

Recoding #

In this file, we show that all coding functions of level β > γ can be expressed in terms of a set of a particular class of γ-coding functions, called raised coding functions.

Main declarations #

def ConNF.Combination [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β γ : Λ} [LeLevel β] [LeLevel γ] ( : γ < β) (x : TSet β) (S : Support β) (χs : Set (CodingFunction β)) :
Instances For
    theorem ConNF.combination_unique [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β γ : Λ} [LeLevel β] [LeLevel γ] ( : γ < β) {x₁ x₂ : TSet β} {S : Support β} {χs : Set (CodingFunction β)} (hx₁ : Combination x₁ S χs) (hx₂ : Combination x₂ S χs) :
    x₁ = x₂
    theorem ConNF.Combination.smul [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β γ : Λ} [LeLevel β] [LeLevel γ] ( : γ < β) {x : TSet β} {S : Support β} {χs : Set (CodingFunction β)} (h : Combination x S χs) (ρ : AllPerm β) :
    Combination (ρ x) (ρ S) χs
    inductive ConNF.RaisedRel [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β γ : Λ} [LeLevel β] [LeLevel γ] ( : γ < β) (s : Set (CodingFunction β)) (o : SupportOrbit β) :
    Rel (Support β) (TSet β)
    Instances For
      theorem ConNF.raisedRel_coinjective [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β γ : Λ} [LeLevel β] [LeLevel γ] ( : γ < β) (s : Set (CodingFunction β)) (o : SupportOrbit β) :
      theorem ConNF.raisedRel_dom_nonempty [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β γ : Λ} [LeLevel β] [LeLevel γ] ( : γ < β) {s : Set (CodingFunction β)} {o : SupportOrbit β} (hso : ∀ (S : Support β), S.orbit = o∃ (x : TSet β), Combination x S s S.Supports x) :
      theorem ConNF.supports_of_raisedRel [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β γ : Λ} [LeLevel β] [LeLevel γ] ( : γ < β) {s : Set (CodingFunction β)} {o : SupportOrbit β} (hso : ∀ (S : Support β), S.orbit = o∃ (x : TSet β), Combination x S s S.Supports x) {S : Support β} {x : TSet β} :
      RaisedRel s o S xS.Supports x
      theorem ConNF.orbit_eq_of_mem_dom_raisedRel [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β γ : Λ} [LeLevel β] [LeLevel γ] ( : γ < β) (s : Set (CodingFunction β)) (o : SupportOrbit β) {S : Support β} (hS : S (RaisedRel s o).dom) :
      S.orbit = o
      theorem ConNF.smul_raisedRel [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β γ : Λ} [LeLevel β] [LeLevel γ] ( : γ < β) (s : Set (CodingFunction β)) (o : SupportOrbit β) {S : Support β} {x : TSet β} (h : RaisedRel s o S x) (ρ : AllPerm β) :
      RaisedRel s o (ρ S) (ρ x)
      def ConNF.raisedCodingFunction [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β γ : Λ} [LeLevel β] [LeLevel γ] ( : γ < β) (s : Set (CodingFunction β)) (o : SupportOrbit β) (hso : ∀ (S : Support β), S.orbit = o∃ (x : TSet β), Combination x S s S.Supports x) :
      Instances For
        theorem ConNF.scoderiv_supports_singleton [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β γ : Λ} [LeLevel β] [LeLevel γ] ( : γ < β) (S : Support γ) (y : TSet γ) (h : S.Supports y) :
        (S ).Supports (singleton y)
        theorem ConNF.raisedSingleton_supports [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β γ : Λ} [LeLevel β] [LeLevel γ] ( : γ < β) (S : Support β) (y : TSet γ) :
        (S + .choose ).Supports (singleton y)
        theorem ConNF.raisedSingleton_aux [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β γ : Λ} [LeLevel β] [LeLevel γ] ( : γ < β) (S : Support β) (y : TSet γ) :
        (S + .choose ).Supports (singleton y)
        def ConNF.raisedSingleton [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β γ : Λ} [LeLevel β] [LeLevel γ] ( : γ < β) (S : Support β) (y : TSet γ) :
        Instances For
          theorem ConNF.combination_raisedSingleton [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β γ : Λ} [LeLevel β] [LeLevel γ] ( : γ < β) (x : TSet β) (S : Support β) (hxS : S.Supports x) :
          Combination x S (raisedSingleton S '' {y : TSet γ | y ∈[] x})
          def ConNF.RaisedSingleton [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β γ : Λ} [LeLevel β] [LeLevel γ] ( : γ < β) :
          Instances For
            theorem ConNF.exists_combination_raisedSingleton [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β γ : Λ} [LeLevel β] [LeLevel γ] ( : γ < β) (χ : CodingFunction β) :
            ∃ (s : Set (RaisedSingleton )) (o : SupportOrbit β) (hso : ∀ (S : Support β), S.orbit = o∃ (x : TSet β), Combination x S (Subtype.val '' s) S.Supports x), χ = raisedCodingFunction (Subtype.val '' s) o hso
            structure ConNF.RaisedSingletonData [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] (β γ : Λ) [LeLevel β] [LeLevel γ] :
            Instances For
              def' [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β γ : Λ} [LeLevel β] [LeLevel γ] ( : γ < β) (S : Support β) (y : TSet γ) :
              Instances For
                theorem'_eq_mk' [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β γ : Λ} [LeLevel β] [LeLevel γ] ( : γ < β) {S₁ S₂ : Support β} {y₁ y₂ : TSet γ} (h : mk' S₁ y₁ = mk' S₂ y₂) :
                raisedSingleton S₁ y₁ = raisedSingleton S₂ y₂
                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                Instances For
                  theorem ConNF.card_raisedSingleton_lt [Params] [Level] [CoherentData] {β γ : Λ} [LeLevel β] [LeLevel γ] ( : γ < β) (h₁ : (SupportOrbit β) < μ) (h₂ : δ < β, ∀ [inst : LeLevel δ], (CodingFunction δ) < μ) :