

  • ConNF.MainInduction.instLevel = { α := 0 }
Instances For
    theorem ConNF.MainInduction.zeroModelData_subsingleton [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] (i₁ : ConNF.ModelDataLt) (j₁ : ConNF.ModelDataLt) (i₂ : ConNF.PositionedTanglesLt) (j₂ : ConNF.PositionedTanglesLt) (i₃ : ConNF.TypedObjectsLt) (j₃ : ConNF.TypedObjectsLt) (i₄ : ConNF.PositionedObjectsLt) (j₄ : ConNF.PositionedObjectsLt) : ConNF.NewTSet ConNF.NewAllowable ConNF.NewAllowable.toStructPerm { toFun := ConNF.NewTSet.toStructSet, inj' := } = ConNF.NewTSet ConNF.NewAllowable ConNF.NewAllowable.toStructPerm { toFun := ConNF.NewTSet.toStructSet, inj' := }
    • ConNF.MainInduction.instModelDataLt = { data := fun (β : ConNF.Λ) (i : ConNF.LtLevel β) => .elim }
    Instances For
      • ConNF.MainInduction.instPositionedTanglesLt = { data := fun (β : ConNF.Λ) (i : ConNF.LtLevel β) => .elim }
      Instances For
        Instances For
          def ConNF.MainInduction.instPositionedObjectsLt [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] :
          • =
          Instances For
            • ConNF.MainInduction.zeroModelData = ConNF.NewTSet ConNF.NewAllowable ConNF.NewAllowable.toStructPerm { toFun := ConNF.NewTSet.toStructSet, inj' := }
            Instances For
              • ConNF.MainInduction.zeroTypedObjects = { typedNearLitter := { toFun := ConNF.newTypedNearLitter, inj' := }, smul_typedNearLitter := }
              Instances For
                Instances For
                  theorem ConNF.MainInduction.path_eq_zeroPath [ConNF.Params] (A : ConNF.ExtendedIndex 0) :
                  A = ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath
                  theorem ConNF.MainInduction.eq_zero_of_leLevel [ConNF.Params] (β : ConNF.Λ) [i : ConNF.LeLevel β] :
                  β = 0
                  theorem ConNF.MainInduction.eq_bot_zero_of_lt [ConNF.Params] (γ : ConNF.TypeIndex) (β : ConNF.TypeIndex) [iβ : ConNF.LeLevel β] [iγ : ConNF.LeLevel γ] (h : γ < β) :
                  γ = β = 0
                  def ConNF.MainInduction.toSemiallowable [ConNF.Params] (π : ConNF.BasePerm) :
                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                  Instances For
                    theorem ConNF.MainInduction.toSemiallowable_allowable [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] (π : ConNF.BasePerm) :
                    def ConNF.MainInduction.toAllowable [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] (π : ConNF.BasePerm) :
                    Instances For
                      def ConNF.MainInduction.zeroDerivative [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] :
                      ConNF.NewAllowable →* ConNF.BasePerm
                      • ConNF.MainInduction.zeroDerivative = { toFun := fun (ρ : ConNF.NewAllowable) => ρ , map_one' := , map_mul' := }
                      Instances For
                        instance ConNF.MainInduction.instMulActionAllowableSomeΛOfNatOfBasePerm [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] {X : Type u_1} [MulAction ConNF.BasePerm X] :
                        • ConNF.MainInduction.instMulActionAllowableSomeΛOfNatOfBasePerm = MulAction.compHom X ConNF.MainInduction.zeroDerivative
                        instance ConNF.MainInduction.instMulActionAllowableSomeΛOfNatOfNewAllowable [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] {X : Type u_1} [i : MulAction ConNF.NewAllowable X] :
                        • ConNF.MainInduction.instMulActionAllowableSomeΛOfNatOfNewAllowable = i
                        def ConNF.MainInduction.instFOAData [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] :
                        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                        Instances For
                          def ConNF.MainInduction.instFOAAssumptions [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] :
                          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                          Instances For
                            theorem ConNF.MainInduction.zero_flexible [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] {A : ConNF.ExtendedIndex 0} {L : ConNF.Litter} :
                            theorem ConNF.MainInduction.toStructNLAction_coherentDom [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] (ξ : ConNF.BaseNLAction) :
                            theorem ConNF.MainInduction.toStructNLAction_coherent [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] (ξ : ConNF.BaseNLAction) :
                            theorem ConNF.MainInduction.zero_foa [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] (ξ : ConNF.BaseNLAction) (hξ : ξ.Lawful) :
                            ∃ (π : ConNF.BasePerm), ξ.Approximates π

