

Strong supports #

theorem ConNF.Support.interferes_iff [ConNF.Params] (a : ConNF.Atom) (N₁ : ConNF.NearLitter) (N₂ : ConNF.NearLitter) :
ConNF.Support.Interferes a N₁ N₂ N₁.fst = N₂.fst a symmDiff N₁ N₂ N₁.fst N₂.fst a N₁ N₂
inductive ConNF.Support.Interferes [ConNF.Params] (a : ConNF.Atom) (N₁ : ConNF.NearLitter) (N₂ : ConNF.NearLitter) :
Instances For
    theorem ConNF.Support.precedes_iff [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} :
    ∀ (a a_1 : ConNF.Address β), ConNF.Support.Precedes a a_1 (∃ (A : ConNF.ExtendedIndex β) (N : ConNF.NearLitter) (h : ConNF.InflexibleCoe A N.fst),, a = { path := (h.path.B.cons ).comp c.path, value := c.value } a_1 = { path := (h.path.B.cons ).cons , value := Sum.inr N }) ∃ (A : ConNF.ExtendedIndex β) (N : ConNF.NearLitter) (h : ConNF.InflexibleBot A N.fst), a = { path := h.path.B.cons , value := Sum.inl h.a } a_1 = { path := (h.path.B.cons ).cons , value := Sum.inr N }
    inductive ConNF.Support.Precedes [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} :
    ConNF.Address βConNF.Address βProp
    Instances For
      theorem ConNF.Support.strong_iff [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} (S : ConNF.Support β) :
      S.Strong (∀ {i₁ i₂ : ConNF.κ} (hi₁ : i₁ < S.max) (hi₂ : i₂ < S.max) {A : ConNF.ExtendedIndex β} {N₁ N₂ : ConNF.NearLitter}, S.f i₁ hi₁ = { path := A, value := Sum.inr N₁ }S.f i₂ hi₂ = { path := A, value := Sum.inr N₂ }∀ {a : ConNF.Atom}, ConNF.Support.Interferes a N₁ N₂∃ (j : ConNF.κ) (hj : j < S.max), S.f j hj = { path := A, value := Sum.inl a }) ∀ {i : ConNF.κ} (hi : i < S.max) (c : ConNF.Address β), ConNF.Support.Precedes c (S.f i hi)∃ (j : ConNF.κ) (hj : j < S.max), j < i S.f j hj = c
      structure ConNF.Support.Strong [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} (S : ConNF.Support β) :
      • interferes : ∀ {i₁ i₂ : ConNF.κ} (hi₁ : i₁ < S.max) (hi₂ : i₂ < S.max) {A : ConNF.ExtendedIndex β} {N₁ N₂ : ConNF.NearLitter}, S.f i₁ hi₁ = { path := A, value := Sum.inr N₁ }S.f i₂ hi₂ = { path := A, value := Sum.inr N₂ }∀ {a : ConNF.Atom}, ConNF.Support.Interferes a N₁ N₂∃ (j : ConNF.κ) (hj : j < S.max), S.f j hj = { path := A, value := Sum.inl a }

        TODO: We can simplify this statement now that we've removed the extra inequalities.

      • precedes : ∀ {i : ConNF.κ} (hi : i < S.max) (c : ConNF.Address β), ConNF.Support.Precedes c (S.f i hi)∃ (j : ConNF.κ) (hj : j < S.max), j < i S.f j hj = c
      Instances For
        theorem ConNF.Support.Strong.interferes [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} {S : ConNF.Support β} (self : S.Strong) {i₁ : ConNF.κ} {i₂ : ConNF.κ} (hi₁ : i₁ < S.max) (hi₂ : i₂ < S.max) {A : ConNF.ExtendedIndex β} {N₁ : ConNF.NearLitter} {N₂ : ConNF.NearLitter} (h₁ : S.f i₁ hi₁ = { path := A, value := Sum.inr N₁ }) (h₂ : S.f i₂ hi₂ = { path := A, value := Sum.inr N₂ }) {a : ConNF.Atom} (ha : ConNF.Support.Interferes a N₁ N₂) :
        ∃ (j : ConNF.κ) (hj : j < S.max), S.f j hj = { path := A, value := Sum.inl a }

