Linear independence #
This file defines linear independence in a module or vector space.
It is inspired by Isabelle/HOL's linear algebra, and hence indirectly by HOL Light.
We define LinearIndependent R v
as Function.Injective (Finsupp.linearCombination R v)
. Here
is the linear map sending a function f : ι →₀ R
with finite support to
the linear combination of vectors from v
with these coefficients. Then we prove that several other
statements are equivalent to this one, including ker (Finsupp.linearCombination R v) = ⊥
some versions with explicitly written linear combinations.
Main definitions #
All definitions are given for families of vectors, i.e. v : ι → M
where M
is the module or
vector space and ι : Type*
is an arbitrary indexing type.
LinearIndependent R v
states that the elements of the familyv
are linearly independent.LinearIndepOn R v s
states that the elements of the familyv
indexed by the members of the sets : Set ι
are linearly independent.LinearIndependent.repr hv x
returns the linear combination representingx : span R (range v)
on the linearly independent vectorsv
, givenhv : LinearIndependent R v
(using classical choice).LinearIndependent.repr hv
is provided as a linear map.
Main statements #
We prove several specialized tests for linear independence of families of vectors and of sets of vectors.
: ifι
is a finite type, then any functionf : ι → R
has finite support, so we can reformulate the statement using∑ i : ι, f i • v i
instead of a sum over an auxiliarys : Finset ι
: a family indexed by an empty type is linearly independent;linearIndependent_unique_iff
: ifι
is a singleton, thenLinearIndependent K v
is equivalent tov default ≠ 0
: type-specific tests for linear independence of families of vector fields;linearIndependent_insert
: linear independence tests for set operations.
In many cases we additionally provide dot-style operations (e.g., LinearIndependent.union
) to
make the linear independence tests usable as hv.insert ha
We also prove that, when working over a division ring, any family of vectors includes a linear independent subfamily spanning the same subspace.
Implementation notes #
We use families instead of sets because it allows us to say that two identical vectors are linearly dependent.
If you want to reason about linear independence of the of a subfamily of
an indexed family v : ι → M
of vectors corresponding to a set s : Set ι
then use LinearIndepOn R v s
If s : Set M
is instead an explicit set of vectors, then use LinearIndepOn R id s
The lemmas LinearIndepOn.linearIndependent
and linearIndepOn_id_range_iff
connect those two worlds.
Rework proofs to hold in semirings, by avoiding the path through
ker (Finsupp.linearCombination R v) = ⊥
Tags #
linearly dependent, linear dependence, linearly independent, linear independence
LinearIndependent R v
states the family of vectors v
is linearly independent over R
Instances For
Delaborator for LinearIndependent
that suggests pretty printing with type hints
in case the family of vectors is over a Set
Type hints look like LinearIndependent fun (v : ↑s) => ↑v
or LinearIndependent (ι := ↑s) f
depending on whether the family is a lambda expression or not.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
LinearIndepOn R v s
states that the vectors in the family v
that are indexed
by the elements of s
are linearly independent over R
- LinearIndepOn R v s = LinearIndependent R fun (x : ↑s) => v ↑x
Instances For
Alias of the forward direction of linearIndependent_iff_injective_linearCombination
Alias of linearIndependent_set_coe_iff
A subfamily of a linearly independent family (i.e., a composition with an injective map) is a linearly independent family.
A set of linearly independent vectors in a module M
over a semiring K
is also linearly
independent over a subring R
of K
The implementation uses minimal assumptions about the relationship between R
, K
and M
The version where K
is an R
-algebra is LinearIndependent.restrict_scalars_algebras
TODO : LinearIndepOn
Alias of the forward direction of linearIndependent_iff_injective_linearCombination
Alias of the forward direction of linearIndependent_iff_injective_linearCombination
A finite family of vectors v i
is linear independent iff the linear map that sends
c : ι → R
to ∑ i, c i • v i
is injective.
A family is linearly independent if and only if all of its finite subfamily is linearly independent.
If v
is an injective family of vectors such that f ∘ v
is linearly independent, then v
spans a submodule disjoint from the kernel of f
TODO : LinearIndepOn
If M / R
and M' / R'
are modules, i : R' → R
is a map, j : M →+ M'
is a monoid map,
such that they are both injective, and compatible with the scalar
multiplications on M
and M'
, then j
sends linearly independent families of vectors to
linearly independent families of vectors. As a special case, taking R = R'
it is LinearIndependent.map_injOn
TODO : LinearIndepOn
If M / R
and M' / R'
are modules, i : R → R'
is a surjective map,
and j : M →+ M'
is an injective monoid map, such that the scalar multiplications
on M
and M'
are compatible, then j
sends linearly independent families
of vectors to linearly independent families of vectors. As a special case, taking R = R'
it is LinearIndependent.map_injOn
TODO : LinearIndepOn
If the image of a family of vectors under a linear map is linearly independent, then so is the original family.