                            An instance of the freedom of action theorem for type zero.

                            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                            Instances For
                              theorem ConNF.MainInduction.ZeroSpec.ext :
                              ∀ {inst : ConNF.Params} (x y : ConNF.MainInduction.ZeroSpec), x.max = y.maxx.nearLitters = y.nearLittersx.atoms = y.atomsx.nearLitterSame = y.nearLitterSamex.symmDiff = y.symmDiffx.atomSame = y.atomSamex.atomMem = y.atomMemx = y
                              theorem ConNF.MainInduction.ZeroSpec.ext_iff :
                              ∀ {inst : ConNF.Params} (x y : ConNF.MainInduction.ZeroSpec), x = y x.max = y.max x.nearLitters = y.nearLitters x.atoms = y.atoms x.nearLitterSame = y.nearLitterSame x.symmDiff = y.symmDiff x.atomSame = y.atomSame x.atomMem = y.atomMem
                              • max : ConNF.κ

                                The length of the support.

                              • nearLitters : Set ConNF.κ

                                Positions in a support containing a near-litter.

                              • atoms : Set ConNF.κ

                                Positions in a support containing an atom.

                              • nearLitterSame : ConNF.κSet ConNF.κ

                                For each position in a support containing a near-litter, the set of all positions at which another close near-litter occurs.

                              • symmDiff : ConNF.κConNF.κSet ConNF.κ

                                For each pair of near-litter positions, the set of all positions at which an atom in their symmetric difference occurs.

                              • atomSame : ConNF.κSet ConNF.κ

                                For each position in a support containing an atom, the set of all positions this atom occurs at.

                              • atomMem : ConNF.κSet ConNF.κ

                                For each position in a support containing an atom, the positions of near-litters that contain this atom.

