

Fundamental Cone: set of elements of norm ≤ 1 #

In this file, we study the subset NormLeOne of the fundamentalCone of elements x with mixedEmbedding.norm x ≤ 1.

Mainly, we prove that this is bounded, its frontier has volume zero and compute its volume.

Strategy of proof #

The proof is loosely based on the strategy given in D. Marcus, Number Fields.

  1. since NormLeOne K is norm-stable, in the sense that normLeOne K = normAtAllPlaces⁻¹' (normAtAllPlaces '' (normLeOne K)), see normLeOne_eq_primeage_image, it's enough to study the subset normAtAllPlaces '' (normLeOne K) of realSpace K.

  2. A description of normAtAllPlaces '' (normLeOne K) is given by normAtAllPlaces_normLeOne, it is the set of x : realSpace K, nonnegative at all places, whose norm is nonzero and ≤ 1 and such that logMap x is in the fundamentalDomain of basisUnitLattice K. Note that, here and elsewhere, we identify x with its image in mixedSpace K given by mixedSpaceOfRealSpace x.

  3. In order to describe the inverse image in realSpace K of the fundamentalDomain of basisUnitLattice K, we define the map expMap : realSpace K → realSpace K that is, in some way, the right inverse of logMap, see logMap_expMap.

  4. Denote by ηᵢ (with i ≠ w₀ where w₀ is the distinguished infinite place, see the description of logSpace below) the fundamental system of units given by fundSystem and let |ηᵢ| denote normAtAllPlaces (mixedEmbedding ηᵢ)), that is the vector (w (ηᵢ))_w in realSpace K. Then, the image of |ηᵢ| by expMap.symm form a basis of the subspace {x : realSpace K | ∑ w, x w = 0}. We complete by adding the vector (mult w)_w to get a basis, called completeBasis, of realSpace K. The basis completeBasis K has the property that, for i ≠ w₀, the image of completeBasis K i by the natural restriction map realSpace K → logSpace K is basisUnitLattice K.

  5. At this point, we can construct the map expMapBasis that plays a crucial part in the proof. It is the map that sends x : realSpace K to Real.exp (x w₀) * ∏_{i ≠ w₀} |ηᵢ| ^ x i, see expMapBasis_apply'. Then, we prove a change of variable formula for expMapBasis, see setLIntegral_expMapBasis_image.

Spaces and maps #

To help understand the proof, we make a list of (almost) all the spaces and maps used and their connections (as hinted above, we do not mention the map mixedSpaceOfRealSpace since we identify realSpace K with its image in mixedSpace K).

The component of expMap at the place w.

  • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
Instances For

    The map from realSpace K → realSpace K whose components is given by expMap_single. It is, in some respect, a right inverse of logMap, see logMap_expMap.

    Instances For
      theorem NumberField.mixedEmbedding.fundamentalCone.expMap_sum {K : Type u_1} [Field K] [NumberField K] {ι : Type u_2} (s : Finset ι) (f : ιrealSpace K) :
      expMap (∑ is, f i) = is, expMap (f i)
      @[reducible, inline]

      The derivative of expMap, see hasFDerivAt_expMap.

      • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
      Instances For

        A family of elements in the realSpace K formed of the image of the fundamental units and the vector (mult w)_w. This family is in fact a basis of realSpace K, see completeBasis.

        • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
        Instances For

          An auxiliary map from realSpace K to logSpace K used to prove that completeFamily is linearly independent, see linearIndependent_completeFamily.

          • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
          Instances For

            A basis of realSpace K formed by the image of the fundamental units (which form a basis of a subspace {x : realSpace K | ∑ w, x w = 0}) and the vector (mult w)_w. For i ≠ w₀, the image of completeBasis K i by the natural restriction map realSpace K → logSpace K is basisUnitLattice K

            Instances For

              The map that sends x : realSpace K to Real.exp (x w₀) * ∏_{i ≠ w₀} |ηᵢ| ^ x i where |ηᵢ| denote the vector of realSpace K given by w (ηᵢ) and ηᵢ denote the units in fundSystem K, see expMapBasis_apply'.

              • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
              Instances For
                @[reducible, inline]

                The derivative of expMapBasis, see hasFDerivAt_expMapBasis.

                • One or more equations did not get rendered due to their size.
                Instances For