Open immersions #
A morphism is an open immersion if the underlying map of spaces is an open embedding
f : X ⟶ U ⊆ Y
, and the sheaf map Y(V) ⟶ f _* X(V)
is an iso for each V ⊆ U
Most of the theories are developed in AlgebraicGeometry/OpenImmersion
, and we provide the
remaining theorems analogous to other lemmas in AlgebraicGeometry/Morphisms/*
{R S : CommRingCat}
(f : R ⟶ S)
(hf : Function.Surjective ⇑(CommRingCat.Hom.hom f))
IsOpenImmersion ( f) ↔ ∃ (e : ↑R), IsIdempotentElem e ∧ RingHom.ker (CommRingCat.Hom.hom f) = Ideal.span {e}
Spec (R ⧸ I) ⟶ Spec R
is an open immersion iff I
is generated by an idempotent.
{X Y : Scheme}
{f : X ⟶ Y}
IsOpenImmersion f ↔ Topology.IsOpenEmbedding ⇑(CategoryTheory.ConcreteCategory.hom f.base) ∧ ∀ (x : ↑↑X.toPresheafedSpace), CategoryTheory.IsIso (Scheme.Hom.stalkMap f x)
AlgebraicGeometry.isOpenImmersion_eq_inf :
@IsOpenImmersion = (topologically fun {α β : Type u_1} [TopologicalSpace α] [TopologicalSpace β] => Topology.IsOpenEmbedding) ⊓ stalkwise fun {R S : Type u_1} [CommRing R] [CommRing S] (f : R →+* S) => Function.Bijective ⇑f
AlgebraicGeometry.instIsLocalAtTargetStalkwiseBijectiveCoeRingHom :
IsLocalAtTarget (stalkwise fun {R S : Type u_1} [CommRing R] [CommRing S] (f : R →+* S) => Function.Bijective ⇑f)