                              Instances For
                                instance ConNF.MainInduction.instLEZeroSpec [ConNF.Params] :
                                LE ConNF.MainInduction.ZeroSpec
                                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                def ConNF.MainInduction.ZeroSpec.decompose [ConNF.Params] (σ : ConNF.MainInduction.ZeroSpec) :
                                ConNF.κ × Set ConNF.κ × Set ConNF.κ × (ConNF.κSet ConNF.κ) × (ConNF.κConNF.κSet ConNF.κ) × (ConNF.κSet ConNF.κ) × (ConNF.κSet ConNF.κ)
                                • σ.decompose = (σ.max, σ.nearLitters, σ.atoms, σ.nearLitterSame, σ.symmDiff, σ.atomSame, σ.atomMem)
                                Instances For
                                  theorem ConNF.MainInduction.mk_zeroSpec [ConNF.Params] :
                         ConNF.MainInduction.ZeroSpec < ConNF.μ
                                  def ConNF.MainInduction.zeroSpec [ConNF.Params] (S : ConNF.Support 0) :
                                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                  Instances For
                                    def ConNF.MainInduction.ConvertAtom [ConNF.Params] (S : ConNF.Support 0) (T : ConNF.Support 0) (aS : ConNF.Atom) (aT : ConNF.Atom) :
                                    • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                    Instances For
                                      def ConNF.MainInduction.ConvertNearLitter [ConNF.Params] (S : ConNF.Support 0) (T : ConNF.Support 0) (NS : ConNF.NearLitter) (NT : ConNF.NearLitter) :
                                      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                      Instances For
                                        theorem ConNF.MainInduction.convertAtom_subsingleton [ConNF.Params] {S : ConNF.Support 0} {T : ConNF.Support 0} (hST : ConNF.MainInduction.zeroSpec S = ConNF.MainInduction.zeroSpec T) (aS : ConNF.Atom) (aT : ConNF.Atom) (aT' : ConNF.Atom) (h : ConNF.MainInduction.ConvertAtom S T aS aT) (h' : ConNF.MainInduction.ConvertAtom S T aS aT') :
                                        aT = aT'
                                        theorem ConNF.MainInduction.convertNearLitter_fst [ConNF.Params] {S : ConNF.Support 0} {T : ConNF.Support 0} (hST : ConNF.MainInduction.zeroSpec S = ConNF.MainInduction.zeroSpec T) (NS : ConNF.NearLitter) (NS' : ConNF.NearLitter) (NT : ConNF.NearLitter) (NT' : ConNF.NearLitter) (hN : NS.fst = NS'.fst) (h : ConNF.MainInduction.ConvertNearLitter S T NS NT) (h' : ConNF.MainInduction.ConvertNearLitter S T NS' NT') :
                                        NT.fst = NT'.fst
                                        theorem ConNF.MainInduction.convertNearLitter_fst' [ConNF.Params] {S : ConNF.Support 0} {T : ConNF.Support 0} (hST : ConNF.MainInduction.zeroSpec S = ConNF.MainInduction.zeroSpec T) (NS : ConNF.NearLitter) (NS' : ConNF.NearLitter) (NT : ConNF.NearLitter) (NT' : ConNF.NearLitter) (hN : NT.fst = NT'.fst) (h : ConNF.MainInduction.ConvertNearLitter S T NS NT) (h' : ConNF.MainInduction.ConvertNearLitter S T NS' NT') :
                                        NS.fst = NS'.fst
                                        theorem ConNF.MainInduction.convertNearLitter_subsingleton [ConNF.Params] {S : ConNF.Support 0} {T : ConNF.Support 0} (hT : ConNF.MainInduction.ZeroStrong T) (hST : ConNF.MainInduction.zeroSpec S = ConNF.MainInduction.zeroSpec T) (NS : ConNF.NearLitter) (NT : ConNF.NearLitter) (NT' : ConNF.NearLitter) (h : ConNF.MainInduction.ConvertNearLitter S T NS NT) (h' : ConNF.MainInduction.ConvertNearLitter S T NS NT') :
                                        NT = NT'
                                        theorem ConNF.MainInduction.convertAtom_dom_small [ConNF.Params] {S : ConNF.Support 0} {T : ConNF.Support 0} :
                                        ConNF.Small {a : ConNF.Atom | ∃ (a' : ConNF.Atom), ConNF.MainInduction.ConvertAtom S T a a'}
                                        theorem ConNF.MainInduction.convertNearLitter_dom_small [ConNF.Params] {S : ConNF.Support 0} {T : ConNF.Support 0} :
                                        ConNF.Small {N : ConNF.NearLitter | ∃ (N' : ConNF.NearLitter), ConNF.MainInduction.ConvertNearLitter S T N N'}
                                        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                        Instances For
                                          theorem ConNF.MainInduction.convert_nearLitterMap_eq [ConNF.Params] {S : ConNF.Support 0} {T : ConNF.Support 0} (hT : ConNF.MainInduction.ZeroStrong T) (hST : ConNF.MainInduction.zeroSpec S = ConNF.MainInduction.zeroSpec T) {N₁ : ConNF.NearLitter} {N₂ : ConNF.NearLitter} (h : ConNF.MainInduction.ConvertNearLitter S T N₁ N₂) :
