Etale morphisms #
An R
-algebra A
is formally étale if for every R
-algebra B
every square-zero ideal I : Ideal B
and f : A →ₐ[R] B ⧸ I
, there exists
exactly one lift A →ₐ[R] B
It is étale if it is formally étale and of finite presentation.
We show that the property extends onto nilpotent ideals, and that these properties are stable
under R
-algebra homomorphisms and compositions.
We show that étale is stable under algebra isomorphisms, composition and localization at an element.
We now consider a commutative square of commutative rings
R -----> S
| |
| |
v v
Rₘ ----> Sₘ
where Rₘ
and Sₘ
are the localisations of R
and S
at a multiplicatively closed
subset M
of R
Let R, S, Rₘ, Sₘ be commutative rings
Let M be a multiplicatively closed subset of R
Assume that the rings are in a commutative diagram as above.
and that Rₘ and Sₘ are localizations of R and S at M.
The localization of a formally étale map is formally étale.
An R
-algebra A
is étale if it is formally étale and of finite presentation.
Stacks Tag 00U1 (Note that this is a different definition from this Stacks entry, but shows that it is equivalent to the definition here.)
- formallyEtale : FormallyEtale R A
- finitePresentation : FinitePresentation R A
Localization at an element is étale.
A ring homomorphism R →+* A
is formally etale if it is formally unramified and formally smooth.
See Algebra.FormallyEtale