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structure ConNF.Motive [Params] (α : Λ) :
Type (u + 1)
Instances For
    Instances For
      theorem ConNF.pos_tangle_bot [Params] {D : ModelData } (t : Tangle ) (a : Atom) (A : ) (ha : a ( ⇘. A)) :
      pos a < pos t
      structure ConNF.Hypothesis [Params] {α : Λ} (M : Motive α) (N : (β : Λ) → β < αMotive β) :
      Instances For
        def ConNF.castTSet [Params] {α β : TypeIndex} {D₁ : ModelData α} {D₂ : ModelData β} (h₁ : α = β) (h₂ : HEq D₁ D₂) :
        TSet α TSet β
        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For
          def ConNF.castAllPerm [Params] {α β : TypeIndex} {D₁ : ModelData α} {D₂ : ModelData β} (h₁ : α = β) (h₂ : HEq D₁ D₂) :
          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For
            def ConNF.castTangle [Params] {α β : TypeIndex} {D₁ : ModelData α} {D₂ : ModelData β} (h₁ : α = β) (h₂ : HEq D₁ D₂) :
            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For
              theorem ConNF.castTSet_forget [Params] {α : TypeIndex} {D₁ D₂ : ModelData α} (h₂ : HEq D₁ D₂) (ρ : TSet α) :
              theorem ConNF.castAllPerm_forget [Params] {α : TypeIndex} {D₁ D₂ : ModelData α} (h₂ : HEq D₁ D₂) (ρ : AllPerm α) :
              theorem ConNF.castTangle_support [Params] {α : TypeIndex} {D₁ D₂ : ModelData α} (h₂ : HEq D₁ D₂) (t : Tangle α) :
              ((castTangle h₂) t).support =
              theorem ConNF.castAllPerm_smul [Params] {α : TypeIndex} {D₁ D₂ : ModelData α} (h₂ : HEq D₁ D₂) (ρ : AllPerm α) (t : Tangle α) :
              ρ (castTangle h₂) t = (castTangle h₂) ((castAllPerm h₂).symm ρ t)
              theorem ConNF.castTangle_pos [Params] {α β : TypeIndex} {D₁ : ModelData α} {D₂ : ModelData β} {E₁ : Position (Tangle α)} {E₂ : Position (Tangle β)} (h₁ : α = β) (h₂ : HEq D₁ D₂) (h₃ : HEq E₁ E₂) (t : Tangle α) :
              pos ((castTangle h₁ h₂) t) = pos t
              theorem ConNF.castTangle_fuzz [Params] {α : TypeIndex} {D₁ D₂ : ModelData α} {E₁ : Position (Tangle α)} {E₂ : Position (Tangle α)} (h₂ : HEq D₁ D₂) (h₃ : HEq E₁ E₂) (t : Tangle α) {β : Λ} (hαβ : α β) :
              fuzz hαβ ((castTangle h₂) t) = fuzz hαβ t