                                          ((ConNF.MainInduction.convert hT hST).nearLitterMap N₁).get = N₂
                                          theorem ConNF.MainInduction.convertAtom_injective [ConNF.Params] {S : ConNF.Support 0} {T : ConNF.Support 0} (hST : ConNF.MainInduction.zeroSpec S = ConNF.MainInduction.zeroSpec T) {a : ConNF.Atom} {b : ConNF.Atom} {c : ConNF.Atom} (ha : ConNF.MainInduction.ConvertAtom S T a c) (hb : ConNF.MainInduction.ConvertAtom S T b c) :
                                          a = b
                                          theorem ConNF.MainInduction.convertAtom_eq [ConNF.Params] {S : ConNF.Support 0} {T : ConNF.Support 0} (hST : ConNF.MainInduction.zeroSpec S = ConNF.MainInduction.zeroSpec T) {a : ConNF.Atom} {a' : ConNF.Atom} {N : ConNF.NearLitter} {N' : ConNF.NearLitter} (ha : ConNF.MainInduction.ConvertAtom S T a a') (hN : ConNF.MainInduction.ConvertNearLitter S T N N') :
                                          a' N' a N
                                          theorem ConNF.MainInduction.dom_of_interferes [ConNF.Params] {S : ConNF.Support 0} {T : ConNF.Support 0} (hS : ConNF.MainInduction.ZeroStrong S) (hST : ConNF.MainInduction.zeroSpec S = ConNF.MainInduction.zeroSpec T) {a : ConNF.Atom} {N₁ : ConNF.NearLitter} {N₁' : ConNF.NearLitter} {N₂ : ConNF.NearLitter} {N₂' : ConNF.NearLitter} (h : ConNF.Support.Interferes a N₁ N₂) (hN₁ : ConNF.MainInduction.ConvertNearLitter S T N₁ N₁') (hN₂ : ConNF.MainInduction.ConvertNearLitter S T N₂ N₂') :
                                          ∃ (a' : ConNF.Atom), ConNF.MainInduction.ConvertAtom S T a a'
                                          theorem ConNF.MainInduction.ran_of_interferes [ConNF.Params] {S : ConNF.Support 0} {T : ConNF.Support 0} (hT : ConNF.MainInduction.ZeroStrong T) (hST : ConNF.MainInduction.zeroSpec S = ConNF.MainInduction.zeroSpec T) {a' : ConNF.Atom} {N₁ : ConNF.NearLitter} {N₁' : ConNF.NearLitter} {N₂ : ConNF.NearLitter} {N₂' : ConNF.NearLitter} (h : ConNF.Support.Interferes a' N₁' N₂') (hN₁ : ConNF.MainInduction.ConvertNearLitter S T N₁ N₁') (hN₂ : ConNF.MainInduction.ConvertNearLitter S T N₂ N₂') :
                                          ∃ (a : ConNF.Atom), ConNF.MainInduction.ConvertAtom S T a a'
                                          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                          Instances For
                                            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                            Instances For
                                              def ConNF.MainInduction.disjointNL' [ConNF.Params] (S : Set (ConNF.Address 0)) (N : ConNF.NearLitter) :
                                              Set ConNF.Atom
                                              Instances For
                                                theorem ConNF.MainInduction.disjointNL'_eq [ConNF.Params] (S : Set (ConNF.Address 0)) (N₁ : ConNF.NearLitter) (N₂ : ConNF.NearLitter) (hN₁ : { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inr N₁ } S) (hN₂ : { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inr N₂ } S) (h : N₁.fst = N₂.fst) :
                                                def ConNF.MainInduction.disjointNL [ConNF.Params] (S : Set (ConNF.Address 0)) (hS : ConNF.Small S) (N : ConNF.NearLitter) :
                                                Instances For
                                                  theorem ConNF.MainInduction.disjointNL_eq [ConNF.Params] (S : Set (ConNF.Address 0)) (hS : ConNF.Small S) (N₁ : ConNF.NearLitter) (N₂ : ConNF.NearLitter) (hN₁ : { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inr N₁ } S) (hN₂ : { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inr N₂ } S) (h : N₁.fst = N₂.fst) :
                                                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                  Instances For
                                                    Instances For
                                                      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                      Instances For
                                                        theorem ConNF.MainInduction.atom_mem_disjointSupport [ConNF.Params] (S : Set (ConNF.Address 0)) (hS : ConNF.Small S) (a : ConNF.Atom) :
                                                        { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inl a } ConNF.MainInduction.disjointSupport S hS a ConNF.MainInduction.interference S
                                                        theorem ConNF.MainInduction.nearLitter_mem_disjointSupport [ConNF.Params] (S : Set (ConNF.Address 0)) (hS : ConNF.Small S) (N : ConNF.NearLitter) :
