

Counting coding functions at base type and level zero #

In this file, we show that there are less than μ coding functions at levels and 0.

Main declarations #

theorem ConNF.eq_bot_of_lt_of_isMin [Params] [Level] {β : Λ} [LeLevel β] ( : IsMin β) {δ : TypeIndex} ( : δ < β) :
δ =
theorem ConNF.allPerm_of_basePerm_of_isMin [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β : Λ} [LeLevel β] ( : IsMin β) (π : BasePerm) :
∃ (ρ : AllPerm β), ρ (Path.nil ↘.) = π
theorem ConNF.path_eq_of_isMin [Params] [Level] {β : Λ} [LeLevel β] ( : IsMin β) (A : β ) :