        TODO: We can simplify this statement now that we've removed the extra inequalities.

        theorem ConNF.Support.Strong.precedes [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} {S : ConNF.Support β} (self : S.Strong) {i : ConNF.κ} (hi : i < S.max) (c : ConNF.Address β) (hc : ConNF.Support.Precedes c (S.f i hi)) :
        ∃ (j : ConNF.κ) (hj : j < S.max), j < i S.f j hj = c
        theorem ConNF.Support.interferes_small [ConNF.Params] (N₁ : ConNF.NearLitter) (N₂ : ConNF.NearLitter) :
        ConNF.Small {a : ConNF.Atom | ConNF.Support.Interferes a N₁ N₂}
        theorem ConNF.Support.not_precedes_atom [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} {c : ConNF.Address β} {A : ConNF.ExtendedIndex β} {a : ConNF.Atom} :
        ¬ConNF.Support.Precedes c { path := A, value := Sum.inl a }
        theorem [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} {c : ConNF.Address β} {d : ConNF.Address β} :
        theorem ConNF.Support.Precedes.wellFounded [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} :
        WellFounded ConNF.Support.Precedes
        def ConNF.Support.precClosure [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} (s : Set (ConNF.Address β)) :
        Instances For
          theorem ConNF.Support.precClosure_small [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} {s : Set (ConNF.Address β)} (h : ConNF.Small s) :
          def ConNF.Support.strongClosure [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} (s : Set (ConNF.Address β)) :
          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For
            theorem ConNF.Support.interferesSet_eq [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} (s : Set (ConNF.Address β)) :
            {c : ConNF.Address β | ∃ (A : ConNF.ExtendedIndex β) (a : ConNF.Atom) (N₁ : ConNF.NearLitter) (N₂ : ConNF.NearLitter), { path := A, value := Sum.inr N₁ } ConNF.Support.precClosure s { path := A, value := Sum.inr N₂ } ConNF.Support.precClosure s ConNF.Support.Interferes a N₁ N₂ c = { path := A, value := Sum.inl a }} = ⋃ (A : ConNF.ExtendedIndex β), ⋃ (N₁ : ConNF.NearLitter), ⋃ (_ : { path := A, value := Sum.inr N₁ } ConNF.Support.precClosure s), ⋃ (N₂ : ConNF.NearLitter), ⋃ (_ : { path := A, value := Sum.inr N₂ } ConNF.Support.precClosure s), ⋃ (a : ConNF.Atom), ⋃ (_ : ConNF.Support.Interferes a N₁ N₂), {{ path := A, value := Sum.inl a }}
            theorem ConNF.Support.strongClosure_small [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} {s : Set (ConNF.Address β)} (h : ConNF.Small s) :
            theorem ConNF.Support.subset_strongClosure [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} (s : Set (ConNF.Address β)) :
            theorem ConNF.Support.interferes_mem_strongClosure [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} (s : Set (ConNF.Address β)) (A : ConNF.ExtendedIndex β) (a : ConNF.Atom) (N₁ : ConNF.NearLitter) (N₂ : ConNF.NearLitter) (h : ConNF.Support.Interferes a N₁ N₂) (hN₁ : { path := A, value := Sum.inr N₁ } ConNF.Support.strongClosure s) (hN₂ : { path := A, value := Sum.inr N₂ } ConNF.Support.strongClosure s) :
            { path := A, value := Sum.inl a } ConNF.Support.strongClosure s
            theorem ConNF.Support.precedes_mem_strongClosure [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} (s : Set (ConNF.Address β)) {c : ConNF.Address β} {d : ConNF.Address β} (hcd : ConNF.Support.Precedes c d) (hd : d ConNF.Support.strongClosure s) :
            inductive ConNF.Support.StrongSupportRel [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} :
            ConNF.Address βConNF.Address βProp
            Instances For
              theorem ConNF.Support.StrongSupportRel.wellFounded [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} :
              WellFounded ConNF.Support.StrongSupportRel
              noncomputable def ConNF.Support.StrongSupportOrder [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} :
              ConNF.Address βConNF.Address βProp

              An arbitrary well-order on the type of β-addresses, formed in such a way that whenever c must appear before d in a support, c < d.