                                                        { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inr N } ConNF.MainInduction.disjointSupport S hS N ConNF.MainInduction.disjointNLs S hS
                                                        theorem ConNF.MainInduction.disjointSupport_supports [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] (S : Set (ConNF.Address 0)) (hS : ConNF.Small S) (c : ConNF.Address 0) (hc : c S) :
                                                        • nearLitter : ∀ (N₁ N₂ : ConNF.NearLitter), { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inr N₁ } S{ path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inr N₂ } SN₁ = N₂ N₁ N₂ =
                                                        • atom : ∀ (a : ConNF.Atom) (N : ConNF.NearLitter), { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inl a } S{ path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inr N } SaN
                                                        Instances For
                                                          theorem ConNF.MainInduction.DisjointSupport.nearLitter [ConNF.Params] {S : Set (ConNF.Address 0)} (self : ConNF.MainInduction.DisjointSupport S) (N₁ : ConNF.NearLitter) (N₂ : ConNF.NearLitter) (hN₁ : { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inr N₁ } S) (hN₂ : { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inr N₂ } S) :
                                                          N₁ = N₂ N₁ N₂ =
                                                          theorem ConNF.MainInduction.DisjointSupport.atom [ConNF.Params] {S : Set (ConNF.Address 0)} (self : ConNF.MainInduction.DisjointSupport S) (a : ConNF.Atom) (N : ConNF.NearLitter) (ha : { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inl a } S) (hN : { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inr N } S) :
                                                          theorem ConNF.MainInduction.nearLitter_le_max_add [ConNF.Params] {S : ConNF.Support 0} {a : ConNF.Atom} {N : ConNF.NearLitter} {i : ConNF.κ} {hi : i < (S + ConNF.Enumeration.singleton { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inl a }).max} :
                                                          (S + ConNF.Enumeration.singleton { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inl a }).f i hi = { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inr N }i < S.max
                                                          theorem ConNF.MainInduction.zeroStrong_spec_le [ConNF.Params] (S : ConNF.Support 0) (hS : ConNF.MainInduction.DisjointSupport (ConNF.Enumeration.carrier S)) (a : ConNF.Atom) (b : ConNF.Atom) (ha : { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inl a }S) (hab : ∀ (N : ConNF.NearLitter), { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inr N } S(a N b N)) :
                                                          ConNF.MainInduction.zeroSpec (S + ConNF.Enumeration.singleton { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inl a }) ConNF.MainInduction.zeroSpec (S + ConNF.Enumeration.singleton { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inl b })
                                                          theorem ConNF.MainInduction.zeroStrong_spec_eq [ConNF.Params] (S : ConNF.Support 0) (hS : ConNF.MainInduction.DisjointSupport (ConNF.Enumeration.carrier S)) (a : ConNF.Atom) (b : ConNF.Atom) (ha : { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inl a }S) (hb : { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inl b }S) (hab : ∀ (N : ConNF.NearLitter), { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inr N } S(a N b N)) :
                                                          ConNF.MainInduction.zeroSpec (S + ConNF.Enumeration.singleton { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inl a }) = ConNF.MainInduction.zeroSpec (S + ConNF.Enumeration.singleton { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inl b })
                                                          theorem ConNF.MainInduction.exists_swap [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] (S : Set (ConNF.Address 0)) (hS₁ : ConNF.Small S) (hS₂ : ConNF.MainInduction.DisjointSupport S) (a : ConNF.Atom) (b : ConNF.Atom) (ha : { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inl a }S) (hb : { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inl b }S) (hab : ∀ (N : ConNF.NearLitter), { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inr N } S(a N b N)) :
                                                          ∃ (ρ : ConNF.Allowable 0), (cS, ρ c = c) ρ a = b

