

Hypotheses for proving freedom of action #

This file contains the inductive hypotheses required for proving the freedom of action theorem.

Main declarations #

class ConNF.FOAData [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] :
Type (u + 1)

The data that we will use when proving the freedom of action theorem. This structure combines the following data:

  • TSet
  • Allowable
  • pos : Tangle β ↪ μ
  • typedNearLitter
    theorem ConNF.FOAData.lowerPositionedObjects [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [self : ConNF.FOAData] (β : ConNF.Λ) [ConNF.LtLevel β] :
    instance ConNF.FOAData.instModelDataSomeΛ [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAData] {β : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LeLevel β] :
    instance ConNF.FOAData.instPositionedTanglesSomeΛ [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAData] {γ : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LtLevel γ] :
    instance ConNF.FOAData.instTypedObjects [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAData] {β : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LeLevel β] :
    instance ConNF.FOAData.instPositionedObjects [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAData] {γ : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LtLevel γ] :
    • =
    instance ConNF.FOAData.leModelData [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAData] (β : ConNF.TypeIndex) [ConNF.LeLevel β] :
    instance ConNF.FOAData.ltPositionedTangles [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAData] (β : ConNF.TypeIndex) [ConNF.LtLevel β] :
    theorem ConNF.Tangle.coe_support [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAData] (β : ConNF.Λ) [ConNF.LeLevel β] (t : ConNF.Tangle β) : =
    theorem ConNF.support_supports [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [d : ConNF.FOAData] {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} [i : ConNF.LeLevel β] (t : ConNF.Tangle β) :
    def ConNF.Tangle.set [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAData] {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.LeLevel β] :
    • x.set = match x✝¹, x✝, x with | some β, x, t => t.set | none, x, a => a
    Instances For
      theorem ConNF.Tangle.bot_set [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAData] (t : ConNF.Tangle ) :
      t.set = t
      theorem ConNF.Tangle.coe_set [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAData] (β : ConNF.Λ) [ConNF.LeLevel β] (t : ConNF.Tangle β) :
      t.set = t.set
      theorem ConNF.Tangle.ext [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [d : ConNF.FOAData] {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} [i : ConNF.LeLevel β] (t₁ : ConNF.Tangle β) (t₂ : ConNF.Tangle β) (hs : t₁.set = t₂.set) (hS : t₁.support = t₂.support) :
      t₁ = t₂
      theorem ConNF.Tangle.smul_set [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [d : ConNF.FOAData] {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} [i : ConNF.LeLevel β] (t : ConNF.Tangle β) (ρ : ConNF.Allowable β) :
      (ρ t).set = ρ t.set
      theorem ConNF.FOAAssumptions.ext :
      ∀ {inst : ConNF.Params} {inst_1 : ConNF.Level} {inst_2 : ConNF.BasePositions} (x y : ConNF.FOAAssumptions), ConNF.FOAData.lowerModelData = ConNF.FOAData.lowerModelDataHEq ConNF.FOAData.lowerPositionedTangles ConNF.FOAData.lowerPositionedTanglesHEq ConNF.FOAData.lowerTypedObjects ConNF.FOAData.lowerTypedObjectsHEq (@ConNF.allowableCons inst inst_1 inst_2 x) (@ConNF.allowableCons inst inst_1 inst_2 y)x = y
      theorem ConNF.FOAAssumptions.ext_iff :
      ∀ {inst : ConNF.Params} {inst_1 : ConNF.Level} {inst_2 : ConNF.BasePositions} (x y : ConNF.FOAAssumptions), x = y ConNF.FOAData.lowerModelData = ConNF.FOAData.lowerModelData HEq ConNF.FOAData.lowerPositionedTangles ConNF.FOAData.lowerPositionedTangles HEq ConNF.FOAData.lowerTypedObjects ConNF.FOAData.lowerTypedObjects HEq (@ConNF.allowableCons inst inst_1 inst_2 x) (@ConNF.allowableCons inst inst_1 inst_2 y)
      class ConNF.FOAAssumptions [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] extends ConNF.FOAData :
      Type (u + 1)

      Assumptions detailing how the different levels of the tangled structure interact.