If f
is a linear map injective on the span of the range of v
, then the family f ∘ v
is linearly independent if and only if the family v
is linearly independent.
See LinearMap.linearIndependent_iff_of_disjoint
for the version with Set.InjOn
by Disjoint
when working over a ring.
If a linear map is injective on the span of a family of linearly independent vectors, then
the family stays linearly independent after composing with the linear map.
for the version with Set.InjOn
replaced by Disjoint
when working over a ring.
Alias of the reverse direction of linearIndepOn_univ
Alias of linearIndepOn_iff_image
Alias of the forward direction of linearIndepOn_range_iff
Alias of the forward direction of linearIndepOn_id_range_iff
Alias of linearIndepOn_id_range_iff
Alias of the forward direction of linearIndepOn_id_range_iff
Alias of the forward direction of linearIndepOn_id_range_iff
Alias of LinearIndependent.linearIndepOn_id
Alias of LinearIndependent.linearIndepOn_id
A version of LinearIndependent.linearIndepOn_id
with the set range equality as a hypothesis.
Alias of LinearIndependent.linearIndepOn_id'
A version of LinearIndependent.linearIndepOn_id
with the set range equality as a hypothesis.
Alias of LinearIndepOn.comp_of_image
Alias of LinearIndepOn.image_of_comp
Alias of LinearIndepOn.id_image
Every finite subset of a linearly independent set is linearly independent.
Alias of linearIndepOn_iffₛ
An indexed set of vectors is linearly dependent iff there are two distinct
s of the vectors with the same value.
Alias of linearDepOn_iff'ₛ
An indexed set of vectors is linearly dependent iff there are two distinct
s of the vectors with the same value.
A version of linearDepOn_iff'ₛ
with Finsupp.linearCombination
Alias of linearDepOn_iffₛ
A version of linearDepOn_iff'ₛ
with Finsupp.linearCombination
Alias of linearIndepOn_iffₛ
Alias of LinearIndepOn.linearIndependent_restrict
Alias of linearIndepOn_iff_linearCombinationOnₛ
Alias of LinearIndepOn.mono
Alias of linearIndepOn_of_finite
Alias of linearIndepOn_iUnion_of_directed
Alias of linearIndepOn_sUnion_of_directed
Alias of linearIndepOn_biUnion_of_directed
Linear independent families are injective, even if you multiply either side.
The following lemmas use the subtype defined by a set in M
as the index set ι
Alias of LinearIndependent.linearCombination_ne_of_not_mem_support
Canonical isomorphism between linear combinations and the span of linearly independent vectors.
- hv.linearCombinationEquiv = LinearEquiv.ofBijective (LinearMap.codRestrict (Submodule.span R (Set.range v)) (Finsupp.linearCombination R v) ⋯) ⋯
Instances For
Alias of LinearIndependent.linearCombinationEquiv
Canonical isomorphism between linear combinations and the span of linearly independent vectors.
Instances For
Alias of LinearIndependent.linearCombinationEquiv_apply_coe
Linear combination representing a vector in the span of linearly independent vectors.
Given a family of linearly independent vectors, we can represent any vector in their span as
a linear combination of these vectors. These are provided by this linear map.
It is simply one direction of LinearIndependent.linearCombinationEquiv
- hv.repr = ↑hv.linearCombinationEquiv.symm
Instances For
Alias of LinearIndependent.linearCombination_repr
See also iSupIndep_iff_linearIndependent_of_ne_zero
Alias of LinearIndependent.iSupIndep_span_singleton
See also iSupIndep_iff_linearIndependent_of_ne_zero
Alias of LinearIndepOn.id_imageₛ
A linearly independent family is maximal if there is no strictly larger linearly independent family.
- _i.Maximal = ∀ (s : Set M), LinearIndependent R Subtype.val → Set.range v ≤ s → Set.range v = s
Instances For
An alternative characterization of a maximal linearly independent family,
quantifying over types (in the same universe as M
) into which the indexing family injects.