                                                          In the following lemmas, e is the -extension of a 0-set.

                                                          theorem ConNF.MainInduction.mem_iff_mem_of_nearLitter_mem_disjointSupport [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] (S : Set (ConNF.Address 0)) (hS₁ : ConNF.Small S) (hS₂ : ConNF.MainInduction.DisjointSupport S) (e : Set ConNF.Atom) (heS : MulAction.Supports (ConNF.Allowable 0) S e) (N : ConNF.NearLitter) (hN : { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inr N } S) (a : ConNF.Atom) (b : ConNF.Atom) (ha : a N) (hb : b N) :
                                                          a e b e
                                                          theorem ConNF.MainInduction.mem_iff_mem_of_not_nearLitter_mem_disjointSupport [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] (S : Set (ConNF.Address 0)) (hS₁ : ConNF.Small S) (hS₂ : ConNF.MainInduction.DisjointSupport S) (e : Set ConNF.Atom) (heS : MulAction.Supports (ConNF.Allowable 0) S e) (a : ConNF.Atom) (b : ConNF.Atom) (haS : { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inl a }S) (hbS : { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inl b }S) (ha : ∀ (N : ConNF.NearLitter), { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inr N } SaN) (hb : ∀ (N : ConNF.NearLitter), { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inr N } SbN) :
                                                          a e b e
                                                          def ConNF.MainInduction.infoIn [ConNF.Params] (S : ConNF.Support 0) (e : Set ConNF.Atom) :
                                                          Set ConNF.κ
                                                          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                          Instances For
                                                            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                            Instances For
                                                              theorem ConNF.MainInduction.atom_mem_infoIn_iff [ConNF.Params] {S : ConNF.Support 0} {e : Set ConNF.Atom} {i : ConNF.κ} {hi : i < S.max} {a : ConNF.Atom} (ha : { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inl a } = S.f i hi) :
                                                              theorem ConNF.MainInduction.nearLitter_mem_infoIn_iff [ConNF.Params] {S : ConNF.Support 0} {e : Set ConNF.Atom} {i : ConNF.κ} {hi : i < S.max} {N : ConNF.NearLitter} (hN : { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inr N } = S.f i hi) :
                                                              theorem ConNF.MainInduction.nearLitter_mem_infoIn_iff' [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] {S : ConNF.Support 0} (hS : ConNF.MainInduction.DisjointSupport (ConNF.Enumeration.carrier S)) {e : Set ConNF.Atom} (he : MulAction.Supports (ConNF.Allowable 0) (ConNF.Enumeration.carrier S) e) {i : ConNF.κ} {hi : i < S.max} {N : ConNF.NearLitter} (hN : { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inr N } = S.f i hi) :
                                                              i ConNF.MainInduction.infoIn S e aN, a e
                                                              theorem ConNF.MainInduction.mk_outside [ConNF.Params] (S : ConNF.Support 0) :
                                                     ({a : ConNF.Atom | { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inl a } S} N{N : ConNF.NearLitter | { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inr N } S}, N) < ConNF.μ
                                                              theorem ConNF.MainInduction.exists_atom_outside [ConNF.Params] (S : ConNF.Support 0) :
                                                              ∃ (a : ConNF.Atom), { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inl a }S ∀ (N : ConNF.NearLitter), { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inr N } SaN
                                                              theorem ConNF.MainInduction.infoOut_iff [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] {S : ConNF.Support 0} (hS : ConNF.MainInduction.DisjointSupport (ConNF.Enumeration.carrier S)) {e : Set ConNF.Atom} (he : MulAction.Supports (ConNF.Allowable 0) (ConNF.Enumeration.carrier S) e) :
                                                              ConNF.MainInduction.infoOut S e ∃ (a : ConNF.Atom), { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inl a }S (∀ (N : ConNF.NearLitter), { path := ConNF.MainInduction.zeroPath, value := Sum.inr N } SaN) a e
                                                              def [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] (S : ConNF.Support 0) (e : { e : Set ConNF.Atom // MulAction.Supports (ConNF.Allowable 0) (ConNF.Enumeration.carrier S) e }) :
                                                              Set ConNF.κ × Prop
                                                              Instances For
                                                                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                                                                Instances For
