Going down #
In this file we define a predicate Algebra.HasGoingDown
: An R
-algebra S
Algebra.HasGoingDown R S
if for every pair of prime ideals p ≤ q
of R
with Q
a prime
of S
lying above q
, there exists a prime P ≤ Q
of S
lying above p
Main results #
: going down is equivalent to generalizations lifting alongSpec S → Spec R
: flat algebras satisfy going down.
- An integral extension of domains with normal base satisfies going down.
An R
-algebra S
satisfies Algebra.HasGoingDown R S
if for every pair of
prime ideals p ≤ q
of R
with Q
a prime of S
lying above q
, there exists a
prime P ≤ Q
of S
lying above p
The condition only asks for <
which is easier to prove, use
for applying it.
Stacks Tag 00HV ((2))
An R
-algebra S
has the going down property if and only if generalizations lift
along Spec S → Spec R
Stacks Tag 00HW ((1))
If for every prime of S
, the map Spec Sₚ → Spec Rₚ
is surjective,
the algebra satisfies going down.
Flat algebras satisfy the going down property.