Ideals of continuous functions #
For a topological semiring R
and a topological space X
there is a Galois connection between
Ideal C(X, R)
and Set X
given by sending each I : Ideal C(X, R)
{x : X | ∀ f ∈ I, f x = 0}ᶜ
and mapping s : Set X
to the ideal with carrier
{f : C(X, R) | ∀ x ∈ sᶜ, f x = 0}
, and we call these maps ContinuousMap.setOfIdeal
. As long as R
is Hausdorff, ContinuousMap.setOfIdeal I
is open,
and if, in addition, X
is locally compact, then ContinuousMap.setOfIdeal s
is closed.
When R = 𝕜
with RCLike 𝕜
and X
is compact Hausdorff, then this Galois connection can be
improved to a true Galois correspondence (i.e., order isomorphism) between the type opens X
the subtype of closed ideals of C(X, 𝕜)
. Because we do not have a bundled type of closed ideals,
we simply register this as a Galois insertion between Ideal C(X, 𝕜)
and opens X
, which is
. Consequently, the maximal ideals of C(X, 𝕜)
are precisely those
ideals corresponding to (complements of) singletons in X
In addition, when X
is locally compact and 𝕜
is a nontrivial topological integral domain, then
there is a natural continuous map from X
to WeakDual.characterSpace 𝕜 C(X, 𝕜)
given by point
evaluation, which is herein called WeakDual.CharacterSpace.continuousMapEval
. Again, when X
compact Hausdorff and RCLike 𝕜
, more can be obtained. In particular, in that context this map is
bijective, and since the domain is compact and the codomain is Hausdorff, it is a homeomorphism,
herein called WeakDual.CharacterSpace.homeoEval
Main definitions #
: ideal of functions which vanish on the complement of a set.ContinuousMap.setOfIdeal
: complement of the set on which all functions in the ideal vanish.ContinuousMap.opensOfIdeal
as a term ofopens X
: The Galois insertionContinuousMap.opensOfIdeal
andfun s ↦ ContinuousMap.idealOfSet ↑s
: the natural continuous map from a locally compact topological spaceX
to theWeakDual.characterSpace 𝕜 C(X, 𝕜)
which sendsx : X
to point evaluation atx
, with modest hypothesis on𝕜
: this isWeakDual.CharacterSpace.continuousMapEval
upgraded to a homeomorphism whenX
is compact Hausdorff andRCLike 𝕜
Main statements #
: whenX
is compact Hausdorff andRCLike 𝕜
,idealOfSet 𝕜 (setOfIdeal I) = I.closure
for any idealI : Ideal C(X, 𝕜)
: whenX
is compact Hausdorff andRCLike 𝕜
,setOfIdeal (idealOfSet 𝕜 s) = interior s
for anys : Set X
: whenX
is compact Hausdorff andRCLike 𝕜
, a closed ideal ofC(X, 𝕜)
is maximal if and only if it isidealOfSet 𝕜 {x}ᶜ
for somex : X
Implementation details #
Because there does not currently exist a bundled type of closed ideals, we don't provide the actual
order isomorphism described above, and instead we only consider the Galois insertion
Tags #
ideal, continuous function, compact, Hausdorff
Given a topological ring R
and s : Set X
, construct the ideal in C(X, R)
of functions
which vanish on the complement of s
Instances For
Given an ideal I
of C(X, R)
, construct the set of points for which every function in the
ideal vanishes on the complement.
Instances For
The open set ContinuousMap.setOfIdeal I
realized as a term of opens X
- ContinuousMap.opensOfIdeal I = { carrier := ContinuousMap.setOfIdeal I, is_open' := ⋯ }
Instances For
An auxiliary lemma used in the proof of ContinuousMap.idealOfSet_ofIdeal_eq_closure
which may
be useful on its own.
The Galois insertion ContinuousMap.opensOfIdeal : Ideal C(X, 𝕜) → Opens X
fun s ↦ ContinuousMap.idealOfSet ↑s
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
The natural continuous map from a locally compact topological space X
to the
WeakDual.characterSpace 𝕜 C(X, 𝕜)
which sends x : X
to point evaluation at x
- WeakDual.CharacterSpace.continuousMapEval X 𝕜 = { toFun := fun (x : X) => ⟨{ toFun := fun (f : C(X, 𝕜)) => f x, map_add' := ⋯, map_smul' := ⋯, cont := ⋯ }, ⋯⟩, continuous_toFun := ⋯ }
Instances For
This is the natural homeomorphism between a compact Hausdorff space X
and the
WeakDual.characterSpace 𝕜 C(X, 𝕜)