                                                                  • max : ConNF.κ
                                                                  • f : ConNF.κConNF.κ
                                                                  • σ : ConNF.MainInduction.ZeroSpec
                                                                  Instances For
                                                                    def ConNF.MainInduction.WeakZeroSpec.Specifies [ConNF.Params] (W : ConNF.MainInduction.WeakZeroSpec) (S : ConNF.Support 0) :
                                                                    Instances For
                                                                      theorem ConNF.MainInduction.hasWeakZeroSpec [ConNF.Params] (S : ConNF.Support 0) :
                                                                      ∃ (W : ConNF.MainInduction.WeakZeroSpec), W.Specifies S
                                                                      theorem ConNF.MainInduction.orbit_eq_of_weakSpec_eq [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] (S : ConNF.Support 0) (T : ConNF.Support 0) (W : ConNF.MainInduction.WeakZeroSpec) (hS : W.Specifies S) (hT : W.Specifies T) :
                                                                      noncomputable def ConNF.MainInduction.weakZeroSpec [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] (o : ConNF.SupportOrbit 0) :
                                                                      Instances For
                                                                        noncomputable def ConNF.MainInduction.weakZeroSpec_specifies [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] (o : ConNF.SupportOrbit 0) :
                                                                        • =
                                                                        Instances For
                                                                          theorem ConNF.MainInduction.weakZeroSpec_injective [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] :
                                                                          Function.Injective ConNF.MainInduction.weakZeroSpec
                                                                          theorem ConNF.MainInduction.mk_supportOrbit_zero_le' [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] :
                                                                 (ConNF.SupportOrbit 0) ConNF.MainInduction.WeakZeroSpec
                                                                          def ConNF.MainInduction.WeakZeroSpec.decompose [ConNF.Params] (W : ConNF.MainInduction.WeakZeroSpec) :
                                                                          ConNF.κ × (ConNF.κConNF.κ) × ConNF.MainInduction.ZeroSpec
                                                                          • W.decompose = (W.max, W.f, W)
                                                                          Instances For
                                                                            def ConNF.MainInduction.zeroExtension' [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] {members : ConNF.Extensions} :
                                                                            ConNF.ExtensionalSet.Preference membersSet ConNF.Atom
                                                                            Instances For
                                                                              def ConNF.MainInduction.zeroExtension [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] (t : ConNF.NewTSet) :
                                                                              Set ConNF.Atom
                                                                              Instances For
                                                                                theorem ConNF.MainInduction.zeroExtension_injective [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] :
                                                                                Function.Injective ConNF.MainInduction.zeroExtension
                                                                                theorem ConNF.MainInduction.mk_supports' [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] (S : ConNF.Support 0) :
                                                                                theorem ConNF.MainInduction.mk_supports [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] (S : ConNF.Support 0) :
                                                                                noncomputable def ConNF.MainInduction.codeSurjection [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] (x : (o : ConNF.SupportOrbit 0) × {t : ConNF.NewTSet | MulAction.Supports (ConNF.Allowable 0) (ConNF.Enumeration.carrier o.out) t}) :
                                                                                Instances For
                                                                                  theorem ConNF.MainInduction.codeSurjection_surjective [ConNF.Params] [ConNF.BasePositions] :
                                                                                  Function.Surjective ConNF.MainInduction.codeSurjection