

Externalisation #

In this file, we convert many of our internal results (i.e. inside the induction) to external ones (i.e. defined using the global TSet/AllPerm definitions).

Main declarations #

theorem ConNF.heq_funext {α : Sort u_1} {β γ : αSort u_2} {f : (x : α) → β x} {g : (x : α) → γ x} (h : ∀ (x : α), HEq (f x) (g x)) :
HEq f g
theorem ConNF.globalLtData_eq [Params] [Level] :
globalLtData = ltData fun (β : Λ) (x : β < α) => motive β
theorem ConNF.globalLeData_eq [Params] [Level] :
globalLeData = leData fun (β : Λ) (x : β < α) => motive β
  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
theorem ConNF.heq_cast_eq_iff {α β γ : Type u_1} {x : α} {y : β} {h : α = γ} :
HEq (cast h x) y HEq x y
theorem ConNF.globalPreCoherentData_eq [Params] [Level] :
globalPreCoherentData = preCoherentData (fun (β : Λ) (x : β < α) => motive β) fun (β : Λ) (x : β < α) => hypothesis β