Nondegeneracy of the polarization on a finite root pairing #
We show that if the base ring of a finite root pairing is linearly ordered, then the canonical
bilinear form is root-positive and positive-definite on the span of roots.
From these facts, it is easy to show that Coxeter weights in a finite root pairing are bounded
above by 4. Thus, the pairings of roots and coroots in a root pairing are restricted to the
interval [-4, 4]
. Furthermore, a linearly independent pair of roots cannot have Coxeter weight 4.
For the case of crystallographic root pairings, we are thus reduced to a finite set of possible
options for each pair.
Another application is to the faithfulness of the Weyl group action on roots, and finiteness of the
Weyl group.
Main results: #
: We say a finite root pairing is anisotropic if there are no roots / coroots which have length zero wrt the root / coroot forms.RootPairing.rootForm_pos_of_nonzero
is strictly positive on non-zero linear combinations of roots. This gives us a convenient way to eliminate certain Dynkin diagrams from the classification, since it suffices to produce a nonzero linear combination of simple roots with non-positive norm.RootPairing.rootForm_restrict_nondegenerate_of_ordered
: The root form is non-degenerate if the coefficients are ordered.RootPairing.rootForm_restrict_nondegenerate_of_isAnisotropic
: the root form is non-degenerate if the coefficients are a field and the pairing is crystallographic.
References: #
- N. Bourbaki, Lie groups and Lie algebras. Chapters 4--6
- M. Demazure, SGA III, Exposé XXI, Données Radicielles
Todo #
- Weyl-invariance of
- Faithfulness of Weyl group perm action, and finiteness of Weyl group, over ordered rings.
- Relation to Coxeter weight.
We say a finite root pairing is anisotropic if there are no roots / coroots which have length zero wrt the root / coroot forms.
Examples include crystallographic pairings in characteristic zero
and pairings over ordered scalars.
See also RootPairing.rootForm_restrict_nondegenerate_of_ordered
Note that this applies to crystallographic root systems in characteristic zero via
See also RootPairing.rootForm_restrict_nondegenerate_of_isAnisotropic