X
Given a functor F : X ⥤ C
to a complete category, we can extend F
to a
presheaf on (the topological space) X
by taking the right Kan extension along the canonical
functor X ⥤ (Opens X)ᵒᵖ
sending x : X
to the principal open {y | x ≤ y}
in the
Alexandrov topology.
This file proves that this presheaf is a sheaf.
Given x : X
, this is the principal open subset of X
generated by x
Instances For
The functor sending x : X
to the principal open associated with x
- Alexandrov.principals X = { obj := fun (x : X) => Opposite.op (Alexandrov.principalOpen x), map := fun {x y : X} (f : x ⟶ y) => ⋯.hom.op, map_id := ⋯, map_comp := ⋯ }
Instances For
The right kan extension of F
along X ⥤ (Opens X)ᵒᵖ
Instances For
Given a structured arrow f
with domain U : Opens X
over principals X
this functor sends f
to its "generator", an element of X
Instances For
Given a structured arrow f
with domain iSup Us
over principals X
where Us
is a family of Opens X
, this functor sends f
to the principal open
associated with it, considered as an object in the full subcategory of all V : Opens X
such that V ≤ Us i
for some i
This definition is primarily meant to be used in lowerCone
, and isLimit
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Instances For
This is an auxiliary definition which is only meant to be used in isLimit
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
This is the main construction in this file showing that the right Kan extension
of F : X ⥤ C
along principals : X ⥤ (Opens X)ᵒᵖ
is a sheaf, by showing that a certain
cone is a limit cone.
See isSheaf_principalsKanExtension
for the main application.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The main theorem of this file.
If X
is a topological space and preorder whose topology is the UpperSet
topology associated
with the preorder, F : X ⥤ C
is a functor into a complete category from the preorder category,
and P : (Opens X)ᵒᵖ ⥤ C
denotes the right Kan extension of F
along the
functor X ⥤ (Open X)ᵒᵖ
which sends x : X
to {y | x ≤ y}
, then P
is a sheaf.