Pro-Representability of fiber functors #
We show that any fiber functor is pro-representable, i.e. there exists a pro-object
X : I ⥤ C
such that F
is naturally isomorphic to the colimit of X ⋙ coyoneda
From this we deduce the canonical isomorphism of Aut F
with the limit over the automorphism
groups of all Galois objects.
Main definitions #
: the category of pointed Galois objectsPointedGaloisObject.cocone
: a cocone on(PointedGaloisObject.incl F).op ≫ coyoneda
with pointF ⋙ FintypeCat.incl
: the system of automorphism groups indexed by the pointed Galois objects.
Main results #
: the coconePointedGaloisObject.cocone
is a colimit cocone.autMulEquivAutGalois
:Aut F
is canonically isomorphic to the limit over the automorphism groups of all Galois objects.FiberFunctor.isPretransitive_of_isConnected
: TheAut F
action on the fiber of a connected object is transitive.
Implementation details #
The pro-representability statement and the isomorphism of Aut F
with the limit over the
automorphism groups of all Galois objects naturally forces F
to take values in FintypeCat.{u₂}
where u₂
is the Hom
-universe of C
. Since this is used to show that Aut F
transitively on F.obj X
for connected X
, we a priori only obtain this result for
the mentioned specialized universe setup. To obtain the result for F
taking values in an arbitrary
, we postcompose with an equivalence FintypeCat.{w} ≌ FintypeCat.{u₂}
and apply
the specialized result.
In the following the section Specialized
is reserved for the setup where F
takes values in
and the section General
contains results holding for F
taking values in
an arbitrary FintypeCat.{w}
References #
- [Len]: H. W. Lenstra. Galois theory for schemes.
A pointed Galois object is a Galois object with a fixed point of its fiber.
Instances For
- CategoryTheory.PreGaloisCategory.PointedGaloisObject.instCoeDep F X = { coe := X.obj }
The type of homomorphisms between two pointed Galois objects. This is a homomorphism
of the underlying objects of C
that maps the distinguished points to each other.
The underlying homomorphism of
.The distinguished point of
is mapped to the distinguished point ofB
Instances For
The category of pointed Galois objects.
- CategoryTheory.PreGaloisCategory.PointedGaloisObject.instCoeHomHomObj F = { coe := fun (f : A.Hom B) => f.val }
The canonical functor from pointed Galois objects to C
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Instances For
F ⋙ FintypeCat.incl
as a cocone over (can F).op ⋙ coyoneda
This is a colimit cocone (see PreGaloisCategory.isColimìt
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Instances For
The category of pointed Galois objects is cofiltered.
cocone F
is a colimit cocone, i.e. F
is pro-represented by incl F
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Instances For
The diagram sending each pointed Galois object to its automorphism group
as an object of C
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Instances For
The limit of autGaloisSystem
Instances For
The canonical projection from AutGalois F
to the C
-automorphism group of each
pointed Galois object.
Instances For
Equality of elements of AutGalois F
can be checked on the projections on each pointed
Galois object.
is surjective for every pointed Galois object.
Isomorphism between Aut F
and AutGalois F
In this section we establish the isomorphism between the automorphism group of F
the limit over the automorphism groups of all Galois objects.
We first establish the isomorphism between End F
and AutGalois F
, from which we deduce that
End F
is a group, hence End F = Aut F
. The isomorphism is built in multiple steps:
endEquivSectionsFibers : End F ≅ (incl F ⋙ F').sections
: the endomorphisms ofF
are isomorphic to the limit overF.obj A
for all Galois objectsA
. This is obtained as the composition (slightly simplified):End F ≅ (colimit ((incl F).op ⋙ coyoneda) ⟶ F) ≅ (incl F ⋙ F).sections
Where the first isomorphism is induced from the pro-representability of
and the second one from the pro-coyoneda lemma.endEquivAutGalois : End F ≅ AutGalois F
: this is the composition ofendEquivSectionsFibers
with:(incl F ⋙ F).sections ≅ (autGaloisSystem F ⋙ forget Grp).sections
which is induced from the level-wise equivalence
Aut A ≃ F.obj A
for a Galois objectA
The endomorphisms of F
are isomorphic to the limit over the fibers of F
on all
Galois objects.
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Instances For
Functorial isomorphism Aut A ≅ F.obj A
for Galois objects A
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Instances For
The equivalence between endomorphisms of F
and the limit over the automorphism groups
of all Galois objects.
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Instances For
The monoid isomorphism between endomorphisms of F
and the (multiplicative opposite of the)
limit of automorphism groups of all Galois objects.
- CategoryTheory.PreGaloisCategory.endMulEquivAutGalois F = { toEquiv := (CategoryTheory.PreGaloisCategory.endEquivAutGalois F).trans MulOpposite.opEquiv, map_mul' := ⋯ }
Instances For
Any endomorphism of a fiber functor is a unit.
Any endomorphism of a fiber functor is an isomorphism.
The automorphism group of F
is multiplicatively isomorphic to
(the multiplicative opposite of) the limit over the automorphism groups of
the Galois objects.
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Instances For
The Aut F
action on the fiber of a Galois object is transitive. See
for the same result for connected objects.
The Aut F
action on the fiber of a connected object is transitive.