

Strict Segal simplicial sets #

A simplicial set X satisfies the StrictSegal condition if for all n, the map X.spine n : X _⦋n⦌ → X.Path n is an equivalence, with equivalence inverse spineToSimplex {n : ℕ} : Path X n → X _⦋n⦌.

Examples of StrictSegal simplicial sets are given by nerves of categories.

TODO: Show that these are the only examples: that a StrictSegal simplicial set is isomorphic to the nerve of its homotopy category.

StrictSegal simplicial sets have an important property of being 2-coskeletal which is proven in Mathlib.AlgebraicTopology.SimplicialSet.Coskeletal.

class SSet.StrictSegal (X : SSet) :

A simplicial set X satisfies the strict Segal condition if its simplices are uniquely determined by their spine.


    The fields of StrictSegal define an equivalence between X _⦋n⦌ and Path X n.

    Instances For

      In the presence of the strict Segal condition, a path of length n can be "composed" by taking the diagonal edge of the resulting n-simplex.

      Instances For
        theorem SSet.StrictSegal.spineToSimplex_interval {X : SSet} [X.StrictSegal] {n : } (f : X.Path n) (j l : ) (hjl : j + l n) :
        theorem SSet.StrictSegal.spineToSimplex_edge {X : SSet} [X.StrictSegal] {n : } (f : X.Path n) (j l : ) (hjl : j + l n) :
        theorem SSet.StrictSegal.spineToSimplex_map {X Y : SSet} [X.StrictSegal] [Y.StrictSegal] {n : } (f : X.Path (n + 1)) (σ : X Y) :

        For any σ : X ⟶ Y between StrictSegal simplicial sets, spineToSimplex commutes with

        theorem SSet.StrictSegal.spine_δ_vertex_lt {X : SSet} [X.StrictSegal] {n : } (f : X.Path (n + 1)) {i : Fin (n + 1)} {j : Fin (n + 2)} (h : i.castSucc < j) :

        If we take the path along the spine of the jth face of a spineToSimplex, the common vertices will agree with those of the original path f. In particular, a vertex i with i < j can be identified with the same vertex in f.

        theorem SSet.StrictSegal.spine_δ_vertex_ge {X : SSet} [X.StrictSegal] {n : } (f : X.Path (n + 1)) {i : Fin (n + 1)} {j : Fin (n + 2)} (h : j i.castSucc) :

        If we take the path along the spine of the jth face of a spineToSimplex, a vertex i with i ≥ j can be identified with vertex i + 1 in the original path.

        theorem SSet.StrictSegal.spine_δ_arrow_lt {X : SSet} [X.StrictSegal] {n : } (f : X.Path (n + 1)) {i : Fin n} {j : Fin (n + 2)} (h : i.succ.castSucc < j) :

        If we take the path along the spine of the jth face of a spineToSimplex, the common arrows will agree with those of the original path f. In particular, an arrow i with i + 1 < j can be identified with the same arrow in f.

        theorem SSet.StrictSegal.spine_δ_arrow_gt {X : SSet} [X.StrictSegal] {n : } (f : X.Path (n + 1)) {i : Fin n} {j : Fin (n + 2)} (h : j < i.succ.castSucc) :

        If we take the path along the spine of the jth face of a spineToSimplex, an arrow i with i + 1 > j can be identified with arrow i + 1 in the original path.

        theorem SSet.StrictSegal.spine_δ_arrow_eq {X : SSet} [X.StrictSegal] {n : } (f : X.Path (n + 1)) {i : Fin n} {j : Fin (n + 2)} (h : j = i.succ.castSucc) :

        If we take the path along the spine of a face of a spineToSimplex, the arrows not contained in the original path can be recovered as the diagonal edge of the spineToSimplex that "composes" arrows i and i + 1.

        Simplices in the nerve of categories are uniquely determined by their spine. Indeed, this property describes the essential image of the nerve functor.

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