

Strong supports #

In this file, we define strong supports.

Main declarations #

Instances For
    Instances For
      structure ConNF.Support.Closed [Params] {β : TypeIndex} (S : Support β) :
      Instances For
        structure ConNF.Support.Strong [Params] {β : TypeIndex} [Level] [CoherentData] [LeLevel β] (S : Support β) extends S.PreStrong, S.Closed :
        Instances For
          theorem ConNF.Support.Closed.smul [Params] {β : TypeIndex} [Level] [CoherentData] [LeLevel β] {S : Support β} (hS : S.Closed) (ρ : AllPerm β) :
          (ρ S).Closed
          theorem ConNF.Support.Strong.smul [Params] {β : TypeIndex} [Level] [CoherentData] [LeLevel β] {S : Support β} (hS : S.Strong) (ρ : AllPerm β) :
          (ρ S).Strong
          theorem ConNF.Support.PreStrong.add [Params] {β : TypeIndex} [Level] [CoherentData] [LeLevel β] {S T : Support β} (hS : S.PreStrong) (hT : T.PreStrong) :
          (S + T).PreStrong
          theorem ConNF.Support.Closed.scoderiv [Params] {β γ : TypeIndex} {S : Support γ} (hS : S.Closed) ( : γ < β) :
          (S ).Closed
          Instances For
            theorem ConNF.Support.constrains_iff_of_inflexible [Params] {β : TypeIndex} [Level] [CoherentData] [LeLevel β] {x : β × NearLitter} {A : β } {N : NearLitter} (P : InflexiblePath β) (t : Tangle P.δ) (hA : A = P.A ↘.) (ht : N = fuzz t) :
            Constrains x (A, N) x ( (P.A ))

            A support that contains all of the near-litters that transitively constrain something in S.

            • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
            Instances For
              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              Instances For

                A support that contains all the atoms that constrain something in S.

                Instances For
                  theorem ConNF.Support.interference_small [Params] {β : TypeIndex} (S : Support β) :
                  Small {a : β × Atom | ∃ (N₁ : NearLitter) (N₂ : NearLitter), N₁ (S ⇘. a.1) N₂ (S ⇘. a.1) a.2 interference N₁ N₂}
                  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                  Instances For
                    theorem ConNF.Support.mem_interferenceSupport_atoms [Params] {β : TypeIndex} (S : Support β) (A : β ) (a : Atom) :
                    a (S.interferenceSupport ⇘. A) N₁ ∈ (S ⇘. A), N₂ ∈ (S ⇘. A), a interference N₁ N₂
                    Instances For
                      theorem ConNF.Support.close_nearLitters [Params] {β : TypeIndex} (S : Support β) (A : β ) :
                      (S.close ⇘. A) = (S ⇘. A)
                      Instances For