The differential module and etale algebras #
Main results #
: The canonical isomorphismT ⊗[S] Ω[S⁄R] ≃ₗ[T] Ω[T⁄R]
a formally etaleS
: The canonical isomorphismT ⊗[S] H¹(L_{S⁄R}) ≃ₗ[T] H¹(L_{T⁄R})
a localization ofS
noncomputable def
(R S T : Type u)
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[CommRing T]
[Algebra R S]
[Algebra R T]
[Algebra S T]
[IsScalarTower R S T]
[Algebra.FormallyEtale S T]
The canonical isomorphism T ⊗[S] Ω[S⁄R] ≃ₗ[T] Ω[T⁄R]
for T
a formally etale S
Also see S ⊗[R] Ω[A⁄R] ≃ₗ[S] Ω[S ⊗[R] A⁄S]
at KaehlerDifferential.tensorKaehlerEquiv
Instances For
(R S T : Type u)
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[CommRing T]
[Algebra R S]
[Algebra R T]
[Algebra S T]
[IsScalarTower R S T]
[Algebra.FormallyEtale S T]
(a✝ : TensorProduct S T (Ω[S⁄R]))
(tensorKaehlerEquivOfFormallyEtale R S T) a✝ = (mapBaseChange R S T) a✝
(R S T : Type u)
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[CommRing T]
[Algebra R S]
[Algebra R T]
[Algebra S T]
[IsScalarTower R S T]
[Algebra.FormallyEtale S T]
(s : S)
(tensorKaehlerEquivOfFormallyEtale R S T).symm ((D R T) ((algebraMap S T) s)) = 1 ⊗ₜ[S] (D R S) s
(R S T : Type u)
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[CommRing T]
[Algebra R S]
[Algebra R T]
[Algebra S T]
[IsScalarTower R S T]
[Algebra.FormallyEtale S T]
IsBaseChange T (map R R S T)
(R S T : Type u)
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[CommRing T]
[Algebra R S]
[Algebra R T]
[Algebra S T]
[IsScalarTower R S T]
(M : Submonoid S)
[IsLocalization M T]
IsLocalizedModule M (map R R S T)
Suppose we have a morphism of extensions of R
0 → J → Q → T → 0
↑ ↑ ↑
0 → I → P → S → 0
noncomputable def
{R S T : Type u}
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[CommRing T]
[Algebra R S]
[Algebra R T]
[Algebra S T]
[IsScalarTower R S T]
{P : Extension R S}
{Q : Extension R T}
(f : P.Hom Q)
(H : f.toRingHom.FormallyEtale)
TensorProduct S T P.CotangentSpace ≃ₗ[T] Q.CotangentSpace
If P → Q
is formally etale, then T ⊗ₛ (S ⊗ₚ Ω[P/R]) ≃ T ⊗_Q Ω[Q/R]
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Instances For
noncomputable def
{R S T : Type u}
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[CommRing T]
[Algebra R S]
[Algebra R T]
[Algebra S T]
{P : Extension R S}
{Q : Extension R T}
(f : P.Hom Q)
[alg : Algebra P.Ring Q.Ring]
(halg : algebraMap P.Ring Q.Ring = f.toRingHom)
(H : Function.Bijective ⇑(LinearMap.liftBaseChange Q.Ring (f.mapKer halg)))
Q.Cotangent →+ TensorProduct S T P.Cotangent
If J ≃ Q ⊗ₚ I
(e.g. when T = Q ⊗ₚ S
and P → Q
is flat), then T ⊗ₛ I/I² ≃ J/J²
This is the inverse.
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Instances For
{R S T : Type u}
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[CommRing T]
[Algebra R S]
[Algebra R T]
[Algebra S T]
{P : Extension R S}
{Q : Extension R T}
(f : P.Hom Q)
[alg : Algebra P.Ring Q.Ring]
(halg : algebraMap P.Ring Q.Ring = f.toRingHom)
(H : Function.Bijective ⇑(LinearMap.liftBaseChange Q.Ring (f.mapKer halg)))
(x : Q.Ring)
(y : ↥P.ker)
noncomputable def
{R S T : Type u}
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[CommRing T]
[Algebra R S]
[Algebra R T]
[Algebra S T]
{P : Extension R S}
{Q : Extension R T}
(f : P.Hom Q)
[alg : Algebra P.Ring Q.Ring]
(halg : algebraMap P.Ring Q.Ring = f.toRingHom)
(H : Function.Bijective ⇑(LinearMap.liftBaseChange Q.Ring (f.mapKer halg)))
TensorProduct S T P.Cotangent ≃ₗ[T] Q.Cotangent
If J ≃ Q ⊗ₚ I
(e.g. when T = Q ⊗ₚ S
and P → Q
is flat), then T ⊗ₛ I/I² ≃ J/J²
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Instances For
noncomputable def
{R S T : Type u}
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[CommRing T]
[Algebra R S]
[Algebra R T]
[Algebra S T]
[IsScalarTower R S T]
{P : Extension R S}
{Q : Extension R T}
(f : P.Hom Q)
[alg : Algebra P.Ring Q.Ring]
(halg : algebraMap P.Ring Q.Ring = f.toRingHom)
[Module.Flat S T]
(H₁ : f.toRingHom.FormallyEtale)
(H₂ : Function.Bijective ⇑(LinearMap.liftBaseChange Q.Ring (f.mapKer halg)))
TensorProduct S T P.H1Cotangent ≃ₗ[T] Q.H1Cotangent
If J ≃ Q ⊗ₚ I
, S → T
is flat and P → Q
is formally etale, then T ⊗ H¹(L_P) ≃ H¹(L_Q)
Instances For
noncomputable def
(R : Type u)
{S : Type u}
(T : Type u)
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[CommRing T]
[Algebra R S]
[Algebra R T]
[Algebra S T]
[IsScalarTower R S T]
(M : Submonoid S)
[IsLocalization M T]
TensorProduct S T (H1Cotangent R S) ≃ₗ[T] H1Cotangent R T
let p
be a submonoid of an R
-algebra S
. Then Sₚ ⊗ H¹(L_{S/R}) ≃ H¹(L_{Sₚ/R})
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Instances For
(R : Type u)
{S : Type u}
(T : Type u)
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[CommRing T]
[Algebra R S]
[Algebra R T]
[Algebra S T]
[IsScalarTower R S T]
(M : Submonoid S)
[IsLocalization M T]
↑(tensorH1CotangentOfIsLocalization R T M) = LinearMap.liftBaseChange T ( R R S T)
(R : Type u)
{S : Type u}
(T : Type u)
[CommRing R]
[CommRing S]
[CommRing T]
[Algebra R S]
[Algebra R T]
[Algebra S T]
[IsScalarTower R S T]
(M : Submonoid S)
[IsLocalization M T]
IsLocalizedModule M (map R R S T)