Smooth morphisms #
An R
-algebra A
is formally smooth if for every R
every square-zero ideal I : Ideal B
and f : A →ₐ[R] B ⧸ I
, there exists
at least one lift A →ₐ[R] B
It is smooth if it is formally smooth and of finite presentation.
We show that the property of being formally smooth extends onto nilpotent ideals,
and that it is stable under R
-algebra homomorphisms and compositions.
We show that smooth is stable under algebra isomorphisms, composition and localization at an element.
An R
algebra A
is formally smooth if for every R
-algebra, every square-zero ideal
I : Ideal B
and f : A →ₐ[R] B ⧸ I
, there exists at least one lift A →ₐ[R] B
- comp_surjective ⦃B : Type u⦄ [CommRing B] [Algebra R B] (I : Ideal B) : I ^ 2 = ⊥ → Function.Surjective (Ideal.Quotient.mkₐ R I).comp
For a formally smooth R
-algebra A
and a map f : A →ₐ[R] B ⧸ I
with I
this is an arbitrary lift A →ₐ[R] B
- Algebra.FormallySmooth.lift I hI g = ⋯.choose
Instances For
For a formally smooth R
-algebra A
and a map f : A →ₐ[R] B ⧸ I
with I
this is an arbitrary lift A →ₐ[R] B
- Algebra.FormallySmooth.liftOfSurjective f g hg hg' = Algebra.FormallySmooth.lift (RingHom.ker ↑g) hg' ((↑(Ideal.quotientKerAlgEquivOfSurjective hg).symm).comp f)
Instances For
Let P →ₐ[R] A
be a surjection with kernel J
, and P
a formally smooth R
then A
is formally smooth over R
iff the surjection P ⧸ J ^ 2 →ₐ[R] A
has a section.
Geometric intuition: we require that a first-order thickening of Spec A
inside Spec P
a retraction.
An R
algebra A
is smooth if it is formally smooth and of finite presentation.
Stacks Tag 00T2 (In the stacks project, the definition of smooth is completely different, and tag proves that their definition is equivalent to this.)
- formallySmooth : FormallySmooth R A
- finitePresentation : FinitePresentation R A
Localization at an element is smooth.