              • ConNF.Support.StrongSupportOrder =
              Instances For
                noncomputable def ConNF.Support.StrongSupportOrderOn [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} (s : Set (ConNF.Address β)) :
                Instances For
                  instance ConNF.Support.instIsWellOrderAddressSomeΛStrongSupportOrder [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} :
                  IsWellOrder (ConNF.Address β) ConNF.Support.StrongSupportOrder
                  • =
                  instance ConNF.Support.instIsWellOrderElemAddressSomeΛStrongSupportOrderOn [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} (s : Set (ConNF.Address β)) :
                  • =
                  noncomputable def ConNF.Support.indexMax [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} {s : Set (ConNF.Address β)} (hs : ConNF.Small s) :
                  Instances For
                    theorem ConNF.Support.of_lt_indexMax [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} {s : Set (ConNF.Address β)} (hs : ConNF.Small s) {i : ConNF.κ} (hi : i < ConNF.Support.indexMax hs) :
                    Ordinal.typein (fun (x x_1 : ConNF.κ) => x < x_1) i < Ordinal.type (ConNF.Support.StrongSupportOrderOn s)
                    noncomputable def ConNF.Support.indexed [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} {s : Set (ConNF.Address β)} (hs : ConNF.Small s) (i : ConNF.κ) (hi : i < ConNF.Support.indexMax hs) :
                    Instances For
                      noncomputable def ConNF.Support.strongSupport [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} {s : Set (ConNF.Address β)} (hs : ConNF.Small s) :

                      A strong support containing s.

                      Instances For
                        theorem ConNF.Support.strongSupport_f [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} {s : Set (ConNF.Address β)} (hs : ConNF.Small s) {i : ConNF.κ} (hi : i < ConNF.Support.indexMax ) :
                        theorem ConNF.Support.strongSupport_index_lt_iff [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} {s : Set (ConNF.Address β)} (hs : ConNF.Small s) {i : ConNF.κ} {j : ConNF.κ} (hi : i < ConNF.Support.indexMax ) (hj : j < ConNF.Support.indexMax ) :
                        theorem ConNF.Support.lt_of_strongSupportRel [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} {s : Set (ConNF.Address β)} (hs : ConNF.Small s) {i : ConNF.κ} {j : ConNF.κ} (hi : i < ConNF.Support.indexMax ) (hj : j < ConNF.Support.indexMax ) (h : ConNF.Support.StrongSupportRel ((ConNF.Support.strongSupport hs).f i hi) ((ConNF.Support.strongSupport hs).f j hj)) :
                        i < j
                        theorem ConNF.Support.mem_of_strongSupport_f_eq [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} {s : Set (ConNF.Address β)} (hs : ConNF.Small s) {i : ConNF.κ} (hi : i < ConNF.Support.indexMax ) :
                        theorem ConNF.Support.exists_of_mem_strongClosure [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} {s : Set (ConNF.Address β)} (hs : ConNF.Small s) (c : ConNF.Address β) (hc : c ConNF.Support.strongClosure s) :
                        ∃ (j : ConNF.κ) (hj : j < ConNF.Support.indexMax ), (ConNF.Support.strongSupport hs).f j hj = c
                        theorem ConNF.Support.subset_strongSupport [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} {s : Set (ConNF.Address β)} (hs : ConNF.Small s) :
                        theorem ConNF.Support.strongSupport_strong [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} {s : Set (ConNF.Address β)} (hs : ConNF.Small s) :
                        theorem ConNF.Support.Interferes.symm [ConNF.Params] {a : ConNF.Atom} {N₁ : ConNF.NearLitter} {N₂ : ConNF.NearLitter} (h : ConNF.Support.Interferes a N₁ N₂) :
                        theorem ConNF.Support.Interferes.smul [ConNF.Params] {a : ConNF.Atom} {N₁ : ConNF.NearLitter} {N₂ : ConNF.NearLitter} (h : ConNF.Support.Interferes a N₁ N₂) (π : ConNF.BasePerm) :
                        ConNF.Support.Interferes (π a) (π N₁) (π N₂)
                        theorem ConNF.Support.Precedes.smul [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LeLevel β] {c : ConNF.Address β} {d : ConNF.Address β} (h : ConNF.Support.Precedes c d) (ρ : ConNF.Allowable β) :
                        theorem ConNF.Support.Strong.smul [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LeLevel β] {S : ConNF.Support β} (hS : S.Strong) (ρ : ConNF.Allowable β) :
                        (ρ S).Strong
                        def ConNF.Support.before [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} (S : ConNF.Support β) (i : ConNF.κ) (hi : i < S.max) :

