

Underlying topological space of fibre product of schemes #

Let f : X ⟶ S and g : Y ⟶ S be morphisms of schemes. In this file we describe the underlying topological space of pullback f g, i.e. the fiber product X ×[S] Y.

Main results #

We also give the ranges of pullback.fst, pullback.snd and

structure AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.Pullback.Triplet {X Y S : Scheme} (f : X S) (g : Y S) :

A Triplet over f : X ⟶ S and g : Y ⟶ S is a triple of points x : X, y : Y, s : S such that f x = s = f y.

Instances For
    theorem AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.Pullback.Triplet.ext {X Y S : Scheme} {f : X S} {g : Y S} {t₁ t₂ : Triplet f g} (ex : t₁.x = t₂.x) (ey : t₁.y = t₂.y) :
    t₁ = t₂

    Make a triplet from x : X and y : Y such that f x = g y.

    Instances For

      Given x : X and y : Y such that f x = s = g y, this is κ(x) ⊗[κ(s)] κ(y).

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      Instances For

        Given x : X and y : Y such that f x = s = g y, this is the canonical map κ(x) ⟶ κ(x) ⊗[κ(s)] κ(y).

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        Instances For

          Given x : X and y : Y such that f x = s = g y, this is the canonical map κ(y) ⟶ κ(x) ⊗[κ(s)] κ(y).

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          Instances For
            def AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.Pullback.Triplet.tensorCongr {X Y S : Scheme} {f : X S} {g : Y S} {T₁ T₂ : Triplet f g} (e : T₁ = T₂) :
            T₁.tensor T₂.tensor

            Given propositionally equal triplets T₁ and T₂ over f and g, the corresponding T₁.tensor and T₂.tensor are isomorphic.

            Instances For
              theorem AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.Pullback.Triplet.tensorCongr_symm {X Y S : Scheme} {f : X S} {g : Y S} {x y : Triplet f g} (e : x = y) :
              theorem AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.Pullback.Triplet.tensorCongr_inv {X Y S : Scheme} {f : X S} {g : Y S} {x y : Triplet f g} (e : x = y) :
              theorem AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.Pullback.Triplet.tensorCongr_trans {X Y S : Scheme} {f : X S} {g : Y S} {x y z : Triplet f g} (e : x = y) (e' : y = z) :

              Given x : X, y : Y and s : S such that f x = s = g y, this is Spec (κ(x) ⊗[κ(s)] κ(y)) ⟶ X ×ₛ Y.

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              Instances For

                Given t : X ×[S] Y, it maps to X and Y with same image in S, yielding a Triplet f g.

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                Instances For

                  Given t : X ×[S] Y with projections to X, Y and S denoted by x, y and s respectively, this is the canonical map κ(x) ⊗[κ(s)] κ(y) ⟶ κ(t).

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                  Instances For

                    If t is a point in X ×[S] Y above (x, y, s), then this is the image of the unique point of Spec κ(s) in Spec κ(x) ⊗[κ(s)] κ(y).

                    Instances For
                      theorem AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.Pullback.carrierEquiv_eq_iff {X Y S : Scheme} {f : X S} {g : Y S} {T₁ T₂ : (T : Triplet f g) × (Spec T.tensor).toPresheafedSpace} :
                      T₁ = T₂ ∃ (e : T₁.fst = T₂.fst), (CategoryTheory.ConcreteCategory.hom ( (Triplet.tensorCongr e).inv).base) T₁.snd = T₂.snd

                      A helper lemma to work with AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.Pullback.carrierEquiv.

                      The points of the underlying topological space of X ×[S] Y bijectively correspond to pairs of triples x : X, y : Y, s : S with f x = s = f y and prime ideals of κ(x) ⊗[κ(s)] κ(y).

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                      Instances For

                        Given a triple (x, y, s) with f x = s = f y there exists t : X ×[S] Y above x and . For the unpacked version without Triplet, see AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.Pullback.exists_preimage.

                        If f : X ⟶ S and g : Y ⟶ S are morphisms of schemes and x : X and y : Y are points such that f x = g y, then there exists z : X ×[S] Y lying above x and y.

                        In other words, the map from the underlying topological space of X ×[S] Y to the fiber product of the underlying topological spaces of X and Y over S is surjective.