Finite modules over local rings #
This file gathers various results about finite modules over a local ring (R, 𝔪, k)
Main results #
: IfM
is finitely generated,k ⊗ M = 0 ↔ M = 0
: IfM
is a finitely presented module such thatm ⊗ M → M
is injective (for example whenM
is flat), thenM
is free.Module.free_of_lTensor_residueField_injective
: IfN → M → P → 0
is a presentation ofP
finite andM
finite free, then injectivity ofk ⊗ N → k ⊗ M
implies thatP
is free.IsLocalRing.split_injective_iff_lTensor_residueField_injective
: Given anR
-linear mapl : M → N
finite andN
finite free,l
is a split injection if and only ifk ⊗ l
is a (split) injection.
Alias of IsLocalRing.map_mkQ_eq
Alias of IsLocalRing.map_mkQ_eq_top
Alias of IsLocalRing.map_tensorProduct_mk_eq_top
Alias of IsLocalRing.subsingleton_tensorProduct
Alias of IsLocalRing.span_eq_top_of_tmul_eq_basis
Given M₁ → M₂ → M₃ → 0
and N₁ → N₂ → N₃ → 0
if M₁ ⊗ N₃ → M₂ ⊗ N₃
and M₂ ⊗ N₁ → M₂ ⊗ N₂
are both injective,
then M₃ ⊗ N₁ → M₃ ⊗ N₂
is also injective.
If M
is of finite presentation over a local ring (R, 𝔪, k)
such that
𝔪 ⊗ M → M
is injective, then every family of elements that is a k
-basis of
k ⊗ M
is an R
-basis of M
If M
is a finitely presented module over a local ring (R, 𝔪)
such that m ⊗ M → M
injective, then every generating family contains a basis.
If M
is a finitely presented module over a local ring (R, 𝔪)
such that m ⊗ M → M
injective, then M
is free.
Alias of Module.free_of_flat_of_isLocalRing
If M → N → P → 0
is a presentation of P
over a local ring (R, 𝔪, k)
finite and N
finite free, then injectivity of k ⊗ M → k ⊗ N
implies that P
is free.
Given a linear map l : M → N
over a local ring (R, 𝔪, k)
with M
finite and N
finite free,
is a split injection if and only if k ⊗ l
is a (split) injection.
Alias of IsLocalRing.split_injective_iff_lTensor_residueField_injective
Given a linear map l : M → N
over a local ring (R, 𝔪, k)
with M
finite and N
finite free,
is a split injection if and only if k ⊗ l
is a (split) injection.