                        TODO: We can probably do without this.

                        • S.before i hi = { max := i, f := fun (j : ConNF.κ) (hj : j < i) => S.f j }
                        Instances For
                          theorem ConNF.Support.before_f [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} (S : ConNF.Support β) (i : ConNF.κ) (hi : i < S.max) (j : ConNF.κ) (hj : j < i) :
                          (S.before i hi).f j hj = S.f j
                          theorem ConNF.Support.before_carrier [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} (S : ConNF.Support β) (i : ConNF.κ) (hi : i < S.max) :
                          ConNF.Enumeration.carrier (S.before i hi) = {c : ConNF.Address β | ∃ (j : ConNF.κ) (hj : j < S.max), j < i S.f j hj = c}
                          theorem ConNF.Support.before_smul [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LeLevel β] (S : ConNF.Support β) (i : ConNF.κ) (hi : i < S.max) (ρ : ConNF.Allowable β) :
                          (ρ S).before i hi = ρ S.before i hi
                          def ConNF.Support.CanComp [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} (S : ConNF.Support β) (A : Quiver.Path β γ) :
                          • S.CanComp A = {i : ConNF.κ | ∃ (hi : i < S.max) (c : ConNF.Address γ), S.f i hi = { path := A.comp c.path, value := c.value }}.Nonempty
                          Instances For
                            noncomputable def ConNF.Support.leastCompIndex [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} {S : ConNF.Support β} {A : Quiver.Path β γ} (hS : S.CanComp A) :
                            Instances For
                              theorem ConNF.Support.leastCompIndex_mem [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} {S : ConNF.Support β} {A : Quiver.Path β γ} (hS : S.CanComp A) :
                              ConNF.Support.leastCompIndex hS {i : ConNF.κ | ∃ (hi : i < S.max) (c : ConNF.Address γ), S.f i hi = { path := A.comp c.path, value := c.value }}
                              theorem ConNF.Support.not_lt_leastCompIndex [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} {S : ConNF.Support β} {A : Quiver.Path β γ} (hS : S.CanComp A) (i : ConNF.κ) (hi : ∃ (hi : i < S.max) (c : ConNF.Address γ), S.f i hi = { path := A.comp c.path, value := c.value }) :
                              noncomputable def ConNF.Support.compIndex [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} {S : ConNF.Support β} {A : Quiver.Path β γ} (hS : S.CanComp A) {i : ConNF.κ} (hi : i < S.max) :
                              Instances For
                                theorem ConNF.Support.compIndex_lt_max [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} {S : ConNF.Support β} {A : Quiver.Path β γ} (hS : S.CanComp A) {i : ConNF.κ} (hi : i < S.max) :
                                theorem ConNF.Support.compIndex_eq_comp [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} {S : ConNF.Support β} {A : Quiver.Path β γ} (hS : S.CanComp A) {i : ConNF.κ} (hi : i < S.max) :
                                ∃ (d : ConNF.Address γ), S.f (ConNF.Support.compIndex hS hi) = { path := A.comp d.path, value := d.value }
                                theorem ConNF.Support.compIndex_eq_of_comp [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} {S : ConNF.Support β} {A : Quiver.Path β γ} (hS : S.CanComp A) {i : ConNF.κ} (hi : i < S.max) {c : ConNF.Address γ} (hc : S.f i hi = { path := A.comp c.path, value := c.value }) :
                                theorem ConNF.Support.compIndex_eq_of_comp' [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} {S : ConNF.Support β} {A : Quiver.Path β γ} (hS : S.CanComp A) {i : ConNF.κ} (hi : i < S.max) (hc : ¬∃ (c : ConNF.Address γ), S.f i hi = { path := A.comp c.path, value := c.value }) :
                                noncomputable def ConNF.Support.decomp [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} {S : ConNF.Support β} {A : Quiver.Path β γ} (hS : S.CanComp A) {i : ConNF.κ} (hi : i < S.max) :