        theorem ConNF.FOAAssumptions.allowableCons_eq [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [self : ConNF.FOAAssumptions] (β : ConNF.TypeIndex) [ConNF.LeLevel β] (γ : ConNF.TypeIndex) [ConNF.LeLevel γ] (hγ : γ < β) (ρ : ConNF.Allowable β) :
        ConNF.Tree.comp (Quiver.Path.nil.cons ) (ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm ρ) = ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm ((ConNF.allowableCons ) ρ)

        The one-step derivative map commutes with toStructPerm.

        theorem ConNF.FOAAssumptions.pos_lt_pos_atom [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [self : ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LtLevel β] (t : ConNF.Tangle β) {A : ConNF.ExtendedIndex β} {a : ConNF.Atom} :
        { path := A, value := Sum.inl a } t.supportConNF.pos a < ConNF.pos t

        If an atom occurs in the support associated to an inflexible litter, it must have position less than the associated tangle.

        theorem ConNF.FOAAssumptions.pos_lt_pos_nearLitter [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [self : ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LtLevel β] (t : ConNF.Tangle β) {A : ConNF.ExtendedIndex β} {N : ConNF.NearLitter} :
        { path := A, value := Sum.inr N } t.supportt.set ConNF.typedNearLitter NConNF.pos N < ConNF.pos t

        If a near-litter occurs in the support associated to an inflexible litter, it must have position less than the associated tangle. The only exception is in the case that the tangle is a typed near-litter.

        theorem ConNF.FOAAssumptions.smul_fuzz [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [self : ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.LeLevel β] {γ : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.LtLevel γ] {δ : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LtLevel δ] (hγ : γ < β) (hδ : δ < β) (hγδ : γ δ) (ρ : ConNF.Allowable β) (t : ConNF.Tangle γ) :
        ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm ρ ((Quiver.Hom.toPath ).cons ) ConNF.fuzz hγδ t = ConNF.fuzz hγδ ((ConNF.allowableCons ) ρ t)

        The fuzz map commutes with allowable permutations.

        theorem ConNF.FOAAssumptions.allowable_of_smulFuzz [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [self : ConNF.FOAAssumptions] (β : ConNF.Λ) [ConNF.LeLevel β] (ρs : (γ : ConNF.TypeIndex) → [inst : ConNF.LtLevel γ] → γ < βConNF.Allowable γ) :
        (∀ (γ : ConNF.TypeIndex) [inst : ConNF.LtLevel γ] (δ : ConNF.Λ) [inst_1 : ConNF.LtLevel δ] ( : γ < β) ( : δ < β) (hγδ : γ δ) (t : ConNF.Tangle γ), ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm (ρs (δ) ) (Quiver.Hom.toPath ) ConNF.fuzz hγδ t = ConNF.fuzz hγδ (ρs γ t))∃ (ρ : ConNF.Allowable β), ∀ (γ : ConNF.TypeIndex) [inst : ConNF.LtLevel γ] ( : γ < β), (ConNF.allowableCons ) ρ = ρs γ

        We can build an β-allowable permutation from a family of allowable permutations at each level γ < β if they commute with the fuzz map.

        def ConNF.Allowable.comp' [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.LeLevel β] {γ : ConNF.TypeIndex} (A : Quiver.Path β γ) :

        A primitive version of Allowable.comp with different arguments. This is always the wrong spelling to use.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For
          def ConNF.Allowable.comp [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} {γ : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.LeLevel β] [ConNF.LeLevel γ] (A : Quiver.Path β γ) :

          Define the full derivative map on allowable permutations by recursion along paths. This agrees with Tree.comp, but yields allowable permutations. Note that the LeLevel γ hypothesis is technically redundant, but is used to give us more direct access to Allowable γ. In practice, we already have this assumption wherever we use Allowable.comp.