TODO : refactor to use Maximal
Alias of exists_maximal_linearIndepOn'
TODO : refactor to use Maximal
Alias of eq_of_linearIndepOn_id_of_span_subtype
A finite family of vectors v i
is linear independent iff the linear map that sends
c : ι → R
to ∑ i, c i • v i
has the trivial kernel.
Also see LinearIndependent.pair_iff'
for a simpler version over fields.
If the kernel of a linear map is disjoint from the span of a family of vectors, then the family is linearly independent iff it is linearly independent after composing with the linear map.
If ∑ i, f i • v i = ∑ i, g i • v i
, then for all i
, f i = g i
If v
is a linearly independent family of vectors and the kernel of a linear map f
disjoint with the submodule spanned by the vectors of v
, then f ∘ v
is a linearly independent
family of vectors. See also'
for a special case assuming ker f = ⊥
An injective linear map sends linearly independent families of vectors to linearly independent
families of vectors. See also
for a more general statement.
If M / R
and M' / R'
are modules, i : R' → R
is a map, j : M →+ M'
is a monoid map,
such that they send non-zero elements to non-zero elements, and compatible with the scalar
multiplications on M
and M'
, then j
sends linearly independent families of vectors to
linearly independent families of vectors. As a special case, taking R = R'
it is'
If M / R
and M' / R'
are modules, i : R → R'
is a surjective map which maps zero to zero,
j : M →+ M'
is a monoid map which sends non-zero elements to non-zero elements, such that the
scalar multiplications on M
and M'
are compatible, then j
sends linearly independent families
of vectors to linearly independent families of vectors. As a special case, taking R = R'
it is'
If f
is an injective linear map, then the family f ∘ v
is linearly independent
if and only if the family v
is linearly independent.
See LinearIndependent.fin_cons
for a family of elements in a vector space.
The following give equivalent versions of LinearIndepOn
and its negation.
Alias of linearIndepOn_iff
Alias of linearIndepOn_iff
An indexed set of vectors is linearly dependent iff there is a nontrivial
of the vectors that is zero.
Alias of linearDepOn_iff'
An indexed set of vectors is linearly dependent iff there is a nontrivial
of the vectors that is zero.
A version of linearDepOn_iff'
with Finsupp.linearCombination
Alias of linearDepOn_iff
A version of linearDepOn_iff'
with Finsupp.linearCombination
Alias of linearIndepOn_iff_disjoint
Alias of linearIndepOn_iff_disjoint
Alias of linearIndepOn_iff_linearCombinationOn
Alias of linearIndepOn_iff_linearCombinationOn
If two vectors x
and y
are linearly independent, so are their linear combinations
a x + b y
and c x + d y
provided the determinant a * d - b * c
is nonzero.
Alias of LinearIndepOn.id_union
Alias of linearIndepOn_id_iUnion_finite
Alias of exists_maximal_linearIndepOn
Alias of LinearIndepOn.image
Dedekind's linear independence of characters
Alias of the reverse direction of linearIndependent_unique_iff
Alias of LinearIndepOn.id_singleton
Properties which require DivisionRing K
These can be considered generalizations of properties of linear independence in vector spaces.
Alias of LinearIndepOn.insert
Alias of linearIndepOn_insert
Alias of linearIndepOn_insert
Alias of linearIndepOn_id_pair
Also see LinearIndependent.pair_iff
for the version over arbitrary rings.
See LinearIndependent.fin_cons'
for an uglier version that works if you
only have a module over a semiring.
Equivalence between k + 1
vectors of length n
and k
vectors of length n
along with a
vector in the complement of their span.
- One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For
TODO : generalize this and related results to non-identity functions
Alias of exists_linearIndepOn_id_extension
TODO : generalize this and related results to non-identity functions
Indexed version of exists_linearIndependent
adds vectors to a linear independent set s ⊆ t
until it spans
all elements of t
TODO - generalize the lemmas below to functions that aren't the identity.
- hs.extend hst = Classical.choose ⋯
Instances For
Alias of LinearIndepOn.extend
adds vectors to a linear independent set s ⊆ t
until it spans
all elements of t
TODO - generalize the lemmas below to functions that aren't the identity.
Instances For
Alias of LinearIndepOn.extend_subset
Alias of LinearIndepOn.subset_extend
Alias of LinearIndepOn.subset_span_extend
Alias of LinearIndepOn.span_extend_eq_span
Alias of LinearIndepOn.linearIndepOn_extend
Alias of exists_of_linearIndepOn_of_finite_span