                                Instances For
                                  theorem ConNF.Support.decomp_spec [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} {S : ConNF.Support β} {A : Quiver.Path β γ} (hS : S.CanComp A) {i : ConNF.κ} (hi : i < S.max) :
                                  S.f (ConNF.Support.compIndex hS hi) = { path := A.comp (ConNF.Support.decomp hS hi).path, value := (ConNF.Support.decomp hS hi).value }
                                  noncomputable def ConNF.Support.comp [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} (S : ConNF.Support β) (A : Quiver.Path β γ) :
                                  • S.comp A = if hS : S.CanComp A then { max := S.max, f := fun (x : ConNF.κ) (hi : x < S.max) => ConNF.Support.decomp hS hi } else { max := 0, f := fun (x : ConNF.κ) (h : x < 0) => .elim }
                                  Instances For
                                    theorem ConNF.Support.comp_eq_of_canComp [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} {S : ConNF.Support β} {A : Quiver.Path β γ} (hS : S.CanComp A) :
                                    S.comp A = { max := S.max, f := fun (x : ConNF.κ) (hi : x < S.max) => ConNF.Support.decomp hS hi }
                                    theorem ConNF.Support.comp_eq_of_not_canComp [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} {S : ConNF.Support β} {A : Quiver.Path β γ} (hS : ¬S.CanComp A) :
                                    S.comp A = { max := 0, f := fun (x : ConNF.κ) (h : x < 0) => .elim }
                                    theorem ConNF.Support.comp_max_eq_of_canComp [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} {S : ConNF.Support β} {A : Quiver.Path β γ} (hS : S.CanComp A) :
                                    (S.comp A).max = S.max
                                    theorem ConNF.Support.comp_max_eq_of_not_canComp [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} {S : ConNF.Support β} {A : Quiver.Path β γ} (hS : ¬S.CanComp A) :
                                    (S.comp A).max = 0
                                    theorem ConNF.Support.canComp_of_lt_comp_max [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} {S : ConNF.Support β} {A : Quiver.Path β γ} {i : ConNF.κ} (hi : i < (S.comp A).max) :
                                    S.CanComp A
                                    theorem ConNF.Support.lt_max_of_lt_comp_max [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} {S : ConNF.Support β} {A : Quiver.Path β γ} {i : ConNF.κ} (hi : i < (S.comp A).max) :
                                    i < S.max
                                    theorem ConNF.Support.comp_f_eq [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} {S : ConNF.Support β} {A : Quiver.Path β γ} {i : ConNF.κ} (hi : i < (S.comp A).max) :
                                    (S.comp A).f i hi = ConNF.Support.decomp
                                    theorem ConNF.Support.comp_decomp_mem [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} {S : ConNF.Support β} {A : Quiver.Path β γ} (hS : S.CanComp A) {i : ConNF.κ} (hi : i < S.max) :
                                    { path := A.comp (ConNF.Support.decomp hS hi).path, value := (ConNF.Support.decomp hS hi).value } S
                                    theorem ConNF.Support.comp_decomp_eq [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} {S : ConNF.Support β} {A : Quiver.Path β γ} (hS : S.CanComp A) {i : ConNF.κ} (hi : i < S.max) {c : ConNF.Address γ} (h : S.f i hi = { path := A.comp c.path, value := c.value }) :
                                    noncomputable def ConNF.Support.leastComp [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} {S : ConNF.Support β} {A : Quiver.Path β γ} (hS : S.CanComp A) :
                                    Instances For
                                      theorem ConNF.Support.leastComp_spec [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} {S : ConNF.Support β} {A : Quiver.Path β γ} (hS : S.CanComp A) :