          Instances For

            We prove that Allowable.comp is functorial. In addition, we prove a number of lemmas about FOAAssumptions.

            theorem ConNF.Allowable.comp_nil [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.LeLevel β] :
            theorem ConNF.Allowable.comp_eq [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} {γ : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.LeLevel β] [ConNF.LeLevel γ] (h : γ < β) :
            ConNF.allowableCons h = ConNF.Allowable.comp (Quiver.Path.nil.cons h)
            theorem ConNF.Allowable.comp_cons [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} {γ : ConNF.TypeIndex} {δ : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.LeLevel β] [ConNF.LeLevel γ] [ConNF.LeLevel δ] (A : Quiver.Path β γ) (h : δ < γ) :
            theorem ConNF.Allowable.comp_cons_apply [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} {γ : ConNF.TypeIndex} {δ : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.LeLevel β] [ConNF.LeLevel γ] [ConNF.LeLevel δ] (A : Quiver.Path β γ) (h : δ < γ) (π : ConNF.Allowable β) :
            theorem ConNF.Allowable.comp_comp_apply [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} {γ : ConNF.TypeIndex} {δ : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.LeLevel β] [ConNF.LeLevel γ] [i : ConNF.LeLevel δ] (A : Quiver.Path β γ) (B : Quiver.Path γ δ) (π : ConNF.Allowable β) :
            theorem ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm_comp [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} {γ : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.LeLevel β] [i : ConNF.LeLevel γ] (A : Quiver.Path β γ) (π : ConNF.Allowable β) :
            ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm ((ConNF.Allowable.comp A) π) = ConNF.Tree.comp A (ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm π)
            theorem ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm_apply [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.LeLevel β] (A : Quiver.Path β ) (π : ConNF.Allowable β) :
            BasePerm.ofBot ((ConNF.Allowable.comp A) π) = ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm π A
            theorem ConNF.Allowable.comp_bot [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.LeLevel β] (A : Quiver.Path β ) (ρ : ConNF.Allowable β) :
            (ConNF.Allowable.comp A) ρ = ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm ρ A
            theorem ConNF.smul_support [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LeLevel β] (t : ConNF.Tangle β) (ρ : ConNF.Allowable β) :
            (ρ t).support = ρ
            theorem ConNF.smul_mem_support [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LtLevel β] {c : ConNF.Address β} {t : ConNF.Tangle β} (h : c (π : ConNF.Allowable β) :
            π c (π t).support
            theorem ConNF.BasePerm.ofBot_comp' [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.LeLevel β] {hβ : < β} {ρ : ConNF.Allowable β} :
            BasePerm.ofBot ((ConNF.allowableCons ) ρ) = ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm ρ (Quiver.Hom.toPath )
            theorem ConNF.ofBot_smul [ConNF.Params] {X : Type u_1} [MulAction ConNF.BasePerm X] (π : ConNF.Allowable ) (x : X) :
            π x = BasePerm.ofBot π x
            theorem ConNF.comp_bot_smul_atom [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.LeLevel β] (ρ : ConNF.Allowable β) (A : Quiver.Path β ) (a : ConNF.Tangle ) :
            (ConNF.Allowable.comp A) ρ a = ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm ρ A let_fun this := a; this

            We now show some different spellings of the theorem that allowable permutations commute with the fuzz maps.

            theorem ConNF.toStructPerm_smul_fuzz' [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.LeLevel β] {γ : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.LtLevel γ] {δ : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LtLevel δ] (hγ : γ < β) (hδ : δ < β) (hγδ : γ δ) (ρ : ConNF.Allowable β) (t : ConNF.Tangle γ) :
            ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm ρ ((Quiver.Path.nil.cons ).cons ) ConNF.fuzz hγδ t = ConNF.fuzz hγδ ((ConNF.allowableCons ) ρ t)
            theorem ConNF.toStructPerm_smul_fuzz [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.LeLevel β] {γ : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.LeLevel γ] {δ : ConNF.TypeIndex} [ConNF.LtLevel δ] {ε : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LtLevel ε] (hδ : δ < γ) (hε : ε < γ) (hδε : δ ε) (A : Quiver.Path β γ) (ρ : ConNF.Allowable β) (t : ConNF.Tangle δ) :
            ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm ρ ((A.cons ).cons ) ConNF.fuzz hδε t = ConNF.fuzz hδε ((ConNF.Allowable.comp (A.cons )) ρ t)