Residue fields of points #
Main definitions #
The following are in the AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme
: The residue field of the stalk atx
: For open subsetsU
, the evaluation map from sections overU
to the residue field atx
: A morphism of schemes induce a homomorphism of residue fields.AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.fromSpecResidueField
: The canonical mapSpec κ(x) ⟶ X
: morphismsSpec K ⟶ X
for a fieldK
correspond to pairs ofx : X
with embeddingκ(x) ⟶ K
The residue field of X
at a point x
is the residue field of the stalk of X
at x
- X.residueField x = CommRingCat.of (IsLocalRing.ResidueField ↑(X.presheaf.stalk x))
Instances For
The residue map from the stalk to the residue field.
- X.residue x = CommRingCat.ofHom (IsLocalRing.residue ↑(X.presheaf.stalk x))
Instances For
See AlgebraicGeometry.IsClosedImmersion.Spec_map_residue
for the stronger result that (X.residue x)
is a closed immersion.
If K
is a field and f : 𝒪_{X, x} ⟶ K
is a ring map, then this is the induced
map κ(x) ⟶ K
Instances For
If U
is an open of X
containing x
, we have a canonical ring map from the sections
over U
to the residue field of x
If we interpret sections over U
as functions of X
defined on U
, then this ring map
corresponds to evaluation at x
- X.evaluation U x hx = CategoryTheory.CategoryStruct.comp (X.presheaf.germ U x hx) (X.residue x)
Instances For
The global evaluation map from Γ(X, ⊤)
to the residue field at x
- X.Γevaluation x = X.evaluation ⊤ x trivial
Instances For
If X ⟶ Y
is a morphism of locally ringed spaces and x
a point of X
, we obtain
a morphism of residue fields in the other direction.
Instances For
The isomorphism between residue fields of equal points.
Instances For
The canonical map Spec κ(x) ⟶ X
Instances For
- AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.instOverSpecResidueField x = { hom := X.fromSpecResidueField x }
A helper lemma to work with AlgebraicGeometry.Scheme.SpecToEquivOfField
For a field K
and a scheme X
, the morphisms Spec K ⟶ X
bijectively correspond
to pairs of points x
of X
and embeddings κ(x) ⟶ K
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