                                      S.f (ConNF.Support.leastCompIndex hS) = { path := A.comp (ConNF.Support.leastComp hS).path, value := (ConNF.Support.leastComp hS).value }
                                      theorem ConNF.Support.comp_decomp_eq' [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} {S : ConNF.Support β} {A : Quiver.Path β γ} (hS : S.CanComp A) {i : ConNF.κ} (hi : i < S.max) (h : ¬∃ (c : ConNF.Address γ), S.f i hi = { path := A.comp c.path, value := c.value }) :
                                      theorem ConNF.Support.comp_carrier [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} (S : ConNF.Support β) (A : Quiver.Path β γ) :
                                      ConNF.Enumeration.carrier (S.comp A) = (fun (c : ConNF.Address γ) => { path := A.comp c.path, value := c.value }) ⁻¹' ConNF.Enumeration.carrier S
                                      theorem ConNF.Support.comp_f_eq' [ConNF.Params] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} {S : ConNF.Support β} {A : Quiver.Path β γ} {i : ConNF.κ} {hi : i < (S.comp A).max} {c : ConNF.Address γ} (hiS : (S.comp A).f i hi = c) :
                                      ∃ (j : ConNF.κ) (hj : j < S.max), S.f j hj = { path := A.comp c.path, value := c.value }
                                      theorem ConNF.Support.Precedes.comp [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} {c : ConNF.Address γ} {d : ConNF.Address γ} (h : ConNF.Support.Precedes c d) (A : Quiver.Path β γ) :
                                      ConNF.Support.Precedes { path := A.comp c.path, value := c.value } { path := A.comp d.path, value := d.value }
                                      theorem ConNF.Support.comp_strong [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} (S : ConNF.Support β) (A : Quiver.Path β γ) (hS : S.Strong) :
                                      (S.comp A).Strong
                                      theorem ConNF.Support.CanComp.smul [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LeLevel β] {γ : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LeLevel γ] {S : ConNF.Support β} {A : Quiver.Path β γ} (h : S.CanComp A) (ρ : ConNF.Allowable β) :
                                      (ρ S).CanComp A
                                      theorem ConNF.Support.leastCompIndex_smul [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LeLevel β] {γ : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LeLevel γ] {S : ConNF.Support β} {A : Quiver.Path β γ} (hS : S.CanComp A) (ρ : ConNF.Allowable β) :
                                      theorem ConNF.Support.leastComp_smul [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LeLevel β] {γ : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LeLevel γ] {S : ConNF.Support β} {A : Quiver.Path β γ} (hS : S.CanComp A) (ρ : ConNF.Allowable β) :
                                      theorem ConNF.Support.comp_smul [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LeLevel β] {γ : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LeLevel γ] (S : ConNF.Support β) (A : Quiver.Path β γ) (ρ : ConNF.Allowable β) :
                                      (ρ S).comp A = (ConNF.Allowable.comp A) ρ S.comp A
                                      theorem ConNF.Support.smul_comp_ext [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.Level] [ConNF.BasePositions] [ConNF.FOAAssumptions] {β : ConNF.Λ} {γ : ConNF.Λ} [ConNF.LeLevel γ] {S : ConNF.Support β} {T : ConNF.Support β} (A : Quiver.Path β γ) (ρ : ConNF.Allowable γ) (h₁ : S.max = T.max) (h₂ : ∀ (i : ConNF.κ) (hiS : i < S.max) (hiT : i < T.max) (c : ConNF.Address γ), S.f i hiS = { path := A.comp c.path, value := c.value }T.f i hiT = { path := A.comp c.path, value := ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm ρ c.path c.value }) (h₃ : ∀ (i : ConNF.κ) (hiT : i < T.max) (hiS : i < S.max) (c : ConNF.Address γ), T.f i hiT = { path := A.comp c.path, value := c.value }S.f i hiS = { path := A.comp c.path, value := ConNF.Allowable.toStructPerm ρ⁻¹ c.path c.value }) :
                                      ρ S.comp A = T.comp A